GB/T 18442.1-2019 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT 18442.1-2019, GB/T18442.1-2019, GBT18442.1-2019): Static vacuum insulated cryogenic pressure vessels - Part 1: General requirements [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]

Portada, 12 de juny 2020 - 13 pàgines
This Part of GB/T 18442 specifies the basic requirements for static vacuum insulated cryogenic pressure vessels (hereinafter referred to as "cryogenic vessels"). The cryogenic vessels specified in GB/T 18442 include tanks, pipelines, safety accessories, instruments, loading-unloading accessories, supports, pressure build coils, and carburetors, etc.

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Sobre l'autor (2020) specializes in providing translation services of all Chinese Standards.

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