A.77177 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1808, BY CARLTON & LANAHAN, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New-York. TO THE MEMBERS OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. DEARLY BELOVED BRETHREN,-We think it expedient to give you a brief account of the rise of Methodism, both in Europe and America. "In 1729 two young men in England, reading the Bible, saw they could not be saved without holiness: followed after it, and incited others so to do. In 1737 they saw, likewise, that men are justified before they are sanctified: but still holiness was their object. God then thrust them out to raise a holy people." In the year 1766, Philip Embury, a Local Preacher of our society from Ireland, began to preach in the city *These are the words of the Messrs. Wesley hemselves. |