Imatges de pàgina

of the guides who would procure water. Several went off, and after a delay of another painful hour they returned with some brackish water, which the children were glad to drink.

After a wearisome day's journey, we arrived at Ramleh, where we found a kind reception at the Armenian Convent, to whose superior I had been recommended by the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem.

The next day we went on to Jaffa, where we were again kindly received at the Armenian Convent, after I had produced my letter of recommendation from the kind Patriarch of Jerusalem.

I had not been long at Jaffa when the Iberia arrived. The passengers were put on shore. I went to meet them, to inquire whether I could be of any service. The first gentleman whom I met was Mr. B——, who was all anxiety to go at once to Jerusalem, which he much longed to see. Poor gentleman! neither he nor I did then imagine that his earthly course would soon be at an end.

Among the passengers was Mr. Denison, M.P., with his family, who, after I had made him acquainted with my circumstances, kindly gave me a letter to Mr. Lewis, Captain of the Iberia.

The Captain promised to do all he could to accommodate me with my family; and, as soon as the passengers returned from Jerusalem, we embarked for Alexandria. One of the passengers, Mr. P—, was left dangerously sick of the fever at Jerusalem. Providentially he was attended by Dr. Macgowan: the Lord blessed the means employed for his recovery, and he was restored again to his anxious parents. I was too much taken up on board with my young family to be able to have much intercourse with the rest of the passengers, yet it was evident that some had been much benefitted by their visit to Jerusalem. Some gentlemen of our party commenced reading the Bible with more seriousness than they had ever done before.

With these gentlemen I was privileged to converse occasionally on the grand topics of man's salvation.

In thirty-six hours the Iberia brought us to Alexandria, from whence the passengers went up the Nile to visit Cairo, for which trip ten days were allowed. I waited here for their return.

Mehemet Ali, the Pasha of Egypt, has recently done much for Alexandria. In the European quarter of that town, there is a square which may vie with any in Europe. The European Consuls and merchants reside there. Only one building yet remains to be erected to finish the square, and that building is the English Church. Mehemet Ali had granted the ground to build an English Church in this square, believing that this edifice would be the first to adorn it ; but, alas! Consulate after Consulate, and one mercantile establishment after the other was reared, two hotels to satisfy the temporal wants of the weary traveller from west to east sprung up; but the house of God in which the pilgrim is to be cheered on his way to heaven has not yet had its foundation stone laid.

It is a reflection upon the Church and nation of England to leave undone a work of such great importance. Mr. Winder, the English chaplain at Alexandria, has Divine service on the Lord's-day in some back street, in a kind of room fitted up for that purpose; and whilst the Roman Catholics establish schools, build convents and churches, and have a large number of their clergy here, the Protestants have withdrawn all their Missionaries, and Mr. Winder is the only Protestant minister of the Gospel at this important place.

The Jews, who are numerous here, at Cairo, and other places in Egypt, are entirely neglected. No mission to them has as yet been established. I had some intercourse with them, and found that they were willing to listen. Would that those Societies which have Israel's spiritual welfare at heart, directed their attention to those countries where no Mission to the Jews has ever been estab

lished; they would not then send their labourers to places where for years other Societies have had their Missionaries.

One day, whilst walking about in Alexandria, I was struck with the following notice, which was put up in several conspicuous places in the European quarter :"The Austrian Packet N. N., Captain N- will

henceforth run between this port and Beyrout. Passage-money fifteen dollars. Ecclesiastics pay half price." I thought why should not the English Steam Navigation Company follow so bright an example? why should not they offer to take out Missionaries to their various stations for half price? During my short stay at Alexandria, three Missionary families passed through it-Mr. and Mrs. Isenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Mühleisen, Mr. and Mrs. Weitbrecht-all going to India, and myself. I have had this subject on my mind and on my conscience ever since. I have often mentioned the fact, whilst travelling about in this country; but it was never my privilege to meet any of the influential gentlemen of this Company, and I mention it therefore here publicly with the hope that it may reach those who have the power and the will to consider the subject. Certainly they would be no losers, and the gain to the Christian charitable Societies would be very considerable.

After our passengers had returned from Cairo we embarked again on board the Iberia to proceed to Malta. The doctor of the vessel, Mr. W., was left behind at Alexandria dangerously ill of the fever, which a short time after terminated his earthly career. The poor young gentleman thought because he was born and educated at Malta, that an Egyptian climate could not be dangerous to him. He exposed himself too much to the sun, which brought on the fever and proved fatal to him. When I was again arranged in my cabin on board the Iberia, I looked round to find out my former travelling companions. Some had left.

I saw again Mr. B——, who was complaining of not being so well; however, he remained the whole of the day on deck, the weather being fine; the following day I learned he was worse, but the morning after being the Lord's-day I met him again on deck with his prayer-book, which he was reading.

I said, "I trust you are better, Sir." "I hope I am," was his reply.

The next day we anchored before Malta, when poor Mr. B-- was taken on shore into the Lazaretto quite senseless, where he soon afterwards expired. Lord, so teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto that wisdom which is able to make us wise unto eternal salvation!

The captain and all the passengers on board went on shore to be present when the body of the deceased was taken to the silent chamber appointed for all living.

At Malta, to my great regret, we changed steamers. The Montrose coming from Constantinople was to take us on to England. I was extremely sorry, for nothing could exceed the kindness and sympathy of Captain Lewis of the Iberia, and in fact of every passenger on board. I found, however, in the captain of the Montrose, a kind hearted and pious gentleman, who was himself the father of a family, and could therefore feel for me. He did all he could to make me, with my family, comfortable. The Lord is merciful, and we thus reached in safety the shores of England, and I brought my little family in perfect health to their dear maternal grandparents, who have kindly undertaken to take charge of them for the present.

I shall soon set out again for the Holy City. May the prayers of the faithful follow me!

Soon after my return, the following Memorial was presented to Lord Aberdeen, in behalf of the Church and Mission there :

"The Memorial of the undersigned members and friends of the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, to the Right Honourable the Earl of Aberdeen, K. T., &c., &c., &c., Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,


"That it is with feelings of painful regret, that this Society is compelled to address your Lordship upon a subject deeply affecting the well-being of the Church of England in the East, as well as her honour and dignity before the Oriental Churches, and in the eyes of Europe. That this Society was established in 1809, for the purpose of spreading the Gospel amongst the Jewish people; that it is a Society composed of many thousand persons, with nearly one thousand Auxiliary Societies in Her Majesty's dominions; that its funds amount to 26,000l. per annum; that his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury is Patron, and most of the Bishops of the Church of England and Ireland, as well as a large number of Peers and Members of Parliament, Vice-Patrons and Vice-Presidents. So long ago as in the year 1820, the Society commenced a Mission at Jerusalem, which has been invariably conducted with the strictest deference and obedience to the existing Government of the country, and continued, amidst many trials and difficulties incident to the undertaking, to enjoy unmolested, both under the Ottoman and Egyptian Governments, for many years, the privilege of endeavouring to promote the spiritual and temporal welfare of God's ancient people in that Holy City. In the year 1837, the Society, in order to give greater stability and permanency to the Mission, appointed at its head a clergyman specially ordained for that office. by the Lord Bishop of London, and associated with him a medical gentleman, whose professional services for the relief both of the suffering Jews and the inhabitants generally, led to an increased intercourse and

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