amounting to about £35. The event here recorded, is one to which the friends of truth must advert with the most lively interest. A very few years ago the profession of Unitarian principles, in a population of 50,000 souls, was confined to one or two individuals. In the chapel now erected upwards of seventy persons and families have taken sittings, and an opportunity will be afforded to many an one of hearing and judging for himself. What has already been done lays a foundatiou for gratitude and hope, and furnishes a claim to the liberality of the Unitarian public, which, we trust, for the sake of truth and piety, will not pass unregarded. N. J. Quarterly Meeting, Manchester. THE Quarterly Meeting of Ministers, usually denominated Presbyterian, was held in Cross-street Chapel, Manchester, on Wednesday, December 24th. The devotional part of the service was conducted by the Rev. John Gaskell, of Dukinfield; and the Rev. Johu James Tayler, of Manchester, preached from Rom. i. 16. After service, the Annual Meeting of the Lancashire and Cheshire Unitarian Book and Tract Society took place in the Crossstreet Chapel Room. The ministers of the Quarterly Meeting, and a few laygentlemen, afterwards dined together, and spent the day in a very friendly and agreeable manner. Unitarianism in Ayrshire. (See p. 122.) Two Sermons were preached on Friday the 7th of November, at Old Cumnock in Ayrshire, after the service of dedication, by Mr. Mardon, of Glasgow. The first discourse, from Matt. xviii. 3: "And Jesus called a little child unto him," &c. The evening discourse, on the want of Scriptural Evidence for the Doctrine of the Trinity, was listened to with profound attention, by more than a hundred men. The late clergyman of this parish, was what Bishop Watson called "an esteemed Socinian;" the present is an avowed Orthodox minister. The father of the child recommended to the Divine blessing on this occasion, was for many years in the East Indies, where he had ample opportunities of witnessing the debasing influence of heathen idolatry; his attention has been lately. directed to Unitarianism, and being.convinced of its truth, he is laudably anxious to hold fast the purest religion, in its purest form. Judicious Unitarian Tracts are much required for this place, and for many others in the West of Scotland. Β. Μ.. THE "Lancashire and Cheshire Unitarian Missionary Society" has just published an interesting report of its proceed ings. The Society has been in existence and operation little more than a year, and the following places have been already supplied, by their preachers, regularly or occasionally: Middleton, Swinton and Irlams, Astley, Leigh, Blackburn and the neighbourhood, Wigan, Oldham, Hol linwood and Todmorden. Two congregations, Park Lane and Hindley, were supplied by the Society, while they were without regular ministers. At several bished places, Sunday-schools have been established, two of which contain about one hundred scholars each. Some libraries have been also formed and in one or two of the congregations class-meetings have been held for religious conversation. and reading. 1 In the Press, and to be published by subscription, a volume of Sermons, selected from the manuscripts of the late Rev. Dr. Boog, Minister of the Abbey Church, Paisley. Some account of the excellent, and learned author will be prefixed by Professor Mylne. To be neatly printed in 8vo. price 12s. boards. 1 NEW PUBLICATIONS IN THEOLOGY AND GENERAL LITERATURE. An Essay on the Nature and Design of Scripture Sacrifices: in which the Theory of Archbishop Magee is controverted. By the late James Nicol, Miuister of the Parish of Traquair, near Peebles. 8vo. 12s. The Doctrines of General Redemption, 1, as held by the Church of England and by the early Dutch Arminians, exhibited in their Scriptural Evidence, and in their Connection with the Civil and Religious Liberties of Mankind. By James Nichols. 8vo. 168. Dissenting Registers of Births, Marriages and Burials, examined as Documents of Evidence. By A Barrister. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Antichrist detected among Reputed Orthodox Christians. In a Series of Essays. By Richard Wright. 8vo. 4d. Private Correspondence of the late W. Cowper, Esq., with several of his most intimate Friends: From the Originals, in possession of the Editor, the Rev. Dr. Johnson, Rector of Yaxham with Welborne, Norfolk. 2 Vols. 8vo, Portraits of Cowper and Mrs. Unwin. Observations on the History and Doctrine of Christianity, and, as historically connected, on the Primeval Religion, on the Judaic and on the Heathen, Public, Mystical and Philosophical: the latter proposed as an Appendix to the Political and Military History of Greece. By W. Mitford, Esq. 98. The Christian Philosopher; or, the Connexion of Science with Religion. 'Thomas Dick. 12mo. 78. By Thoughts on Final Universal Restoration. By C. Baring, Esq. 12mo. 2s. Lives of Learned and Eminent Men, taken from Authentic Sources, adapted to the Use of Children of Four Years Old and Upwards. Portraits. 2 Vols. 18mo. 58. Memoirs of the Reign of George III. from the Treaty of Amiens, 1802, to the Termination of the Regency, 1820. By William Belsham. 2 Vols. 8vo. (forming the 9th and 10th Volumes of the Memoirs of George III., and the 13th and 14th Volumes of the History of Great Britain.) 11. 18. Sacred Dissertations on the Apostles' Creed. By Herman Witsius, D. D. Translated from the Latin, and followed with Notes, Critical and Explanatory. By Donald Frazer, Minister of the Gospel, Kennoway. 2 Vols. 8vo. 11. 2s. Sabæan Researches, in a Series of Essays, addressed to distinguished Antiquaries, and including the Substance of a Course of Lectures, delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, on the Engraved Hieroglyphics of Chaldea, Egypt and Canaan. By John Landseer, F.S. A., &c., Illustrated with Engravings of Babylonian Cylinders, and other inedited Monuments of Antiquity. 4to. 21. 128. 6d. The Atlas of Nature, being a Collec tion of large and curious Engravings, representing every remarkable Object and Phenomenon in the various Departments of Natural Knowledge; designed to serve the same purposes in the Study of Nature, as are served by an Atlas of Maps in the Study of Geography. The whole consists of nearly 100 Half-sheets of En gravings, and includes about 1500 several Subjects, some of them of a large size, and many of them accurately coloured after Nature. Copious Letter-press Descriptions are also introduced. 21. 108. in Boards, or 21. 128. 6d. Half-bound. Elements of Experimental Chemistry. By William Henry, M. D. F.R. S., &c, The Ninth Edition, enlarged and recomposed throughout. Illustrated with Tей Plates by Lowry, and numerous Woodcuts. 2 Vols. 8vo. 11. 148. The Art of Preserving the Sight unimpaired to extreme Old Age, and of re-establishing and strengthening it when it becomes weak: with Observations on the Inconveniences and Dangers arising from the Use of Common Spectacles, &c. &c. By an Experienced Oculist. Fifth Edition, improved, 5s. 6d. A Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees. By Charles Harrison, F. H. S. London, Gardener to J. A. Stuart Wortley, Esq., M. Ρ. 8νο. 128. Professor Sandford's Junior Greek Class Book: Extracts from various Greek Authors, with Notes and a Lexicon. 8vo. 6s. bound. Philosophical Essays, selected from the Originals, printed in the Philosophical Journals. To which are added Essays, not before printed. By Ezekiel Walker. 8vo. Copper-plates. 10s. 6d... Statements in regard to the Pauperism of Glasgow, from the Experience of the last Eight Years. By Thomas Chalmers, D. D. 8vo. 28. A Letter to Lord Grenville, on the late Expulsion of Mr. Baillie from Christ Church, Oxford. 18. A Sketch of a proposed Universal System of Weights and Measures; to which is added an Appendix, containing a Brief Sketch of a proposed Universal Calendar. 1s. Travels through Part of the United States and Canada, in 1818 and 1819. By John M. Duncan, A. B. 2 Vols. post 8vo. 168. Travels through Sweden, Norway and Finmark, to the North Cape, in the Summer of 1820. By Arthur de Capell Brooke, Esq., F.R.S. Thirty-three Plates. 21. 10s. Northern Scenery: the most Remarkable and Striking Features of Sweden, Norway and Lapland: India Paper. 158. The Costume of Sweden, in imperial 4to., illustrated by 22 beautifully coloured Plates. 31. 38. Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa. By W. J. Burchell, Esq. 4to. Vol. II. Map and 116 coloured and black Engravings. 47. 14s. 6d. The Last Days of Spain; or, an His. torical Sketch of the Measures taken by the Continental Powers, in order to destroy the Spanish Constitution. By An Eye Witness. 8vo. 38. London and Paris; or, Comparative Sketches. By the Marquess de Vermont and Sir Charles Darnley, Bart. 8vo. 98. Specimens of British Poetry, chiefly selected from Authors of High Celebrity, and interspersed with Original Writings. By Elizabeth Scott. 8vo. 10s. Sonnets, Original and Translated. By the late Charles Johnston, Esq., of Danson, Kent. Crown 8vo. 9s. Ed. Faust, a Drama, translated from the German of Goëthe. By Lord Francis Leveson Gower. 8vo. 128. 38. The Vespers of Palermo, a Tragedy. Catus Gracchus, a Tragedy; as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. By James Sheridan Knowles, Esq. Author of Virginius. 3s. 6d. Clara Chester; a Poem. By the Author of "Rome," and "The Vale of Chamouni." Post 8vo. 7s. 6d. Salmagundi; or, The Whig-Whams and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq. By the Author of the Sketch Book. 8vo. 7s. 6d. Percy Mallory. By the Author of Pen Owen. 3 Vols. Post 8vo. 11. 108. Charlton, or Scenes in the North of Ireland. By John Gamble, Author of Irish Sketches, &c. 3 Vols. 188. Illustrations, Historical, Biographical and Miscellaneous, of the Novels by the Author of Waverley, with Criticisms General and Particular. By Richard Warner, Rector of Great Chalfield, Wilts. 12mo. Ss. The Koromantyn Slaves, or West Indian Sketches. By the Author of "The Solace of an Invalid." Foolscap 8vo. 58. 6d. Miracles; a Rhapsody. By E. Barton. 25. 6d. A Complete Exposure of the late Irish Miracles, being a disquisition on the Nature, Object, and Evidence of Christian Miracles, as opposed to the late imposture, in a Letter to Dr. Murray, Titular Archbishop of Dublin. To which are prefixed prefatory remarks on two recent Pamphlets, the Rhapsody and the "Vindication of the Principles, Civil and Religious, of the Irish Catholics." By a Rational Christian. 2nd Edition. 2s. 6d. An Attempt to explain, on natural principles, the Cures, alleged to be mi raculous, of Miss Lalor and Mrs. Stewart. With an Appendix, containing Cases and Illustrations. By a Physician. 2nd Edition. 18. VOL. XVIII, 5 в A Brief Outline of an Examination of the Song of Solomon, &c., in which the most important Passages are diligently traced to their Hebrew Origin, and illustrated by Remarks Critical and Expository. By William Davidson, Esq. 8vo. 128. Mental Discipline; or, Hints on the Cultivation of Intellectual and Moral Habits, addressed to Students in Theology and Young Ministers. By H. F. Burder, M. A. Vol. II. 8vo. 45. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Observations on the Antichristian Tendency of Modern Education and on the Means of its Improvement. By Johu Campbell, of Carbrook, F. R.S.E. 2s. 6d. Letters on the Extent of the Death of Christ, in Reply to a Sabbath - School Teacher in the West of Scotland. By James Methven, Stewarton. Is. 3d. A Treatise on Religious Fasting. By E. B. Lloyd. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Miscellaneous Pieces on Sacred Subjects, in Prose and Verse. By J. Lettice, D. D., written in the 83rd and 84th Years of his Age. 8vo. 68. The Approach of the Latter Days: in Four Dissertations on the following sub jects: the Sword or War, Pestilence, Famine aud Antichrist. Reprinted from a Work published in 1713. Demy 8vo. 78. The Christian Religion made Plain, or a Dissuasive from Methodism: with an Appendix, in 3 Parts; the Ist on the Probability of Punishment being correc tive, rather than vindictive and everlasting, the 2nd on the Resurrection of the Last Day, the 3rd on the Trinity, &c. By the Rev. Richard Boucher, Rector of Bright Waltham, Berks. 8vo. • An Analogical and Popular View of the Church of the Living God, shewing that a Graduated Three-fold Priesthood is found no less under the Christian, than under the Jewish Dispensation, and that Diocesan Episcopacy is in accordance with the pattern delivered from Mount Sinai, as acted upon by our Lord and his Apostles, and their Successors, the Bishops of the Universal Church. By Thomas Pruen, Curate of Dursley, Gloucestershire. 2 vols. 8vo. 21s. Arminians Reproved and Arminianisın Refuted, in a Series of Letters to the Rev. William Lord, Wesleyan Minister at Brighton. By John Drury, Minister of the Gospel at New Shoreham, Sussex. Is. 4d. Eighteen Short Essays on Prayer, and the Ministry of the Word. By Samuel Greens, of Bluntisham. 58. The Even-Tide; being a Development of the Mysteries of Daniel and St. John. By J. A. Brown. 2 vols. 8vo. 188. Sermons. The History of Christ, a Testimony to the Sole Deity of the Father: and the Connexion between Divine and Human Philanthropy. Two, preached September 14, 1823, on the Opening of the Unitarian Chapel, Edinburgh. By W. J. Fox. 8vo. Preached in the Parish Church of St. John's, Glasgow. By Thomas Chalmers, D. D. 8vo. 108. 6d. By the late Rev. T. N. Toller, of Kettering: with a Memoir of the Author by the Rev. R. Hall, M. A., of Leicester. 8vo. 108. Discourses suited to the Administration of the Lord's Supper, agreeably to the 8vo. Vol. III. 128. A Second Series, Doctrinal and Practical, adapted to the Service of Particular Sundays. By James Aspinall, A. M., of A Monitor to Families; or Discourses on some of the Duties and Scenes of Domestic Life. By Henry Belfrage, Mi nister in Falkirk. 12mo. 78. 6d. 19, 1823. By Robert Aspland. 12mo. 18. The Creed of Unitarians identified with that of Paul: preached before the Eastern Unitarian Society, at Bury St. Edmunds, June 26, 1823. By William Selby. 12mo. A Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Merioneth. By John Jones, Μ. Α. 8vo. 28. A Charge delivered at the Primary Munster, in the Year 1823. With an shop of Cashel. 28. On the Crime of Murder, preached at the Parish Church of Enfield, Nov. 23, 1823. By D. Cresswell, D. D. F. R. S., Vicar. 18. 6d. Jesus Christ in his Divine Nature the Unchangeable God: preached at Sion The Masonic Jennerian Sermon, preached in the Cathedral of Gloucester, Aug. 19, 1823, in aid of the Subscription for Erecting a Monument in Honour of Dr. Jenner, before the Provincial Grand Lodges of the Counties of Gloucester and Hereford, and a very numerous and respectable Assemblage of the Craft. By T. D. Fosbroke, Past Provincial Grand Chaplain of the Counties of Gloucester, Hereford and Monmouth. Published for the Benefit of the Monumental Fund. 8vo. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications have been received from Messrs. Hampson; Dunn; and Duplock: from S. H. (Exeter); Clericus; G. M. D.; and Bereus. The letter of "An Original Subscriber, &c.," is put into the hands of the Editor of the work in question. 4 Several communications have been made to us on the subject of a late recautation of Unitarianism, but our sincere pity for the unhappy man whose name has been so indecently proclaimed by the Methodists to the world will not allow us to risque the possibility of disturbing his last moments by exhibiting his true character. We have received, through a bookseller, W. W.'s MS. volume. We have hitherto been able only to read a few passages, but the impression upon our mind is, that we shall be disposed to insert the Correspondence contained in it, in some successive Numbers of our next Volume. We have received from our friend and correspondent, Professor Chenevière, of Geneva, an Historical Account of the late Theological Disputes at Geneva, which will appear in a Translation in the volume which will begin with the next Number. In our next Number, the first of Vol. XIX., will be given an Engraved Portrait of RAMMOHUN Roy, the Hindoo Christian Reformer. ERRATUM. P. 626, col. 2, line 35 from the bottom, for "exacted by," read "exacted from." A GENERAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND SIGNATURES. **The Names and Signatures of Correspondents are distinguished by Small tures at Exeter, Acts xix. 5, 6, remarks on, Adams, Mr., his letter to Mr. Jeffer- Address of the Presbyterian Church Ahaz, on the sign given to, Isaiah vii. 673 383 576 40 ALBANUS on the difficulty of a purely spiritual conception of the Deity, 351 Alcester, account of the Presbyterian congregation at, on 1 Cor. vi. 2, America, on liberal publications in, American Baptists, letter from Cum- 159 56 590 360 712 American Society for the abolition of 568 228 A-N's review of Kenrick's Sermon 172 |