Imatges de pàgina

ADAIR, [James] Esq. Trader with the Indians and Refident in their country 40 Years. The history of the american indians. 1775. 4. (15 Sh.) überf. (von S. H. Ewald.) Breslau 1782. 8.

ADAIR, [James Makittrick] M. D. one of the judges of the courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas in the Island of Antigua; Phyfician to the Commander in Chief and the colonial troops of Antigua. Obfervations on regimen and preparation under inoculalation and on the treatment of the natural fmall pox in the Weft-Indies. (Duncan's M. C. Vol. 8. p. 211.) A few hints on particular articles of the Materia Medica. (Duncan's M. C. Vol. 9. p. 206. überf. Saml. f. A. Th. XI. S. 275. Medical cautions for the confideration of invalids, thofe especially who refort tho Bath 1786. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) Ed. 2. 1787. 8. (6 h.) Sketch of the natural hiftory of the human body and mind. 1787. 8. (4 fh.) überf. von C. F. Michaelis. Zittau u. Leipz. 1788. 8. Cafe of inflammatory conftipation of the bowels fuccefffully treated. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 2.) Unanswerable objections against the abolition of the Slave trade. 1789. 8. (5 fh.)

[Robert] Surgeon general to the Army.
born... died d. Mart. 1790.

ADAM, Alexander] LL. D. Rector of the high school at Edinburgh. The principles of latin and english grammar 1772. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) A fummary of geography and history. 17 8.

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[James] Esq. Practical effays on agriculture. 1789. 8. Vol. 1. 2 (12 fh.)

[James and his brother.

[Robert F. R. S: F. A. S: Architect to the King
and to the Queen. Ruins of the palace of the em-
peror Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia. 1764. fol.
(3 L. 10th.) Works in Architecture. Numb. I.
Defigns of Sion House, feat of the Duke of Nort-
humberland in the county of Middlefex. 1773.
Numb. 2. Defigns of Lord Mansfield's Villa at Ken-
wood. 1774.
Numb. 3. Defigns of Luton Park-
houfe in Bedfordshire. 1775. Numb. 4. Defigns
of public buildings. 1776. fol. (4 L. 7 fh.)


ADAM, [Thomas] Rector of Wintringham, Lincolnshire. born ... died 17

ADAMS, [George] Mathematical Inftrumentmaker to his Majefty. born died 1772.

[George] Mathematical Inftrumentmaker to his Majefty. On electricity with an effay on Magnetifm. 1784. 8. (5th.) Effay on the Microfcope. 1787. 4. (IL. 6 fh.) History on vifion, explaining the fabric of the eye and nature of vilion. 1789. 8. (3 fh.) Aftronomical and geographical effays. 1789. 8. (10 fh. 6 d.)


[John] LL. D. Member of the Academy of arts and
fciences at Boston. Ambassador for the congreff of the
united states of America to the court of London.
Collection of State papers, relative to the first ack-
nowledgment of the fovereignity of the united fta-
tes of America. 1782. 8. (2 fh.) Hiftory of the
difputes with America, from their origin 1784.
(2 fh. 6 d.)
Defence of the conftitution of govern
ment of the united states of America. Vol. 1. 2. 3.
1787. 1788. 8. (17 fh.)

[John] A. M. Lectiones felectae: or felect latin
leffons in morality, hiftory and biography. 1784.
8. (8 d.) Ed. 2. 1789. 8. (1th.) The flowers
of ancient hiftory, comprehending the most remar
kable and interefting events, as well as characters
of antiquity. 1787. 8. (3 fh.) The flowers of mo-
dern hiftory- 1788. 8. (3 fh.) The flowers
of modern travels. 1788. 8. Vol. 1. 2. (6 fh.)
Exercises in latin compofition. 1788. 8. (1 fh. 6 d.)
Anecdotes, bons mots, and characteristic tracts of
the greatest princes, politicians, philofophers, ora.
tors and wits of modern times. 1789. 8. (3 fh.)
[John] A. B. The english Parnaffus extracted
from the works of the latest and most celebrated
poets. 1789. 8. (3 fh.)

[John] The young Sea Officers affiftant. 1773. 4. (3 th.)

[Samuel] Member of the General Congreff of America. Oration at the Statehouse in Philadelphia. 1776. 8. (1 fh.)

[Thomas Maxwell] Esq. On the flave trade. 1788. 8. (Ifh. 6 d.)

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ADAMS, [William] D. D. Prebendary of the cathedral at Gloucester and Master of Pembroke College, Oxford. born .. died d. 14. Jan. 1789.

[William] Surgeon. Disquifition on the ftone and gravel and other difeafes of the bladder. 1773. 8. (2 fh.)

ADDINGTON, [Anthony] M. D.

born. .... died d. 21. March. 1790. [Stephen] D. D: On religious knowledge of the antient jews and patriarchs 1757. 4. (1 h. 6 d.) The rudiments of greek tongue. 1761. 8. (2 fh.). Eufebes to Philetus: or a letter to a fon on a devout temper and life, 1767. 8. (2fh.) The Youth's geographical grammar. 1770. 8. (4 1h.) The chriftian Minifter's reafons for baptizing infants. 1771. 8. (2fh.) Summary of the chriftian minifters reafons for baptizing infants. 1777. 8. (6 d.) On afflictions, with a difcourfe on vifiting the Sick. 1778. 8. (2 fh.) Sermon on the death of W. Ford. 1783. 8. (6 d.) The life of Paul the Apostle with remarks on his difcourfes and writings 1784. 8. (5 fh.) Sermon on the death of John Olding, Paftor at Butt-Lane Deptford. 1785. 8. (6 d.)

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[William] Esq. One of the Magiftrates prefiding at the public office at London. Abridgment of penal ftatutes. 1775. (8 fh.) Ed. 3. 1786. 4. (I L. 6th.)

ADEE, [Swithin] M. D: F. R. S: F. A. S.

born... died d. 12 Aug. 1786. AERY, [Lancelot] M. D: Phyfician at Whitehaven.

Diff. De Gonorrhoea virulenta. Lugd. Bat. 1772. 4. The fymptoms, nature, caufes and cure of the effera or nettle rafh; with obfervations on the causes and cure of cutaneous difeafes. 1774. 8.

[Thomas] M. D. Phyfician at Whitehaven. On the cure of a wound in the cornea of the eye and of a laceration of the uvea. (Phil. Transact. 1755. P. 411.) Hiftory of a cafe of hydrocephalus fucceflfully treated by Mercury. (Duncan's M. C. Vol. VIII. p. 332.) A cafe of hydrocephalus internus cured by Mercury. (London M. J. 1781. p. 424. überf Samml. f. A. Th. 7. S. 195.) Aphtha, method of

curing in infants. (Médical Museum. Vol. 2.) Letter concerning Mrs. Folke's cafe. 1773. 8. AIKIN (....) England delineated; or, a geogra

phical defcription of every county in England and
Wales with an account of its most important pro-
ducts, natural and artificial. 1788. 8. (4 fh. 6 d.)
[John D. D: born. .
died 1781.
[John] M. D: Physician at Great Yarmouth in the
county of Norfolk. Effay on the ligature of arte-
ries. (vid. White's cafes in furgery. P. I. überf.
Samml. f. W. A. St. 7. S. 81.) Miscellaneous,
pieces in profe. 1773. 8. (3 fh) nachgedr. Alten-
burgh 1775. 8. (Diefe Samml. gab er gemein-
fchaftlich mit feiner Schwefter Miftreff Barbauld
heraus.) Effays on fong writing, with a collection
of english fongs. Ed. 2. 1774. 8. (4 fh.) (Einige
Stücke überfezt in Urfinus Balladen und Lieder alt-
engl. Dichter. 1777. 8.) On the application of
natural history to poetry. 1777. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.)
überf. von C. H. Schmid. Leipz. 1779. 8. On
the fituation, manners and inhabitants of Ger-
many and the life of Agricola by C. C. Tacitus;
translated with notes. 1778. 8. (4 fh.). Thom-
Jon's feafons, with an effay on the plan and the
character of the poem 1778. 8. (4 fh.) nachgedr.
Leipzig 1781. 8. The Calendar of nature for
the inftruction of young perfons. 1784. 8. überf.
Leipzig 1787. 8. Lewis's Materia medica. Ed. 3.
1784. 4. Manual of materia medica. 1785. 8.
(2 fh. 6 d.)


[Aitken] John, M. D. fellow of the royal College of
Surgeons and lecturer on the practice of phyfik, Ana-
tomy, Surgery and Chemistry in Edinburgh.


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died d. 22 Sept. 1790.

AINSLIE, [J .... . . .] M. D. On the nature and properties of Marle. (Hunter's G. E. Vol. 3. p. 25.) AITON, [William] Gardener to kis Majesty at Kew. Hortus Kewenfis, or a catalogue of the plants culti vated in the royal botanic garden at Kew. Vol. I. 2. 3. 1789. 8. (I L. I fh.)

AKENSIDE, [Mark] M. D: F. R. S. and Phyfician to her Majefty. born at Newcafile-upon-Tyne. d. 9 Nov. 1721. died d. 23 June 1770.

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ALANSON (Edward) Surgeon at Liverpool,

Account of a fimple fracture of the tibia in a pregnant woman, in which cafe the callus was not formed till after delivery. (Med. Obf. Vol. 4. p. 410.) Praetical obfervations upon amputation and the after treatment. 1779. 8. (1 fh. 6 d.) Ed. 2. 1783. 8. überf. Samml. f. W. A. St. 7. S. 131. überf. Gotha 1785. 8. Th. 1. 2.

ALCHORNE, [Stanesby] Of his Majefty's Mint and Member of the fociety of Apothecaries. Catalogue of 50 plants from Chelfea. 1770. (Phil. Transact. 1771. p. 390.) Catalogue of 50 plants from Chelfea. 1771. (Ibid. 1773. p. 30.) Examination of the ores in the mufeum of Dr. Hunter. (Ibid. 1779. p. 529.) Experiments on mixing gold with tin. (Ibid. 1784. p. 463.)

ALCOCK, [Nathan] M. D: F. R. S. born at Runcorn in Cheshire. 1707. died d. 6 Dec. 1779. ALDBOROUGH, Earl of; fee Stratford.

ALDERSON, [J....) M. D.

.) M. D. On the nature and origin of the contagion of fevers. 1788. 8. (2 fh. ) überf. von W. F. S. Bucholtz. Jena 1790. 8. ALEXANDER, [Caleb] Account of eruptions and the prefent appearances in Westriver - mountain. (Mem. of B. A. Vol. I. p. 316.) [John] Phyfician in Halifax, Yorkshire.

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The hi

ftory of an exceffive discharge of water from the uterus during pregnancy. (Med. Comm. of Ed. Vol. 3. p. 187.)

[John] Surgeon in the fervice of the Eaft-India Company. Account of the goods effets derived from the eau de Luce, taken internally, against the bite of the viper. (Duncan's M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 4. p. 207)

[William] M. D. at Edinburgh. Experimental esfays on the external application of antifeptics in putrid difeafes; on the dofes and effects of Medicines; on diuretics and fudorifics. 1768. 8. (3 fh. 6 d) On the causes of putrid difeafes. 1773. 8. (4 fh. 6 d.) (Diefes und das vorhergehende Buch überfezt unter dem Titel: Medizinische Verfuche und Erfahrungen. Leipzig 1773. 8.) The cafe of a perfon who was feemingly killed by a blow on the breaft, recovered by bleeding and the warm


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