Imatges de pàgina

corps to Talavera, as soon as gen. Cuesta's march should be known, and after leaving 12,000 men to watch Vanegas, and allowing from 10 to 11,000 killed and wounded in the late action, his corps would have amounted to 25,000. We could extricate ourselves from this difficult situation only by great celerity of movement, to which the troops were unequal, as they had not had their allowance of provisions for several days, and by success in two battles. If unsuccessful in either, we should have been without a retreat; and if Soult and Ney avoiding an action, had retired before us, and had waited the arrival of Victor, we should have been exposed to a general action with 50,000 men, equally without a retreat.

We had reason to expect, that as the marquis de la Reyna could not remove the boats from the river Almarez, Soult would have destroyed them.

Our only retreat was, therefore, by the bridge of Arzo Bispo; and if we had moved on, the enemy, by breaking that bridge while the army should be engaged with Soult and Ney, would have deprived us of that only resource.

We could not take a position at Oropesa, as we thereby left open the road to the bridge of Arzo Bispo from Talavera by Calera; and, after considering the whole subject maturely, I was of opinion that it was adviseable to retire to the bridge of Arzo Bispo, and to take up a defensive position upon the Tagus.

I was induced to adopt this last opinion, because the French have now at least 50,000 men disposeable to oppose to the combined armies, and a corps of 12,000 to watch

Vanegas; and I was likewise of opinion, that the sooner the defensive line should be taken up, the more likely were the troops to be able to defend it.

Accordingly I marched on the 4th, and crossed the Tagus by the bridge of Arzo Bispo, and have continued my route to this place, in which I am well situated to defend the passage of Almaraz and the lower parts of the Tagus. General Cuesta crossed the river on the night of the 5th, and he is still at the bridge of Arzo Bispo.

About 2,000 of the wounded have been brought away from Talavera, the remaining 1,500 are there; and I doubt whether, under any circumstances, it would have been possible or consistent with humanity, to attempt to remove any more of them.

From the treatment which some of the soldiers wounded on the 27th, and who fell into the hands of the enemy, experienced from them, and from the manner in which I have always treated the wounded who have fallen into my hands, I expect that these men will be well treated; and I have only to lament, that a new concurrence of events, over which from circumstances I had and could have no control, should have placed the army in a situation to be obliged to leave any of them behind.

I have the honour to be, &c.


Admiralty-office, Aug. 19. Dispatches, of which the following are copies, have been received at this office from Sir Richard John Strachan, bart. K. B. rear-admiral of the White, &c. addressed to the hon. W. W. Pole.


Kangaroo, in the West Scheld, off the Kaloot, Aug. 11, 1809.

Sir-I beg leave to acquaint you, for the information of the Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty, that I am this moment going up to Bathz in South Beveland, which has been attacked by a strong detachment of the enemy's flotilla, and which, by Sir Richard Keats's reports, consists of two frigates, one bearing a vice-admiral's flag, thirty brigs, eight luggers or schooners, and fourteen gun-boats.

I was under the necessity of detaining our flotilla to prevent supplies being thrown into the garrison at Flushing, and to assist in cutting off its communication with Cadsand, which service was effec. tually done, except during the late heavy gales which drove the gunboats from their stations, and prevented our ships entering the Scheld, from the circumstance of their not being able to weigh their anchors. Since the weather has moderated, the wind has provokingly drawn round to the south-east, which is the only obstacle that prevents lord William Stuart, with a squadron of ten heavy frigates, passing Flushing, as well as rear-admiral lord Gardner, with the effective line-of-battle ships, taking up the anchorage in Dykeshook Bay, where I intend his lordship shall remain, with the view of having the assistance of that squadron in our farther operations against the enemy, and eventually to proceed up the Scheld.

The divisions of the army under the earl of Rosslyn and marquis of Huntley, landed on south Beveland on the 9th.

The cavalry and ordnance ships, with the brigs and some sloops of

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war, have passed through the Slough into the west Scheld, and are now availing themselves of every favourable tide to proceed to Bathz. I am also endeavouring to warp the Pallas and Circe through by the same channel, and with every probability of success.

Sir Home Popham was detached with some gun-vessels for the purpose of sounding the river, and of joining Sir Richard Keats at Bathz,

The batteries are not yet ready to open on Flushing, therefore I hope to be here again in time to cooperate with the army in the attack on that garrison.

I am concerned to add, that the enemy has cut the dyke to the right of the town, and the island is likely to be inundated. I have ordered rear-admiral Otway to send the Monmouth and Agincourt to England for water, as soon as they can be got down from Zierickzee; and earnestly intreat that other means may be adopted for supplying the army and navy from England, as I apprehend all the water in this island will be spoiled by the inundation, and that there is not more in the other islands than is necessary for the subsistence of the inhabitants.

Their lordships must be aware, that in this extensive and complicated service, it is impossible for me to enter so fully into detail as I could wish, especially as our arrangements must vary in propor tion with the movements of the enemy.

In my absence I have directed rear-admiral Otway to superintend the several duties relative to the investment of this island, and to correspond with the Admiralty on all matters of service.

Captain Dobbie, who acted in


the Pallas during the absence of captain Seymour, is the bearer of this dispatch. He had my flag for some time in that ship, and has been particularly attentive to the public service.

In consequence of the protracted siege of Flushing, and the necessity for the flotilla going up the Scheld, I have ordered guns from the ships of war to fit twenty transports as gun-ships, and with the launches of the ships under rear-admiral Otway, to form a flotilla for the lower part of the Scheld, which I trust their lordships will approve.

You will please likewise to inform their lordships, that lord Gardner has ordered the Centaur and Theseus to cruise off the Texel. I have the honour to be,

(Signed) R. J. STRACHAN. Honourable W. W. Pole.

Kangaroo, in the West Scheld,

Aug. 12, 1809.

Sir-Having directed the frigates named in the margin,* to proceed up the West Scheld, under the orders of lord William Stuart, captain of the Lavinia, the moment the wind was favourable, that zealous officer availed himself of a light air from the westward, on the afternoon of the 11th instant, notwithstanding the tide was against his proceeding, and passed the bat teries between Flushing and Cadsand: the ships were under the enemy's fire nearly two hours.

The gallant and seamanlike manner in which this squadron was conducted, and their steady and well-directed fire, excited in my breast the warmest sensations of

admiration. The army witnessed their exertions with applause, and I am certain their lordships will duly appreciate the services of lord William Stuart, the captains, officers seamen, and marines, on this occasion.

No very material accident happened, except by a shell striking L'Aigle, and which fell through her decks into the bread-room, where it exploded; one man was killed, and four others wounded: her stern frame is much shattered.

Lord William Stuart's modest letter accompanied this dispatch, together with a return of the killed and wounded, and the damages sustained by his majesty's ships, in forcing the entrance of this river. I have the honour to be, &c.

(Signed) R. J. STRACHAN.

Fort Batkz, Aug. 12, 1809. Sir-I have the honour to inform you, that, in pursuance of your directions, I arrived at Bathz yesterday, and in order to render, if practicable, an attack on the enemy's flotilla more complete, I or, dered thirty flat boats, armed with carronades, and some other boats from the ships under my orders, to rendezvous at this place, and meet the flotilla under Sir Home Popham, but before the arrival of either, six of the enemy's gun-boats having grounded on a bank within reach of the artillery of the fort, after sustaining some injury by it, were abandoned; five of which were destroyed, and the other brought in.

The arrival of Sir Home Popham and my boats from the east Scheld

Lavinia, Heroine, Amethyst, Rota, Nymphen, l'Aigle, Euryalus, Statira, Dryad, and Berlin.

Scheld took place nearly at the same time, but the enemy's flotilla moved up to Lillo with the same tide that brought ours to Bathz, one of which was handsomely burned by the advanced gun-boats almost amongst them.

As the navigation of the west Scheld is now open as far as it can possibly be cleared by the navy, and a flotilla force of upwards of fifty sail in the east Scheld demand attention, and I can at any time return in a few hours to this place, it is my intention to repair in the morning to the Superb, where I have ordered the boats of my division. Sir Home Popham is examining the channels.

Although we are now masters of the navigation to Lillo, it may be proper to observe, that it is in the enemy's power, by sending a superior naval force to deprive us of it, as far as Bathz (before some larger ships ascend), whenever he pleased. I have, &c. R. G. KEATS. Rear Admiral Sir Richard Strachan, Bart. K. B.

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humble endeavours in his service; and I shall feel the greatest satisfaction in communicating to lieutenant-general Sir Eyre Coote, and the general and other officers, and the troops employed here under my command, the sense which his majesty entertains of their meritorious conduct in the services in which they have been engaged, as well as the confidence his majesty feels in their future good conduct, and which, I trust, they will not disappoint.

The enemy has continued to give what interruption he could to the progress of our works; but since the date of my last letter, he has attempted no sortie in any force. He has endeavoured to cause us some embarrassment by opening the sluices at Flushing, and letting in the salt water, but this has been attended as yet with little inconvenience, as the necessary precautions for letting off the water through the sluices in our possession at this place and at Veer, I have no doubt will be found effectual. The several batteries will probably be ready to open on the place either the 12th or 13th, and I shall look with great anxiety to the result, as the speedy reduction of Flushing (particularly under present appearances) is of the last importance, as till then so very large a portion of the force under my command is unavoidably detained before it.

The divisions of lieut..gen. lord Rosslyn and lieutenant-general lord Huntly, were, according to the intention I mentioned in my last letter, landed in South Beveland, on the morning of the 9th instant; but I am sorry to say, that the division of transports, with the cavalry and artillery horses, the

heavy ordnance, ammunition, and stores of all descriptions, have not yet been brought through the Slow Passage. The moment they appear, it is my intention to proceed towards Bathz; but as till then no operation can be undertaken, I have thought my presence here was more useful.

A large portion of the flotilla has proceeded up the river to Bathz, on which place I learn that the enemy had again made an attack, but had been repulsed by the guns on the port.

I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) CHATHAM.

Intercepted Correspondence. Minutes of Dispatches, dated Aug. 14th, and taken on a Peasant going to Avila, at Tomezcus, by a detachment under Sir Robert Wilson's orders.—(The original sent on to general Cuesta.)

A Monsieur le Colonel Hays, Governor d'Avila.-You will give directions that this letter shall be forwarded with the utmost expedition to his majesty, and you will send me your receipt.

Wilson's corps is cut off. About five days ago it was between Candelario and Villa Neuva. If from your town you move a column of 1,000 men, and attack them, they will be compelled to surrender.

I communicate to you the brilliant action of the 8th inst. at P. Arzobispo. We took from the enemy 30 pieces of cannon, 40 tumbrils, with baggage, and 600 prisoners, besides a great number of killed. The royal carabineers and corps de garde were cut to pieces.

Send me from your province,

wine, vinegar, and brandy, which shall be paid in ready money: and also send me news from Burgos, Salamanca, Valladolid, &c. (Signed)

DUKE OF DALMATIA. Sire,- The orders that you sent me are executed. The duke of Elchingen will arrive to-morrow at his destination.

I have the intention of besieging Ciudad Rodrigo. If your majesty sends me five corps complete, and if the duke of Elchingen comes this way, I will attack marshal Beresford's army, which is now between Almeida and Ciudad Rodrigo, and by news now received, between **** and Gette, and composed of 8,000 English, the same number of Portuguese, and 4,000 Spaniards; but if this is to be executed, it must be done with the greatest expedition; because, otherwise, the effect of the victories of Talavera and Arzobispo will be lost.

It is probable Venegas has already passed the Sierra Morena; and, in this case, the 2nd corps may fall upon Cuesta, keep the Tagus, and open the communication with this corps.

Wilson's corps is cut off. It is between Villa Neuva and Candelario; and, if a column from Avila of 1,500 or 1,000 men, should come down, it would be compelled to surrender.

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