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" God of God, Light of Light, Very God of very God, Begotten, not made, Being of one substance with the Father, By whom all things were made: Who for us men, and for our salvation came down from heaven, And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin... "
The Wanderings of the Human Intellect: Or, A New Dictionary of the Various ... - Pągina 174
per John Bell - 1814 - 398 pągines
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A communion office, taken partly from primitive liturgies, and partly from ...

Communion office, Thomas Deacon - 1718 - 88 pągines
...God of God, Light of Light, Very God of very God, Begotten, not made, Being of one fubftance with the Father, By whom all things were made : Who for us...came down from heaven, And was incarnate by the Holy Ghoft of the Virgin Mary, And was made Man, And was crucified alfo for us under Pontius Pilate. He...
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A compleat collection of devotions, both publick and private [compiled by T ...

Complete collection, Thomas Deacon - 1734 - 292 pągines
...worlds, God of God, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, Begotten, not made, Confubftantial with the Father By whom all things were made : Who for us men...came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghoft of the Virgin Mary, And was made Man, And was crucified alfo for us under Pontius Pilate. He...
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The holy mass, in Latin and English. With the litanies of our blessed Lady

Catholic Church - 1755 - 78 pągines
...ages. God of God, light of light, true God of true God. Begotten, not made; confubftantial with the Father, by whom all Things were made. Who for us men,...came down from heaven ; and was incarnate by the holy Ghoft, of the Virgin Mary, AND WAS MADE MAN. [At thefe words the Priejl kneels in reverence to Chrift's...
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The History of Religion: Particularly of the Principal Denominations of ...

James Murray - 1764 - 498 pągines
...God, begotten, not made, being one fubftancewith the Father, * See Sieur Ayiaon's authentic Memoirs. by whom all things were made : who for us men, and...came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Cbeft of the Virgin Mary, and was ' made man, and was crucified for us j alfo under Pontius Pilate...
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An exposition on the Book of common prayer; with notes. [With] A companion ...

1765 - 500 pągines
...God of God, Light of Light, Very God of very God, Begotten, not made, Being of one fubftance with the Father, by whom all things were made : Who for us...came down from heaven, And was incarnate by the Holy Ghoft of the Virgin Mary, And was made Man, And was crucified alfo for us under Pontius Pilate. He...
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A Brief Account of Prayer, and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper: And Other ...

Henry Stebbing - 1771 - 364 pągines
...of God, Light" of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one Substance with the Father, by whom all Things were made : "Who for us...by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin MARY, and was made Man, and was crucified also for us under PONTIUS PILATE. He suffered and was buried, and the Third...
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The Christian guardian (and Church of England magazine).

1851 - 592 pągines
...God of God, Light of Light, Very God of very God, Begotten, not made, Being of one substance with the Father ; By whom all things were made : Who for us...by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, And was made man, And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried, • From the Scotch...
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The Book of Common Prayer: And Administration of the Sacraments and Other ...

Episcopal Church - 1806 - 682 pągines
...God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one fubftance with the Father, by whom all things were made ; who for us...came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghoft of the Virgin Mary, and wasmade man, and was crucified alto for us under Pontius Pilate. He luffered...
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The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other ...

1809 - 678 pągines
...of God, Light of Light, Very God of very God, liegotten, not made, Being of one fubftance with the Father, By whom all things were made: Who for us men,...came down from heaven, And was incarnate by the Holy Ghoft of the Virgin Mary, and was made man, And was crucified alfo for us under Pontius Pilate: He...
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The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacrements...

Church of England - 1810 - 466 pągines
...of God, Light of Light, very Gocl of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made ; who for us...by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man, and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried, and the third...
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