Imatges de pàgina




MATTH. xi. 25.

At that time Jesus ansivered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and carth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.


UR blessed Lord perfectly knew before-hand the persons who would profit by his ministry: but his observations, conduct, and discourses, were intended as a pattern and instruction to his followers. He is said to have marvelled at the unbelief of some, and at the faith of others; not as though either was strange to him, who was acquainted with all hearts, and always knew what he himself would do; but it is spoken of him as a man, and to show how his ministers and people should be affected upon the like occasions. In the preceding verses he had been speaking of Capernaum, and other places, where his mighty works have been performed in vain. He had denounced a sentence against them; and foretold that their punishment would be heavier in proportion to the greatness of the privileges they had abused. But this was not his pleasing work. Mercy and grace were his delight, and he usually expressed sorrow and pain for the obstinacy of VOL. II.

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sinners. He wept for his avowed enemies, and prayed for the murderers who nailed him to the cross. not without grief that he declared the approaching doom of these cities; yet, raising his thoughts from earth to heaven, he acquiesced in the will of his heavenly Father, and expressed the highest satisfaction in his áppointment. He knew, that, however some would harden themselves, there was a remnant who would receive the truth, and that the riches and glory of the divine sovereignty and grace would be magnified. Before I enter upon the particulars, this connexion of the words will afford us ground for some observations.

I. That the small success and efficacy of the preached Gospel upon multitudes who hear it, is a subject of wonder and grief to the ministers and people of God. It was so to our Lord Jesus, considered as a preacher and messenger; and they, so far as they have received his Spirit, judge and act as he did.

1. Those who have indeed tasted that the Lord is gracious, have had such a powerful experience in their own souls of the necessity and value of the Gospel, that in their first warmth, and till painful experience has convinced them of the contrary, they can hardly think it possible that sinners should stand out against its evidence. They are ready to say, "Surely it is because "they are ignorant; they have not had opportunity of "considering the evil of sin, the curse of the law, and the "immense goodness of God manifested in his Son; but "when these things shall be plainly and faithfully set "before them, surely they will submit, and thankfully "receive the glad tidings." With such sanguine hopes Melancthon entered the ministry at the dawn of the Reformation he thought he had only to speak, and to be heard, in order to convince; but he soon found him

self mistaken, and that the love of sin, the power of prejudice, and the devices of Satan, were such obstacles in his way, as nothing less than the mighty operations of the Spirit of God could break through. And all who preach upon his principles, and with his views, have known something of his disappointment. Speaking from the feelings of a full heart, they are ready to expect that others should be no less affected than themselves. But when they find that they are heard with indifference, perhaps with contempt; that those whose salvation they long for, are enraged against them for their labour of love; that they cannot prevail upon their dearest friends, and nearest relatives; this grieves and wounds them to the heart.

2. They have been convinced themselves, that unbelief was the worst of all their sins: and, therefore, though they pity all who live in the practice of sin, yet they have a double grief to see them reject the only means of salvation; and that this contempt will lie more heavily upon them, than any thing they can be charged with besides. It gladdens the heart of a minister to see a large and attentive assembly; but how is this joy damped by a just fear, lest any, lest many of them should receive this grace of God in vain, and have cause at last to bewail the day when the name of Jesus was first sounded in their ears.

It seems plain, then, that those who are indifferent about the event of the Gospel, who satisfy themselves with this thought, that the elect shall be saved, and feel no concern for unawakened sinners, make a wrong inference from a true doctrine, and know not what spirit they are of. Jesus wept for those who perished in their sins. St. Paul had great grief and sorrow of heart for the Jews, though he gives them this character, "They

please not God, and are contrary to all men." It well becomes us, while we admire distinguishing grace to ourselves, to mourn over others: and, inasmuch as secret things belong to the Lord, and we know not but some of whom we have at present but little hopes, may at last be brought to the knowledge of the truth, we should be patient and forbearing, after the pattern of our heavenly Father, and endeavour, by every probable and prudent means, to stir them up to repentance, remembering that they cannot be more distant from God, than by nature we were ourselves.

II. The best relief against those discouragements we meet with from men, is to raise our thoughts to God and heaven. For this the Lord Jesus is our precedent here. He said, "I thank thee, O Father." The word* signifies, to confess, to promise our consent, and to praise. As if it had been said, "I glorify thy wisdom "in this respect, I acknowledge and declare it is thy

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will, and I express my own consent and approba"tion." Our Lord's views of the divine counsels were perfect, and therefore his satisfaction was complete. It is said, "He rejoiced in spirit," when he uttered these words. And the more we increase in faith and in the knowledge of God, the more we shall be satisfied in his appointments, and shall see and say, "He hath done "all things well." It is needful for our comfort, to be well established in the truth suggested in my text, that the Lord hath provided for the accomplishment of his own purposes, and that his counsels shall surely stand. From this doctrine we may infer,

The original word occurs Matth. iii. 6. Luke xxii. 6. and Rom. xv. 9.

+ Luke x. 21.

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1. That where the faithful labours and endeavours

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of ministers, and others, to promote the knowledge of grace and the practice of holiness, fail of success, yet may they shall be accepted. The servants of Christ their humble measure adopt the words of their Lord and Master, in the prophet, "Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and my God shall be my strength*." When he sent forth his first disciples, he directed them wherever they entered to say, "Peace be to this house! and if " a son of peace be there," if there be any fully accept your salutation and salutation and message, your peace "shall rest upon it; if not, it shall return to you againt:" that is, your good wishes and endeavours shall not be lost for want of proper objects; but when they seem without effect on others, shall be productive of the happiest consequences to yourselves. You shall receive all you were desirous to communicate. Thus his ministers are to declare his whole will, whether men will hear, or whether they shall forbear. And if they do thus with a single eye to his glory, and in humble dependence upon his blessing, they are not answerable for the event, they shall in nowise lose their reward.

2. Faithful endeavours in the service of the Gospel shall not wholly fail. Though all will not hear, some certainly shall both hear and obey. Though all are by nature equally averse and incapable, yet there shall be a willing people in the day of God's powert." If the wise and prudent turn away from the truth, there are babes to whom it shall be revealed. The Lord renews unto us a pledge of his faithfulness in this concern every time the rain descends. For thus he has promised,

*Isa. xlix. 5.

+ Luke x. 6.

Psal. cx. 3.

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