I am afraid (wherever the fault lies) that it will not be my Happiness to be able to do that good where I am, which I might have done in fome other Station. Which makes me the more frequent in Publick, that I may fupply this Defect by the Service of my Pen; having fome reafon to hope that my Difcourfes will meet with better liking Abroad, than they usually do at Home; and that there are fome in the Worldsto whom I shall not be a Barbarian. What has been here the performance of my Pen, was (as I learn from Dr. Rult) intended, and in part performed, by the Excellent Bishop Taylour; who while he was meditating upon the Beatitudes, was receiv'd up into the Enjoyment of them. And I have lately spoken with a Gentleman, who told me, That he himself faw a Manu fcript of it in the Bishop's own Hand. I am very fenfible how much the Subject has loft by the Change of its Author. All that I can fay is, That I have done my Beft; and I hope God will accept of my good Intention, and that the World will be fomething the better for my Peformance. A IT John Norris. The THE P. 25 Difcourfe the Fourth, on Matth. Y. Vervi (1) Chriftian Bleffednefs: O R, DISCOURSES UPON THE BEATITUDES, VOL. I. Difcourfe the First. Matth. V. ver. iii. Bleffed are the poor in fpirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. T Hus the Divine Angel of the Covenant, Chrift Jefus, begins that Great and Noble Inftitution of Chriftian Philofophy, his Sublime Sermon on the Mount. This was he that was pointed at by the eminent Prophecy, I will raise them up a prophet from among their B bre brethren like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him, Deut. 18. And now it was, that this Prophecy had its full Accomplishment; Chrift was now entring upon his Prophetick Office, and was to fhew himfelf a Prophet like unto Mofes. This great Truft he difcharged with as great Care and Fidelity, and (as the Author to the Hebrews obferves) was faithful to him that appointed him, as alfo Mofes was faithful in all his houfe, Heb. 3.2. As therefore Mofes gave a Digeft of Laws to the People with whom he was intrusted; fo it became this Divine Prophet alfo, to give Laws and Precepts for the Inftruction and Order of his Difciples. He was to be a Law-giver, as well as Mofes; and, to carry on the Proportion yet farther, he thought fit to imitate him in the very Manner and Circumftance of delivering his Law; and accordingly afcended up into a Mountain, from whence he fhowr'd down his Heavenly Manna upon his Hearers: So alfo making good another Inftance of Refemblance relating to Mofes, who fpeaks thus of himself, My doctrin fhall drop as the rain, my fpeech fball diftil as the dew; as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass, Deut. 32.2. But the Parallel will not run throughout: For the Divine Oracles were not now ac cnmpanied companied with Thundrings and Lightnings ; with Blackness, and Darkness, and Tempeft; but were deliver'd in the fmall still Voice of: Bleffing and Confolation. 'Twas with a Beatitude,that David began his Collection of Divine Hymns; and in like manner does the Son of David ufher in his fublime Inftructions. And this was very fuitable and agreeable, both to the Character of his Perfon, and to the Genius of his Doctrin. As to his Perfon, Bleffing became the Mouth of him, who was the Reconciler of God and Man, the great Ambaffador of Peace, the Author of Salvation and Happiness; and at whofe Nativity the Angels fang Peace on Earth, and Good Will towards Men. And as to his DoEtrin, The Precepts he was to deliver,were of fo refined and high-raifed a Nature, fo little agreeable either to the Maxims of the World, or to the groffer Relishes of the Animal Life; that they would have found but cold Entertainment, had they not come recommended with a Reward, and been guarded on each Side with a Beatitude. 'Twas requifite therefore, that the Duty and the Bleffing fhould go hand in hand; and accordingly, our Lord, who well underftood the Temper of the Sons of Men, how paffionately we purfue any thing that looks like Happiness, and how apt we are to ask that Question, Who will fhew us any Good? B 2 thought |