E Libris "Of all the discourses of Norris, this apon the Beatitudes are the most de lightful and practical. The style exquisitely clear and unaffected; th exposition is, for the most part, ju and well supported; and the doctrin is mild, earnest, and scriptural." Willmott. Pictures of Christian Lif DISCOURSES UPON THE BEATITUDES. VOLUME the First. The Second VOLUME, CONTAINING ADifcourfe concerning World-Concerning Heavenly - Mind- edness. Concerning Righteous and Of Submiffion to Divine Pro- Concerning Religious Singu-Concerning the Folly of Co- Concerning the Excellency of Concerning the Confideration. of God, and of the Divine Written by JOHN NORRIS, M. A. Rector The Fifth Edition. LONDON: Printed for S. Manfhip, at the Ship near the Royal- |