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I yet cherish the consoling idea, and shall carry it with me to my grave, as the dearest reward for all my sufferings, that in the great day of accounts, the efficacy of these instructions will appear, and that some redeemed souls will bless God in eternity for this quarter's tuition.

My uncommon exertions in inclement weather, being engaged almost every evening, as well as attending school by day, so impaired my health, that at the close of the quarter, with extreme regret, I relinquished the school.

It has pleased my merciful Creator to raise me again to health and strength. O that my usefulness may increase, my gratitude heighten, and my spared life be devoted anew to the service of my God.

In witnessing the events, thus imperfectly narrated, I had frequent occasion to notice how wonderfully religious feelings expand and elevate the human mind, even in the early stages of youth.

Children of limited education, and by no means extraordinary capacity, discovered on some occasions a pertinence of thought, and accuracy of judgment, that would not have disgraced a theologian.

With a lad, aged eleven years, I had one morning the following conversation--" My dear Alfred, why did you weep last evening; were you afraid that God would send you to hell?""I was, for I thought I was the greatest sinner in the world, and I had lived so long in sin, that I thought I could not be pardoned."-" Do you now feel distressed on account of your sins?" "I am sorry I ever committed one sin, because God is holy and I wish to be like him, but I hope he will forgive me." "And what is the ground of your hope ?" "JESUS." This reply was inexpressibly affecting." My dear child," I replied, "trust in Jesus; he is able to save to the uttermost all that come to God through him; but tell me what has produced this change in your feelings?"

"Why last night, I thought I could take no more comfort in my wicked plays, and if God did not save me, and make me a Christian, I should be miserable as long as I lived, and when I died go to hell; so I thought if I died praying, and went to hell praying, it could be no worse for me: so after I got home from meeting, I went by myself and kneeled down, and thought if God would not save me, I would die on the spot. I could not speak a word, but my heart prayed, and God heard me, and sent the comforter to my soul. I had new thoughts and new hopesI felt that the blood of Christ could wash all my sins away, and I praised God for salvation by Jesus Christ; and was so happy, that I cried as much because I had found Christ, as I did when I was distressed. It was very odd that I should cry when I was so happy."

This simple detail, uttered with all the pathos of genuine sensibility, was extremely pleasing, and I made a memorandum of the conversation in my Diary, from which I have now copied it verbatim. For my own part, however, "odd" the little Alfred might think it, I could not help weeping too; but my tears were the expression of grateful transport.

On another occasion, I said, to a youth of fourteen, "Do you feel willing to leave all your young companions, and join the despised followers of the lowly Jesus?" "Oh, no, no," he answered with quickness, "I want they should all go with me.-I am sure they would, if they knew how sweet the love of Jesus is. But Oh-if they will not"The gush of sensibility prevented his finishing the sentence. Surely these children were taught of God—and surely there is a divine reality, in the blessed religion of Jesus.

The limits of this communication will not permit me to detail farther particulars. I could write a volume of the interesting occurrences of this winter. If at any time, I am depressed with the weight of the trials which I have since been called to encounter, I can look back to these events, for consolation and support-and Oh! what is it to me, whether my path through thisdreary world be smooth or thorny, while I can humbly indulge the dear idea, that I have been, in the hand of the Almighty, an instrument of some little good, to the souls of my fellow creatures?

From this narrative, let teachers of youth be encouraged to persevering exertions, for the spiritual good of their pupils.

Let them present the young immortals, committed to their charge, to the mercy of God, in frequent prayer, and never fail to improve every opportunity, to impress the value of religion on their tender minds; and let youth and children learn, that the God who sent his Son to redeem their souls from endless woe, is well pleased with an early dedication of their ransomed powers to his service.

With most ardent wishes, that this little narrative may be useful to some of the readers of the Magazine, I submit it to you for publication, and with it transmit my best wishes for the success of your exertions in the cause of God. While your extensive labours, it is hoped, with the blessing of the Almighty, may bring many souls to embrace a crucified Redeemer, I also in my humble sphere may emulate the plaudit, "Thou hast been faithful over a FEW."

Accept, my brethren, the assurance, that while no one. more truly needs, none will more heartily reciprocate your personal intercessions at the Throne of Grace, than your friend and sister, in our common Saviour.

C. M. T.

Extract of a letter from the Presiding Elder of the Kennebec District, N. E. Conference, to J. Soule.


Sidney, Jan. 22, 1818.

I have the happiness of announcing to you the prosperity of Zion in this section of the work. We had a Camp Meeting in this town last September, when Bishop George visited us, and i think we have never before had one of such general utility in this vicinity. Fairfield and Clinton have shared the most largely in the blessing. Not much short of an hundred have since professed converting grace in Fairfield. Seventy have already united with us in society, and not one has yet gone to any other people. A considerable number of the converts are people of middle age, and of established characters, as good citizens. This adds great strength to the old society. The work is still progressing.

Orrington has been visited in mercy, and the revival is still advancing. Bucksport is just beginning to receive the shower,

and the prospect is very promising. Belmont and Northport are now enjoying the smiles of heaven, and manifestations of grace in bringing home the travail of the Redeemer's soul. The work has commenced among the German inhabitants of Waldoborough, by a providence worthy of note. The settled minister refused to baptize the children of the German inhabitants, unless they would join the church, which they did not feel free to do. By a German brother, they were directed to present them to brother Mc. G. Accordingly, a number from the neighbourhood of the Bridge attended his appointment a few miles distant, and had their children baptized. But the best is, the parents were awakened, went home penitent, and soon found pardon through Christ. This introduced brother Mc. G. into the neighbourhood of the Bridge, which has produced a very considerable awakening, and in very respectable families.

O. B.

SINCE the commencement of the great revival of religion which is now progressing in the city of Baltimore, and which began in December last, about eight hundred members have been added to the Methodist Episcopal Church. We have not heard of the state of the work in other congregations; but presume if it prevails among them to any considerable extent, the public will be informed of it—a thing very desirable. In our next number we hope to be able to lay before our readers a detailed account of this great and blessed work.

Our subsoribers will excuse the omission of the obituary and poetical departments in this number, as they could not be filled up without leaving unpublished some of the interesting information which the number contains.— The account of the revival of religion in Troy we hope to be able to publish in

our next.



FOR APRIL, 1818.



Extracted from the new Edinburgh Encyclopædia.
(Continued from page 89.)


There may be

34. Ir it were possible to summon up to the presence of the mind, the whole mass of spoken testimony, it would be found that what was false bore a very small proportion to what was true. For many obvious reasons, the proportion of the false to the true must be also small in written testimony. Yet instances of falsehood occur in both; and the actual ability to separate the false from the true, in written history, proves that historical evidence has its principles and its probabilities to go upon.There may be the natural signs of dishonesty. There may be the wildness and improbability of the narrative. a total want of agreement on the part of other documents.There may be the silence of every author for ages after the pretended date of the manuscript in question. There may be all these, in sufficient abundance, to convict the manuscript of forgery and falsehood. This has actually been done in several instances. The skill and discernment of the human mind upon the subject of historical evidence have been improved by the exercise. The few cases in which sentence of condemnation has been given, are so many testimonies to the competency of the tribunal which has sat in judgment over them, and give a stability to their verdict, when any document is approven of. It is a peculiar subject, and the men who stand at a distance from VOL. I.


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