Imatges de pàgina

between seven and eight o'clock, when his daughter called him. On approaching the bed on which his wife lay, he saw that death had been there. During his short absence, her soul had taken its flight to the regions of light and glory.

Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments."


ELIZABETH JINKIN was born November 6th, 1781, in Cornwall. Her mother dying when she was yet young, the care of a large family devolved, in a great measure, upon her; and for this she appears to have been naturally qualified by her firm, commanding disposition, and her great love of order.

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As her father belonged to the Church of England, she was brought up, with her brothers and sisters, to venerate the institutions of that section of Christ's Church; and she remained within its pale until she reached an age when she could form a judgment for herself. One event in her early life, in which the special providence of God was manifested, here deserves notice. While she was sitting at a window of her father's farm kitchen, engaged in domestic duties, her younger sister took down from the rack a gun, which she did not know to be loaded, and pointing it at Elizabeth, playfully said, "I'll shoot you. The discharge of the gun blew out the window, and did other mischief; but not the slightest harm happened to Elizabeth, and she ever after acknowledged the special goodness of God both to herself and her sister. Her education was very limited. In those days children learned their first lessons from a horn book; while the Bible, the Church of England Prayer-Book, the Week's Preparation, Death of Abel, and Baxter's "Saints' Everlasting Rest," constituted the library of an ordinary farmhouse. In 1810 she left her father's house and removed to Bristol, where, in Portland chapel, under the united ministry of the Rev. Messrs. Blackett, Reece, and Wood, she was convinced of her sinful state, and of her need of a Saviour. Frequently in after life she would allude to the bitterness of the wormwood and the gall of which her spirit drank at this period. So deep was the agony of her soul, that on one occasion she could not proceed to her home until she had rested against the wall of the chapel, and given vent to a burst of sorrow; but she soon afterwards found the desired peace and joy

through believing in the Lord Jesus. Portland chapel, with its hallowed associa tions, never recurred to her mind in subsequent life without producing a feeling of spiritual joy. In 1816 she was married to Mr. Samuel Jinkin, a young and active member of the Wesleyan-Methodist Society. The Lord prospered the couple in their temporal affairs, but removed their only child to a brighter world while she was an infant. This dispensation of Divine Providence served greatly to develop the graces of Mrs. Jinkin's Christian character. In 1821, the sister who, in early life, had playfully threatened to shoot her died, leaving five orphan children quite unprovided for. Mrs. Jinkin and her affectionate husband immediately took one of the little ones, who was then six years old, and adopted her as their own daughter. Their efforts to educate and train this child in the fear of the Lord exceeded those of many Christian parents; and God gave His blessing to the following nineteen years of moral aud spiritual culture. Mrs. Jinkin was a quiet, retiring Christian, who shone most at home; still she rejoiced to lead her adopted daughter to devote her time and talents to active service in the Lord's vineyard; and on one occasion went so far as to accept the office of visiter of the sick, in order to exercise and qualify her for a life of usefulness; and induced her to perform the whole of the duties for many years. Her punctuality in attending the various means of grace, her love of classmeetings, and her judicious counsels to married persons in trouble and difficulties, were remarkable. In 1852, it pleased the Lord to take from her the husband of her youth, which event, at the age of seventy years, was a severe trial; but she found relief from the loneliness and sorrows of widowhood in the family of her daughter, where for upwards of fourteen years she remained ripening for immortality. Her last days were pre-eminently her best. Being freed from all earthly care, she endeavoured to live to purpose, by teaching the younger members of the family the value of the Word of God, which was so exccedingly precious to her own soul. Whenever they applied to her for garments and money for the poor, she delighted to supply them, and entered into their benevolent enter prises with lively interest. During the later years of her life she frequently alluded, with deep emotion, to the time of her departure, but without any mixture of fear. She seemed to have got beyond the power of the enemy to distress her. Death had lost its sting. She retained her intellectual

faculties until the last; and often at night spoke of "going over Jordan, possibly before sunrise." On the day preceding her death, she walked down stairs as usual, and read and conversed with more than ordinary acumen and cheerfulness. In the evening, she alluded to some company whom she had seen, when one said, "Mother, it would not make any difference to you whoever might be here; for you have Jesus with you."

." "O no!" she replied, "if Satan were here, I should not be afraid of him." On the following morning she complained a little, and for two hours suffered from pain

in the chest. A few minutes before noon she spoke affectionately to a granddaughter, gave one look of grateful recognition to her daughter, and calmly fell asleep in Jesus, January 7th, 1868, in the eighty-seventh year of her age. She died at the residence of her son-in-law, John T. Thomas, Bootle, Liverpool.

"Night dews fall not more gently to the ground, Nor weary worn out winds expire so soft." M. T.


AUGUST 7th, 1867.-At Marston, in the Grantham Circuit, Mrs. Alice Brown. She was born at Barrowby, in the year 18 7. In early life she tat under the Methodist ministry, and was convinced of sin; but it was not until she was twenty-six years of age that she was brought to a saving knowledge of the truth, and could “rejoice in Christ Jesus." Now she was concerned for the welfare of others, became a teacher in the Sunday school at Heckington, and sought to impress upon the minds of the children the value of the Scriptures, and the inestimable worth of early piety. In 1850 she was united in marriage to Mr. Robert Brown, and removed to Marston, where she commenced a Sunday-school in her own house, a work for which she had considerable tact and ability. The Great Head of the Church crowned her efforts with success; the school increased, and was removed to the Wesleyan chapel; and for years it was her delight in this way to work for Christ. As a class-leader she will long be remembered. Her clear discrimination, her knowledge of human nature, and her extensive acquaintance with the Word of God, eminently qualified her for this office She knew how, and when, to comfort, direct, and warn. In the closet she sought a preparation for her arduous and important duties, and this was the secret of For many months before her death, there were signs of failing health. Her last affliction was painful, and at times her Physical sufferings were extreme; but her fortitude never forsook her, and the grace of Christ upheld her. When near death, she said to a friend, "I am ready. If I had religion to seek now, with this anguish of body, how terrible it would be! but the work is done, my Jesus Supports and comforts me." J. O.

her success.

she was loved by all who knew her. Under the ministry of the Rev. John Roadhouse, she was converted to God, and became a member of the Wesleyan-Methodist Society in the year 1819. Thenceforward, to the day of her death, she was an humble and consistent follower of the Lord Jesus, adorning His doctrine in all things, and especially in the quiet and unobtrusive discharge of her Christian duties. Soon after her conversion, Mr. and Mrs. Drake opened their house to the Circuit ministers during their visits to Uppingham; and many who have been entertained there, can still call to mind the unaffected kindness with which she received them, and the Christian spirit with which she ministered to their comfort; appearing never so happy as when doing what she could for the cause and servants of the Redeemer. For some years before her death, she was the subject of much bodily weakness and affliction, which frequently prevented her attendance at the house of God. Still, "in patience she possessed her soul," resting with child-like confidence on the promises of the everlasting covenant, and fortified against all painful apprehension by that love which casteth out fear." The final attack of illness was only a few days before her death. During the brief interval her mind was kept in perfect peace. So far as she was able to converse with friends, she uniformly assured them that she was resting upon the Saviour, and that all was well. Just before her departure, in answer to the inquiries of those who were waiting round lier bed, she extended her arms, and distinctly exclaimed, "Happy, happy; yes, yes; I am on the Rock! After this she said no more, but calmly slept in Jesus.

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T. C.

October 27th.-At Broadway, in the Evesham October 7th.-At Uppingham, in the Oakham Circuit, Mr. William Stokes, aged sixty-eight Circuit, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr. John years. He was converted to God in early life, Drake, aged seventy-seven years. Although she and from that period never swerved from the was not blessed with pious parents or religious straight path of Christian duty. Consistent in training, yet she seems from childhood to have all his dealings, firmly adhering to his Christian had the fear of God implanted in her heart. Her principles, largely imbued with the charity natural disposition was so genial and kind that which suffereth long, and is kind," cherishing a

love of peace, and seeking to promote it, his life was that of a devoted follower of the Lord Jesus. For forty-si years he was a member of the Methodist Society, and for thirty-two years a class-leader, besides filling for a lengthened period the offices of Local preacher, Circuit steward, and trustee, with great fidelity. lle was a man of a meck and gentle spirit, always cheerful, and particularly devoted to his family, and to the cause of God. His prayers, both in his family and in public, were simple, terse, and earnest. He was regular and active in all his public duties, until the time drew near that be must die. His end was eminently peaceful and happy. His soul was kept in patience and in confiding submission to the will of God. Death to him had lost its sting; faith triumphed over the last enemy; and, full of hope, he would frequently exclaim,

"I long to behold Him arrayed

With glory and light from above!"

He spoke of his departure with calm composure, and urged upon all who visited him the importance of religion, observing, "I have not followed cunningly-devised fables."

J. M.

November 23d.-Mr. Robert Brown, of the Great-Yarmouth Circuit, son of the late Rev. Jonathan Brown. He was born at the OrphanHouse, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in the year 1800. During his apprenticeship in Hull, and when about seventeen years of age, he became decided for God. From Hull be removed to Spalding, where he resided until 1842, carrying on a suзcessful business. During all this period he was careful to sustain the cause of God with a gene rous liberality and an earnest zeal. Failing health compelled him to remove to Norwich, where he sustained several important offices. Subsequently Yarmouth became his place of residence, where, from various causes, he was less prominent in the affairs of the Church. In the summer of 1857, unfavourable symptoms presented themselves so decidedly, that apprehensions of the coming end forced themselves upon all who knew him, and an impression that November would close his earthly career took possession of his own mind. The prospect, however, did not produce dismay; and when, some weeks after the utterance of the above conviction, his paroxysms became more violent, and respiration was rendered almost impossible, he could still testify to his confidence in the Saviour. His one desire was for a fuller manifestation of Divine love. To use his own expressions, he wanted to feel as when he was first converted, that he could cut off his hand,' or do anything, for Christ." Nearly the whole of one night he spent in prayer for this clearer display of Divine mercy, and on the following morning, with a beaming countenance,

he exclaimed, "Praise the Lord! I have got the manifestation!" "It is victory, victory!" "I am on the Rock!" "Q, how good the Lord has been to me! In this happy frame he continued to the end, meeting such inquiries as, "Is there light in the valley?" with the response, "O yes; Jesus is there!" until death terminated his sufferings. G. B.

January 24th, 1869.-At Thurmaslon, in the Leicester Circuit, Mrs. Saralı Hartshorn, aged sixty-nine years, having been a member of the Wesleyan-Methodist Society for nearly fifty-two years. Her parents were pious Methodists, and sought to train her up for Christ. When she was about seventeen years old, she was deeply convinced of sin, and soon afterwards found peace with God through faith in the Lord Jesus. Her piety was uniform and unostentatious; and in the several relations of life she evinced the power of Divine grace. The profound esteem and love of her children testified to her excellencies as a mother; and her character commanded the respect of all who knew her. Her last illness was long and painful; but she was graciously sustained, and ultimately triumphed over death through our Lord Jesus Christ.

H. W. W.

April 13th.-At Leighton-Buzzard, in the twenty-eighth year of his age, Mr. Frederick Harris. From early life he was seriously disposed, and showed his attachment to the house of God by regular attendance on the preaching of the Gospel, and other religious services in connexion with the Wesleyan-Methodist Society. But it was at a watchnight-service, in the year 1859, that he was deeply convinced of his sinfulness; and at the close of the following Sunday. evening service, he, with several other young men, came forward to the communion-rail, and there sought and found the pardoning merey of God. From that time till his death, he was careful to act in everything consistently with his religious profession. His experience was not uniformly bright and joyous; but he always felt a calm and satisfactory assur ance of his acceptance with God through Christ. He took a deep interest in the Sunday. school; and, both as a teacher and a secretary, discharged his duties with the highest credit to himself and satisfaction to others. His long and painful affliction was borne with great patience, -a patience upheld by his constant reliance on the Saviour. It was very pleasant to see and converse with him in his last illness. drow near to the close of life he seemed increas ingly cheerful and happy. Not more than a quarter of an hour before his death he sang praises to God, and asked his friends to sing with him; and then, without a sigh, he slept in Jesus. W. G. D.

As he


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