Imatges de pàgina



611. Medusa with Gorgonian] Megaera with Tartarean Bentley
616. agast] Ed. 1. aghast Newton.
618. vale] Ed. 3.

Vaile Edd. 1, 2. dens Mull.

620-1. Alp, Rocks...bogs, dens,] Alp-Rocks...bogs― 631. Puts on swift wings] Puts on, swift-wing'd Bentley towards Ed. 2. 633. right hand] Hyphened

645. three645-7. gates; three...Impenetrable,] 654. cry] crue Bentley conj.

conj. toward] Ed. 1. by Fenton. 644. Hell bounds] Hyphened by Keightley. fold the threefolded Bentley conj. gates (three...Impenetrable) Mull. 654. Hell-hounds] Tickell. Hell Hounds Ed. 1. 663. In...air] (In..... air) Mull. 664. with] by Capell conj. 678. not fear'd-...except,] not fear'd, God and his Son except; Pearce conj. naught fear'd, God and his Son except: Anon. conj. (Peck), reading nor for not in 679. 679. naught] not Fenton. 688. wrath] wrauth Ed. 1 (and in all but seven passages in Paradise Lost). 689. Traitor Angel] Traitor-Angel Fenton. 710. arctic] Artick Ed. 1. Arctick Tickell. 718. mid air] mid-air Masson. 719. combatants,] combatants Masson. gate] hell-gate Fenton. Hell Gates Bentley. Tickell. 734. ye] you 1688. Bentley conj.

Fantasm Ed. 1. 748. foul?] 1719. In Heaven Mull. hands Masson.

742. vale] 1688. phanta'm Fenton. foul, Ed. 1.

725, 746. Hell 730. whom;] whom? 737. words so strange] words so new Vaile Edd. 1-3. 743. phantasm] 747. then,] then? Tickell. 748-9. so fair In Heaven] so fair? 769. else?] Fenton. else Ed. 1. 775. hand] 815. subtle] 1705. subtile 1688. suttle Ed. 1. 818-21. the dear...unthought of] 831.,] Should be— 833. purlieus] Pourlieues Ed. 1. 847-8. fill'd, and bless'd his maw

815-6. lore Soon] lust Sore Mull.
Put in a parenthesis by Fenton.
and by concurring signs ere now— Mull.
846. gastly] Ed. 1. ghastly 1705.

Destined filled and blessed his maw, Destined Mull. 855. might] wight Ed. 3, and Bentley. 860. Bentley would omit or place before line 858. 863. feed?] 1688. feed: Ed. 1.

866. thee?] Fenton. thee, Ed. 1. portcullis] 1691. Porcullis Ed. 1. 888. furnace

874. up drew] up-drew Fenton.
881. grate] Ed. 2. great Ed. 1, corrected in Errata.
mouth] furnace-mouth Masson.

896-8, anarchy... For] anarchy!

899. mastery] Mastry

Amidst...hard by Confusion stands; For Mull. 1688. Maistrie Ed. 1. 906. these most] the most Bentley conj. 918. Stood on...and look'd] Look'd from...and stood Bentley conj.

931-2. meets

A vast vacuity: all unawares] (meeting A vast vacuity all unawares) Mull. 933. pennons] pinions Bentley. plumb down] plumb-down Keightley. 934- fathom] 1688. fadom Ed. 1. 938-40. stay'd, Quench'd...Land,]

1719. stay'd, Quencht...Land: Ed. 1. moory] 1719. moarie Ed. 1.


(Bentley conj.). Hades Bentley.

944. or] and Keightley 948. or steep] o'er steep Mull. 949. or feet] and feet Keightley conj. 964. Ades] 980. profound. Direct] Tickell. profound, direct Ed. 1.

1000. so] us Bentley conj.

996. Heaven gates] heav'n-gates Fenton. Heav'n's Gate Bentley con 1001. our] your Newton (Pearce conj.). 1016. wins] wings Peck conj. 1018. Bosporus] Bosphorus 1719. 1023-5. soon...Heaven] Put in a parenthesis by Mull. 1038. farthest] 1688. fardest Ed. 1. 1039-40. As...din] Put in a parenthesis by Mull. 1039. her] his Bentley conj. works, a broken foe] works; a broken fo Pearce conj. works a broken foe Ed. 1. broken] brok'd Ed. 2. 1053. magnitude] Magnitude, Ed. 3.

III. 2. beam] beam! Fenton.

follow line 2, Mull conj.

6. Bright...increate 1] Transpose to 17. the Orphean] th' Orphean Ed. 1. 24. To find] To

toil so quoted by Landor.
26. the more] for that Bentley conj. therefore

36. Tiresias and

38-40. numbers; as...

23. roll] rowle Ed. 1. seek Bentley conj. Pearce conj. 33. two] too Richardson conj. Phineus] Phineus and Tiresias Pearce conj. note. Thus] numbers. As...note: thus Pearce conj. Turns Mull. 45. instead] 1705. in stead Ed. 1. nature's works] blanc; All Pearce conj. blanc: All Nature's Map 48. blank] blot Hume conj.

Bentley conj.

Keightley conj.

40. Tunes] 48-9. blank Of

52. powers] pores 80. Only begotten] Hyphened by Keightley.

81-6. Adversary?...hold;] Newton. adversary,...hold? Fenton. adver
sarie,...hold; Ed. 1.
89. new-created] Fenton. new created Ed. 1.
106-111. receive,...paid, ?] Masson.
108. 13

101. fail'd] fell Bentley conj.
,...mee. Ed. 1. receive?...paid? Keightley.

choice] as choice Mull, putting reason...passive both in a parenthesis.
110. had] and Fenton (1727).
conj. foreseen] foredoom'd Bentley conj.
Put in a parenthesis by Mull.

141. visibly] visible Bentley conj. Bentley conj. omitting the. folly-! Masson.

121. immutably] immutable Pearce 123-8. for so...freedom] 131. other first] other's fraud Bentley 147. sound] Streins 150-3. be lost,...folly ? be lost153. folly ? follyconj.). 157. thine?] 1688. thine, Ed. 1. naught, Ed. 1. naught? 1691. 175. vouch voutsafed Masson.

151. son] born Mull.

Keightley (Stillingfleet
158. nought,] Fenton.
safed] voutsaft Ed. 1.
die, Die Ed. I. die. Die Tickell.
love,, Ed. 1.

209-10. die; Die] Fenton. 213-15. love?] Fenton. 217. the heavenly quire] th' Angelic Quires

223. been] 1688.

Bentley conj. quire] choir Fenton (and elsewhere). bin Ed. I. 231. unprevented] uninvited or unperceived Bentley conj. unrequested Pearce conj. doubtfully. unsought?] Fenton. unsought, Ed. 1. 232. coming!] Fenton. coming; Ed. 1. 241. wreak] Fenton. wr Ed. 1. 280. a while] a-while Fenton. 284. virgin seed] Hyphenol 299–300. redeem, So dearly to redeem what] redeem-So 335. Heaven] Heav'ns Bentley conj.

by Fenton.

dearly to redeem!—what Mull.

344-7. but,] Ed. 1. but, all...Angels-with...voices-uttering joy,
Keightley. but-all... Angels, with ... voices, uttering joy- Masson.
360. these that never fade] this that never fades Bentley conj. 361. beams]
leaves Mull.
372. sung Omnipotent] Ed. 1. sung, Omnipotent
Fenton. 375-7. invisible Amidst,...inaccessible, but] invisible-Amidst...
inaccessible-but Mull. 379. shrine] shrine... Keightley. 383. sang]
sung Fenton.
390. He] The Mull.
392. Dominations.
Dominations: thou Ed. I. Dominations thou Mull.
wheels] Hyphened by Tickell. 398. Son] Sword Mull.
no where Ed. 1. 413. my song] our Song Bentley conj.
harp] our Harps Bentley conj.

434. or yeanling] and weanling Fenton.
Ed. I.
444. hereafter from] hereafter.

1688. Naught Ed. 1.

Thou] 394. chariot

411. nowhere] 414. my

431. vulture] Vultur Ed. 1. 443. lifeless] Bentley. liveless From Mull.

453. Nought] 460. likely habitants] likely, habitant Mull. 473. After this a line omitted, Pearce conj. many more, too long] more too long to name Bentley conj. 474-6. idiots, eremites...trumpery. Here]

idiots. Eremites and friars—White...trumpery-Here Mull. 483. talk'd] call'd or stil'd or nam'd Bentley conj. 487. cross wind] Hyphened by Fenton. 497-8. Long...untrod. All] Long after! Now... 505. palace gate] Hyphened by Fenton. 509. shading] shaping

untrod All Mull.

506. frontispiece] Ed. 3. Frontispice Edd. 1, 2.
Mull. 513. To Padan-Aram, in the field of Luz] Newton.
Aram in the field of Luz, Ed. 1.
his eye] as his Eyes Bentley conj.
gate] Hyphened by Fenton.
parenthesis by Fenton.

To Padan534. and

516. meant] dropt Mull. and his ey'd Pearce conj. 541. Heaven 555-7. (and well...shade)] Put in a 565. shone] show'd Bentley conj. 566. nigh hand] Hyphened by Keightley. 574-6. but up...longitude] In a parenthesis, Newton (Pearce conj.). 580. starry] Sarry Ed. 1. Fenton. Medal Ed. 1. 594. With] Which Ed. 1.


or the Fenton. two o' th' Anon. conj. (Pearce).
Put in a parenthesis by Fenton.
613. Here] There Bentley conj. met] met: Mull.

592. metal]

597. to the] 599. Imagined...seen] here] there Bentley conj.

614. Undazzled. Far]

Undazled; far Fenton. Undazl'd, farr Ed. 1, and Mull, who puts lines

615-9 For...fall in a parenthesis.

sunshine all. As Bentley conj. 650. at] to Bentley conj.

616-7. all sunshine, they]

619. can] could Bentley conj. 656. The first art] The first, art Mull. 664. favour,

657. Interpreter...Heaven] Put in a parenthesis by Mull. kim] Favorite Bentley conj. 678. that loss] their loss 1705. 679. men] man Capell conj. Ms. 691. sharpest sighted] Hyphened by Tickell. 696-8. leads...excess] Placed after Heaven line 701 by Mull. 707. deep?] 1688. deep. Ed. 1. 716. this] the 1705. 721. walls] wall Bentley conj. 724-5. That] In a parenthesis, Pearce conj. with Ed. 1, corrected in Errata and in some copies.

741. in]

IV. 6. was] is Bentley conj. first parents] Hyphened in Ed. 2. been] 1688. bin Ed. I. 9. first] fresh Mull. came] come Mull 11. wreak] Fenton. wreck Ed. 1. 13, 14. Yet...boast] Put in a parenthesis by Mull. 25-6. what must be Worse] what must be, Wore Fenton. what must be; Worse Richardson conj. what must be-Worse 33. Look'st from thy sole dominion] Look'st, from thy sol

dominion, Pearce conj. from] in Bentley conj.

Bentley conj.

40. worse] curs'd

41. matchless] glorious so quoted by Phillips (1694) 47. thanks,] Thanks!

79. at last] 80-1. r

42. wherefore?] Bentley. wherefore! Ed. 1. Bentley. 53. burdensome] Newton. burthensome Ed. 1. at least Mull. I best Mull conj. relent] repent Newton conj. pentance...left?... submission;] repentance?... left, submission? Mull. 88-9. groan, While...Hell,] groane; While

86. Ay me] Ah me Fenton.

...Hell, Ed. 1. groane; While...Hell. 1711.
marked as a parenthesis by Fenton.
105. instead] Tickell. in stead Ed. 1.

98-9. For...deep] First 102. double] doubl'd Fenton,

108–9. farewell]| farwel Ed. 1.

112. By thee,] By thee- Pearce conj. By thee! Richardson conj. half

perhaps will half, perhaps, will Bradshaw.
Pearce conj. So quoted by Richardson.
and Mull, putting lines 121-3 in a parenthesis.
falshood,...shew Fenton. 124. enough] 1688.
syrian] Armenian Bentley conj.

115. pale, ire] pale ire 121. fraud; and] fraud! 122. falsehood...skew,] anough Ed. 1. 126. As129. then] when Bentley conj. 137. overhead

136. grotesque] grottesque Ed. 1. gottesque Ed. 2.
over-head Tickell. over head Ed. 1.
148. fruits] fruit Capell conj. MS.

147. fruit] fruits Bentley conj. 151. in] on Bentley conj.

177. All

153. landskip] Tickell. Lantskip Ed. 1. landscape Fenton. ...pass'd] All passage to whate'er assay'd Bentley conj. All path of man er beast: none pass'd Pearce conj. 181. all bound] all fence Bentley conj. 200. been] Ed. 3. bin Edd. 1, 2.

all mound Pearce conj. doubtfully.

Nature's Fenton.

raised, Upon Mull. mound Peck conj.

206-7. exposed, In narrow room Nature's] expos'd In narrow room, 226-7. mountain as...raised Upon] mountain, as... 226. garden mould] Hyphened by Tickell. garden 236. art] ought Bentley conj. 236-7. if...tell, 245. the unpierced] the unpierc't Ed. 1. 246. Imbroum'd...bowers] Imbowered...

How] (if...tell How) Fenton. the unpierced Tennyson conj. hours Mull.

246-7. place, A] place A Newton. 250-1. Hesperian...

only] In a parenthesis, Pearce conj. conj. 263. Her] Its Bentley conj.

Bentley conj.
Bentley conj.

257. Another] On either Bentley 264. airs, vernal airs] air, vernal air 268. Led] Leads

265. attune] attunes Bentley conj.
284. high, but] high. But Mull. 285. Assyrian]
290. majesty seem'd] majesty—

Abassin or th' Assyrian Mull conj.
seemed Mull.
Omitted by Bentley. Put in a parenthesis by Pearce.

293. severe] serene Bentley conj. 294. Severe...placed]
295. authority]

313-4. shame,

autoritie Edd. 1, 2. 296–7. not equal seem'd: For] not equal, seem'd; For Pearce conj. not equal—seemed For Mull. 299. in him] and him Bentley conj. 309. And by] As by Bentley conj. dishonest shame Of Nature's works, honour] shame. Nature's works, honour Keightley. shame-dishonest shame!—Of Nature's 314-5. dishonourable, Sin-bred,] dishonourable. 315. ye] you

works! Honour Mull.

Sin-bred, Tickell. dishonorable! Sin-bred! Fenton.

Newton conj.

Fenton. breaded Ed. 1.

Dishonest shame Of

318. innocence!] Newton. innocence? Fenton.
326. fountain side] Hyphened by Fenton. side,
side Ed. 1.
329. made] make Masson.

innocence. Ed. 1.
Keightley (Pearce conj.).
333. Yielded them, sidelong] Yielded them. Sidelong Mull.
353. hasting] hastening Masson.
372. Ill fenced] Hyphened by Fenton.
391. compels] compel Browne.
405. Straight] Streight 1688.
406. couchant] double Bentley conj.

'em 1711.

streight Ed. 1.

Bentley conj.

crouches Masson.

349. braided] 365. them]

376. strait] 1688.

400. mark] pry


Ed. 1. couches]

and sole part of】 partner, and sole part, of Newton conj. part of Bentley conj.

411. partner

partner and best

441. form'd flesh] form'd, flesh 1695.

443. head!] Fenton. Head, Ed. 1. enjoying thee, Preeminent...odds while Mull. 457. unexperienced] in-experienc'd Fenton.

446-7. lot,...odds, while] lot 451. on] Ed. I. of Ed. 2. 465. love.] love; Ed. 2.

love, Ed. 1. 471-2. embraces,; him] Newton. embraces, hee... art, him Ed. 1. embraces:, him Tickell.


1688. strait Ed. 1.

embraces 476. straight] streight

487. soul,]

472. shalt] 1688. shall Ed. 1.
478. platan] plantan 1711.
494. half embracing] Hyphened by Newton.
511. unfulfill'd, with...longing]

Fenton. soul Ed. 1.

509. Where] Where's Bentley conj. 1719. unfulfill'd with...longing Ed. 1. unfulfill'd with... longing, Fenton. 516. reasonless.] reasonless! Masson. 519. ignorance?] Tickell. Ignorance, Ed. 1. 530. A chance but chance] Some lucky chance Bentley conj. A chance (but chance) Pearce conj. A chance—but

chance Mitford conj. A chance, but chance 1695.

low Bentley conj. Lowly Newton conj. conj. (Keightley).

541. Slowly] Had 542. eastern] western Anon.

544. alabaster] 1719. Alablaster Ed. 1. 556. Sun beam] Ed. 1. Sun-beam

555. even] Heav'n Bentley conj. Tickell. 560. He] and Bentley conj. 563. enter in ;] Ed. 1. enter

in. Tickell. enter in... Keightley conj.

Bentley conj.

perfet Ed. 1.

571. passions] passion Major. 586. walks] walls Bentley.

567. described] descry'd

577. perfect] 1688. 592-8. Azores; whether...

602. all

attend. Now] 1719. Azores; whither...attend: Now Ed. 1. Azores. Whether...there (Arraying...attend), Now Mull. but the] not all: the Bentley conj. Keightley.

605. sapphires] sapphire 607. majesty, at length] majesty at length, Tickell.

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