And fuming rills, and the shrill matin song 5-6. which...rills] from fuming 4. acry light] Hyphened by Fenton. 19. ever new] Hyphened by Fenton (1727). 137. arborous] arbour's Bentley 142. landskip] 1719. Lantskip Ed. 1. landscape Fenton. 156. Unspeakable!] Fenton. Unspeakable, Ed. 1. Mull. Heaven;] Heav'n, Ed. 1. Heav'n. Tickell. Bentley conj. or sung Masson. 172. him thy greater] him creator Bentley conj. thy creator Thyer conj. (withdrawn). 175. fliest] fly'st, Bentley 176. orb that flies] orbs, that rest Mull. 186-7.] Put in a parenthesis by Mull. 198. Heaven gate] Hyphened by Tickell. 210-1. recoverd...calm. On] 207. gather'd] 1688. gathered Ed. 1. conj. 229. half haste Mull. 242. violence? Tickell. violence, appearing, kens Newton. 261. hills. As] Ed. 1. Todd. steddie Ed. I. Fenton. 297. art,] Fenton. Ed. 2. need Ed. 1. 312. vouchsafe] 1688. voutsafe Ed. 1. Bentley conj. 326. brake] Tickell. break Ed. 1. branch Bentley conj. 328. Angel guest] Hyphened by Fenton. Mull, putting lines 333-6 in a parenthesis. 332. turns, on] turns. On 338-9. yields In] yields, In 342. smooth rined] smooth 346. must] Fenton. moust Ed. 1. 348. her] she Bentley conj. 351. without more] with no more Bentley conj. 361-2. for other...contain] Put in a parenthesis by Fenton. 365. a while) a-while Fenton. 369. sit] sip Mull. 395. hand in hand] Hyphened by Masson. 1688. perfet Ed. 1. 391. turf] 1688. terf Ed. 1. 399, 442, 524, 568. perfect] 406. of] to Bentley conj. 412-3. assimilate, 413. corporea] And corporeal] assimilate, and Corporeal Capell мѕ. corporal Bentley conj. 414. fed; of elements] fed of elements: Mull. 427. fruitage] Fenton. frutage Ed. 1. Put in a parenthesis by Fenton. 455. his world] this world 1688. 435-6. the common...theologians] 447. been] 1688. bin Ed. 1. 457. forms,] Tickell. forms Ed. 1. 482. Spirits odorous 469. is] hest Mull, putting from...good in a parenthesis. 471-2. all Such ...first] all, Each to perfection first-one Mull. breathes] Spirits' odorous breath Mull. Mull. 484. to animal] from animal 504. happy earthly Bentley conj. 528. Inextricable] Inexorable Bentley conj. 536. God enthroned] God, enthron'd Warton conj. 559. Hath] The catchword on the previous page in Ed. 1 is Had. 566. Spirits?] Fenton. Spirits; Ed. 1. 568. stood?] Fenton. stood; Ed. 1. 576. thought!] Keightley. thought? Ed. 1. 589. Standards ...rear] Put in a parenthesis by Fenton. 598. Amidst, as] Amidst us Bentley conj. whose top] whoseop Ed. 1, corrected in Errata. 598-9. 45 ...invisible] Put in a parenthesis by Fenton. Put in a parenthesis by Fenton. spheres...their... Resemble Bentley conj. 633. Aows] Ed. 2. flows: Ed. 1. 636. 637-40. in communion...Excess] Ed. 2. Ed. 1. 620-4. which...seem] 620-2. sphere...her... Resembles] 627. now] Ed. 2. om. Ed. t.'d] Added in Ed. 2. with refection sweet Are fill d 640. all-bounteous] Hyphened by Fenton. 649. globous] globose Fenton. 659. in] om. Ed. 1, corrected in Errata. 674. and who Bentley conj. 674-6. eyelids? and...Almighty.] Ed. 1. eyelids? and... Almighty? Tickell. 674-5. decree, Of yesterday, so late] decree-Of yesterday so late- Mull. eyelids, and... Almighty? Fenton. 684. chief] chiefs Bentley conj. Fenton. 710. the] om. Bentley conj. Bentley conj. 708. morning star] Hyphened by 711. Eternal eye, Eternal, He 734. ineffable serene] ineffably-serene or ineffable-serene Capell conj. MS. 770. art] air Bentley conj. 782. unpaid, prostration] unpaid. Prostration Mull. 790. Natives] Native Mull. Heaven possess'd] heav'n; possest Fenton. Heaven, possess'd Bentley. Heavens oppress'd Bentley conj. 796-7. equals, if...equal?] Ed. 1. equals? if...equal. Fenton. 797. equal?] equals? Capell conj. Ms. 798-9. us,...not?] Newton. us,...not, Ed. 1. Us?...not: Bentley. 799. for this] for this peer Mull. forethink Bentley conj. 820-1. reign, One] reign One Mull. 822. God?] Fenton. God, Ed. 1. 835. Son?] Tickell. son, Ed. 1. 853. then] thus Mull. 861. fatal natal Mull. 868. Address, and to] Address or to Mull. 877. alienate] alienated 1707. spread Both contagious spread, Both Mull. parenthesis, Landor conj. 880-1. contagion 889. not...threats] In a 890. devoted, lest] devote; but lest Bentley conj. 896-7. found; Among] found Among Capell Ms. 896-8. found; Among...only he; Among] found Among...only he Among Capell conj. Ms. 14. vanish'd] vanquisht VI. 2. champain] champaign Keightley. 1705. 16. thick embattled] thick-embattld Capell Ms. 29. done!] Fenton. done, Ed. 1. 35. care] care- Masson. 38. thee, theeMasson. 79-84. appeard From...portray'd,] appeared-From...portrayedMull. 90-8. vain In the mid-way. Though...thought.] vain. In the midway (though...thought!) - Mull. 93. hosting] jousting Bentley conj. 96. But] Yet Pearce conj. doubtfully. 106. Presented stood] Ed. 1. Presented, stood Fenton. Presented stood, Keightley. 115. realty] Fealty Bentley conj. 116. not] not! Keightley. 120-1. tried Unsound and false; tried-Unsound and false! Mull. 144. God, though] God. Though Mull. 147. thou seest; now learn thou seest now! learn Mull. 148. few] one Bentley conj. 151. Of] For Fenton (1725). 165. been] 1688. bin Ed. 1. 180. thee, thee! Mull. 184. blest] blessed Ed. 1, corrected in Errata. 191. sight sleight Mull. 198. Half sunk] Hyphened by Fenton. 204. rung] sung Bentley conj. 212. overhead] Keightley. over head Ed. 1. over heard Tickell (a misprint). 212-3. the dismal hiss Of fiery darts] with dismal hiss The fiery darts Bentley conj. 215. So under] Sounder Ed. 1, corrected in Errata. 218. been] 1688. bin Ed. 1. 219-23. wonder?...regions:] Ed. 1. wonder!...regions. Keightley. wonder,...regions? Masson. Ed. 1. 226. seat/] Fenton. seat; 231-2. A numerous...yet] A numerous host in strength each armed hand A legion led in fight; yet Bentley conj. 231. hand] band Bradshaw conj. 233. single as in chief, expert] single, as in chief expert Mull. 236. ridges] bridges Bentley conj. 241. for] far Bentley conj. 253. Wide-wasting] Hyphened by Fenton. 259. Arch-foe] Hyphened in 1688. 269. rebellion!] Fenton. Rebellion? Ed. 1. 271. false!] Fenton. false? 1688. false. Ed. 1. 277. crew!] Fenton. crew; Ed. 1. 285-6. flight, or,... Unvanquish'd,] flight? or... Unvanquished? Mull. Mull. flight? or... Un-vanquish'd; Fenton (1727). 289. evil] hateful Bentley conj. Ed. 1. 308. throng] Throngs Bentley conj. parenthesis by Fenton. 287. and with] than with 301. power?] 1688. Power: 310-1. to set...small] In a 319. As...once] Put in a 312. war were] warfare Bentley conj. 317. imminent] eminent Bentley conj. parenthesis by Fenton. power, at once] Edd. 1, 2. power at once Ed. 3. 324. Satan, with...smite] Satan-with...smite- Mull. 327-31. Then... divisible] Put in a parenthesis by Mull. 332. nectarous] ichorous Bentley conj. 334. erewhile] ere while Ed. 1. 345-6. not...reins] Put in a parenthesis by Fenton. 345. not] nor Tickell 352. or] and 1711. 356. ensigns] onset Bentley conj. 357. Moloch] Newton. Moloc Ed. 1. 363. his] each his Bentley and Thyer conj. Adramelec Ed. 1. Asmadai] Asmodai Tickell. ghastly 1688. 371. Arioch] Newton. glorious] Hyphened in 1688. Chariotiere 1688. 391. stood, 365. Adrameleck] Newton 368. gastly] Ed. L. Arioc Ed. 1. 384. Vain390. charioter] Charioteer 1695. recoild] stood recoiled Keightley. 399. cubic] martial Bentley conj. advanced entire] advancedentire Mull.. 421. pretence] 1695. pretense Ed. 1. 425. hod hatk 1711. 430. True is] True 'tis Mull. 434. injury] Tickell. injurie, Ed. 1. 436-7. heal'd. Of] healed, Of Mull. 447. Nisroch] Newton. Nisroc Ed. 1. 452. gods!] Fenton. Gods; Ed. 1. 456. ensue;] Ed. 1. ensue! Fenton. 459. mightiest?] Fenton. Mightiest. Ed. 1. 472. bright surface] surface bright Bentley conj. 477-81. grow Deep...light?] 1691. grow: Dep...light? 1695. grow Deep...light. Ed. 1. grow? Deep...light, Mull. 484. hollow] 1688. hallow Ed. 1. 499. inventor] Fenton. inventer Ed. 1. 506-7. For sin, on...bent. Forthwith] For sin. On... bent, Forthwith Mull. 513. subtle] 1705. subtile 1688. suttle Ed. r. 516-7. Bentley continues the parenthesis to stone. 521. day-spring] Ed. 2. day spring Ed. 1. 532. halt] Fenton. alt Ed. 1. 538-9. pursuit This... flight; pursuit! This day fear not his flight, Mull. 544. or high] on high or and high Keightley conj. 545. aught] right Fenton conj. 547-8. themselves,...impediment;] Ed. 1. themselves;... impediment, Fenton. themselves,...impediment, Tickell. 550. move] mov'd 553. Training] Trailing Mull conj. Newton (1770). Fenton. Heaven, Ed. 1. 564. anon!] Fenton. 563. Heaven. anon, Ed. 1. 572. triple-mounted] Ed. 1. triple mounted Ed. 2. 574. Mull begins the parenthesis at this line. 575. or mountain] on mountain Pearce conj. 580. Stood] Held Mull (Bentley conj.). Shone Mitford conj. Shook 587. noise] blast or force Bentley conj. 597. пого] по Dyce conj. Ed. 1. 624. many: who] Fenton. many; who Tickell. many, who 629-30. thoughts beyond...victory;] thoughts beyond All doubt of 655. arm'd.] armed Mull, putting lines 656-8 in a 656. bruised bruised, Masson. 667. noise!] Fenton. 670. wrack] wreck Fenton (1727). 674-5. all, advised, victory- Mull. parenthesis. noise; Ed. 1. That] Keightley. all, advisd: That Ed. 1. all advis'd: That Bentley. 681. invisible] the invisible Upton conj. all advised That Mull. 687. These] Those Keightley conj. gird my sword Anon. conj. (Newton). 713-4. arms...sword] arms; And 727. exaltation] exultation Mull. Wheele undrawn Ed. 1. 751. wheel, undrawn] Keightley. wheel; undrawn Masson. 752. shapes.] Keightley. shapes; Tickell. shapes, Ed. 1. in a parenthesis. Thron'd. Ed. 1. 758. Whereon] Where, on Fenton, putting inlaid...arch 772. throned, thron'd, Fenton. Thron'd 1719. 773-4. wide, but...seen; them] wide, but...seen, them Ed. 1. wide! But...seen, them Mull. 789-90. But to convince...relent?] But (to convince...relent/) Fenton. 791. reclaim] 1688. 797. last] lost Tickell. 799. faint] feigned Mull. Therefore...assign'd,] will: Therefore...assigned! Mull. 845. His arrows, from] His arrows. From Mull. One...lightning, aud shot] eyes (One...lightning), was shot Mull. 854. mid Mull. volley] Hyphened by Fenton. Bentley and Heylin conj. 857. goats or timorous] goats, a timorous 866. Burn'd] Fenton. Burnt Ed. 1. 884. jubilee] 896. been] 1688. bin Ed. 1. 900. he] him 879. Her mural breach, returning] Her breach, the wall returning Pearce conj. doubtfully. 1688. Jubilie Ed. 1. Bentley conj. 883. Eye-witnesses] Hyphened in 1695. reclame Ed. 1. 816-7. will. 823. Nor] No 847-9. eyes; VII. 7. old] cold Anon. conj. and Bentley Ms. Heavenly born] Hyphened by Tickell. 8. fountain] fountains Keightley conj. 15. Thy tempering] Thee tempting Bentley conj. Thee temp'ring Thyer conj. 18. clime] climb Bentley conj. 19, 20. fall, Erroneous] Fenton. fall Erroneous, Ed. 1. fall Erroneous Ed. 2. 52. admiration and deep muse,] Bentley. admiration, and deep muse, Fenton. admiration, and deep Muse Ed. 1. 57. redounded] redounding Bentley conj. 59. repeal'd] dispell'd Bentley conj. repelld Pearce conj. doubtfully. 63. conspicuous] conspicious Ed. 2. 72. interpreter!] Fenton. Interpreter, Ed. 1. 74. been] 1688. bin Ed. 1. 88. or fills] and fills Keightley conj. 100. thy voice,] thy voice; Fenton. voice he] Ed. 1. voice, he Bentley, reading stays for hears. 113. or tongue] from tongue 116. the] thy Bentley conj. 129. surfeit] 1688. Surfet Ed. 1. 142. us] we Symmons conj. 151. Heaven,] Heav'n Ed. 2. 152. My... deem'd] Put in a parenthesis by Fenton. 169. Infinitude;,] Keightley. Infinitude, Ed. 1. Infinitude:; Fenton. 170. I uncircumscribed myself] I, uncircumscribed, myself Keightley. 172. not:] Fenton. not, Ed. 1. 182. the] God Bentley conj. good will] goodwill Keightley. 188. instead] 1705. in stead Ed. 1. 206. everduring] 1688. ever during Ed. 1. 109. illustrious] Ed. 2. illustrous Ed. 1. Bentley conj. and tongue Pearce conj. 125. Enough] 1688. Anough Ed. 1. 139. At least] At last Thyer conj. 214. And] In Newton conj. 216. peace!] Fenton. peace, Ed. 1. 217. end!] Keightley. end: Ed. 1. end Fenton. 236. vital] fovent Bentley conj. 251. light the Day, and] Day the Light, the Bentley conj. 254. quires, when] |