Imatges de pàgina

tentment I fufpect to have been borrowed from Cleiveland.

The general character of Parnell is not great extent of comprehenfion, or fertility of mind. Of the little that appears, still less is his own. His praise must be derived from the easy sweetness of his diction: in his verses there is more happiness than pains; he is spritely without effort, and always delights, though he never ravishes; every thing is proper, yet every thing feems casual. If there is fome appearance of elaboration in the Hermit, the narrative, as it is lefs airy, is less pleasing. Of his other compositions it is impoffible to say whether they are the productions of Nature so excellent as not to want the help of Art, or of Art so refined as to resemble Nature.

This criticism relates only to the pieces published by Pope. Cf the large appendages which I find in the last edition, I can only say, that I know not whence they came, nor have ever enquired whither they are going. They stand upon the faith of the compilers.




SAMUEL GARTH was of a good family

in Yorkshire, and from some school in his own country became a student at Peter-house in Cambridge, where he refided till he became doctor of physick on July the 7th, 1691. He was examined before the College at London on March the 12th, 1691-2, and admitted fellow June 26th, 1693. He was soon so much distinguithed by his conversation and accomplishments, as to obtain very extensive practice; and, if a pamphlet of those times may be credited, had the favour and confidence of one party, as Radcliffe had of the other.

He is always mentioned as a man of benevolence; and it is just to suppose that his defire of helping the helpless disposed him to so much zeal for the Difpenfary; an undertaking, of which some account, however short, is proper to be given.

Whether what Temple says be true, that physicians have had more learning than the other faculties, I will not stay to enquire; but, I believe, every man has found in physicians great liberality and dignity of sentiment, very prompt effusion of beneficence, and willingness to exert a lucrative art where there is no hope of lucre. Agreeably to this character, the College of Physicians, in July 1687, published an edict, requiring all the fellows, candidates, and licentiates, to give gratuitous advice to the neighbouring poor.

This edict was sent to the Court of Aldermen; and a question being made to whom the appellation of the poor should be extended, the College anfwered, that it should be sufficient to bring a testimonial from the clergyman officiating in the parish where the patient refided.

After a year's experience, the physicians found their charity frustrated by some malignant oppofition, and made to a great degree vain by the high price of physick; they therefore voted, in Auguft 1688, that the laboratory of the College should be accommodated to the preparation of medicines, and another room prepared for their reception; and that the contributors to the expence should manage the charity.

It was now expected that the apothecaries would have undertaken the care of providing medicines; but they took another course. Thinking the whole design pernicious to their interest, they endeavoured to raise a faction against it in the college, and found some physicians mean enough to folicit their patronage, by betraying to them the counsels of the College. The greater part, however, enforced, by a new edict, in 1694, the former order of 1687, and fent it to the mayor and aldermen, who appointed a committee to treat with the College, and fettle the mode of administering the charity.

It was defired by the aldermen, that the testi

monials of churchwardens and overseers should be


admitted; and that all hired fervants, and all apprentices to handicraftsmen, should be confidered This likewife was granted by the

as poor. College.

It was then confidered who should distribute the medicines, and who should fettle their prices. The physicians procured some apothecaries to undertake the dispensation, and offered that the Warden and Company of the Apothecaries should adjust the price. This offer was rejected; and the apothecaries who had engaged to afssist the charity were confidered as traytors to the company, threatened with the imposition of troublesome offices, and deterred from the performance of their engagements. The apothecaries ventured upon up publick opposition, and presented a kind of remonstrance against the design to the committee of the city, which the physicians condescended to confute: and at last the traders feem to have prevailed among the fons of trade; for the proposal of the College having been confidered, a paper of appro bation was drawn up, but poftponed and forgotten.

The physicians still persisted; and in 1696 a subscription was raised by themselves, according to an agreement prefixed to the Dispensary. The poor were for a time supplied with medicines; for how long a time, I know not. The medical charity, like others, began with ardour, but foon remitted, and at last died gradually away.

About the time of the subscription begins the action of the Dispensary. The Poem, as its fubject was present and popular, co-operated with paffions and prejudices then prevalent, and, with fuch auxiliaries to its intrinfick merit, was univerfally fally and liberally applauded. It was on the fide of charity against the intrigues of interest, and of regular learning against licentious ufurpation of medical authority, and was therefore naturally favoured by those who read and can judge of poetry.

In 1697, Garth spoke that which is now called the Harveian Oration; which the authors of the Biographia mention with more praise than the passage quoted in their notes will fully juftify. Garth, speaking of the mischiefs done by quacks, has these expressions: "Non tamen telis vulnerat " ista agyrtarum coluvies, sed theriaca quadam " magis perniciofâ, non pyrio, sed pulvere nefcio


quo exotico certat, non globulis plumbeis, fed "pilulis æque lethalibus interficit." This was certainly thought fine by the author, and is still admired by his biographer. In October 1702 he became one of the cenfors of the College.

Garth, being an active and zealous Whig, was a member of the Kit-cat club, and by confequence familiarly known to all the great men of that denomination. In 1710, when the government fell into other hands, he writ to lord Godolphin, on his difmiffion, a short poem, which was criticised in the Examiner, and so successfully either defended or excused by Mr. Addison, that, for the fake of the vindication, it ought to be preserved.

At the accession of the present family his merits were acknowledged and rewarded. He was knighted with the sword of his hero, Marlborough; and was made physician in ordinary to the king, and physician-general to the army.


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