Imatges de pàgina

treat with him, as a power; but they | French. My sweetest thought is to render might possibly treat with a Regency. it, at the same time, useful to the security Austria, he thought, would hardly make of the repose of Europe. Sufficient of make war on his own daughter, as Regent glory has, in their turn, rendered illustrious of France; and the presumptive appear- the standards of the several nations. The ances he expected might break the chain vicissitudes of fortune have sufficiently of political connection. It was expected, made great reverses to succeed to great we find, among the French, that his reign successes. A much finer arena is this day would last six months,-and then-he opened to Sovereigns, and I am the first to would retire. descend into it. After having presented to the world the spectacle of great battles, it will be much sweeter to know in future no other rivality than that of the advantages of peace, no other contest than the holy contest of the happiness of the people. France is pleased to proclaim, with frankness, this noble end of all its wishes. Jealous of its independence, the invariable principle of its policy shall be the most absolute respect for the independence of other nations. If such are, as I entertain the happy confidence, the personal sentiments of your Majesty, the general tranquility is secured for a long time; and jus tice, seated at the confines of the several states, will singly be sufficient to guard their frontiers.

He is foiled. The Imperial carriages were ordered from St. Cloud to meet the Empress and her son coming from Vienna: neither Empress nor son came. Their arrival was annouuced; the annunciation was in vain; and now he has to play the whole scene by himself, in the most mortifying uncertainty, as to what may be the

next shift.

He has been obliged to throw himself into the arms of the old ferocious Jacobins, -either, they are as much converted as he is, or they will contrive to cut the throat of his authority, and himself, unless he cuts their's. Which party will be disappointed in this, we cannot foresce.

Again he has been disappoiuted in his intended address to each of the Sovereigns of Europe. The following is the letter he has sent to them ;-the answer he has received from any one of them, has not yet decorated the pages of the Moniteur; and will, not decorate those pages till they appear

in characters of blood.

Original Letter of his Majesty, the Emperor,

to the Sovereigns.


"I seize with haste, &c. &c. Paris, April 4."

In most places his couriers have been stopped-the ambassadors of the King of

and profound silence marks the disregard of the Sovereigns to his application.

France have refused to receive his orders:

So far from making any impression on the Allied potentates, they have declared their sentiments against him, in a mutual convention, of which, we annex the sub



In the name of the Holy and Undivided Trinity

"SIR, MY BROTHER-You must have learned in the course of last month my return to the shores of France, my entrance into France, and the departure of the family of the Bourbons. The true nature of these events must be known to your Majesty. They are the work of an irresistable pow Their Majesties the Emperor of all the er, the work of the unanimous will of a Russias, the Emperor of Austria, the King great nation, which knows its duties and of Prussia, and the King of the United its rights. The Dynasty, which force had | Kingdom of Great Britain, &c. considering restored to the French people, was no the consequences which the invasion of longer made for it. The Bourbons would France, by Napoleon Buonaparte, and not associate themselves with either its the present situation of that kingdom, may sentiments or its manners. France has have with respect to the security of Europe, sought to separate itself from them. It have determined to apply to that imhas called for a deliverer. The expecta-portant circumstance, the principles contion which had decided me at the greatest of sacrifices, had been disappointed. I am come, and from the point where I have touched the shore, the love of my people has carried me to the very bosom of my capital. The first wish of my heart is to reward so much affection, by the maintenance of an honourable tranquility. The re-establishment of the Imperial throne, was necessary for the happiness of the

secrated in the Treaty of Chanmont. They have therefore agreed, by a solemn Treaty, mutually signed by each of the four Powers, to renew the engagement to defend the so happily restored order of things in Europe, against every attack, and to adopt the most effectual measures for fulfilling this engagement, and also to give it that necessary extension which existing circumstances imperiously demand.

Art 1. The High Contracting Powers solemnly engage to unite the resources of their respective states, for the maintenance of the Treaty of Peace concluded at Paris, on the S0th of May, 1814, as well as that of the Congress of Vienna-to carry into full effect the dispositions contained in these Treaties-to defend them against every attack, and especially against the projects of Napoleon Bonaparte. Towards this end they bind themselves, should the King of France desire it, and in the spirit of the declaration issued on the 15th of March, with common consent and mutual agreement, to bring to justice all such as may have already joined, or shall hereafter join the party of Napoleon, in order to compel him to relinquish his projects, and to render him incapable in future of disturbing the tranquillity of Europe and the general peace, under the protection of which the rights, the freedom, and the independence of nations have been recently established.

2. Although so great and salutary an object does not permit that the means destined to its attainment should be limited, and although the High Contracting Powers have resolved to devote to this object all such resources as they can, in their respective situations, dispose of; they have nevertheless agreed, that every one of them shall constantly have in the field 150,000 men complete, of whom, at least, one-tenth shall be cavalry, with a proportionate artillery (not reckoning, garrisons, and to employ them actively and unitediy against the common enemy.

3. The High Contracting Parties solemnly engage not to lay down their arms but in agreement with each other, nor until the object of the war, designated in the first article of the present Treaty, shall have been attained; nor until Bonaparte shall be wholly and completely deprived of the power of exciting disturbances, and of renewing his attempts to obtain the supreme power in France.

4. As the present Treaty principally relates to the present circumstances, the engagements in the Treaty of Chaumont, and particularly that contained in the sixteenth article, shall again recover their full force, as soon as the present object shall be attained.

5. Every thing relating to the command of the Allied armies, the maintenance of the same, &c. shall be regulated by a special convention.

6. The High Contracting Parties shall have the right reciprocally to accredit with

the Generals, Commanders of their armies, Officers, who shall be allowed the liberty of corresponding with their governments, in order to inform them of the military events, and of all that relates to the operations of the armies.

7. The engagements entered into by the present Treaty,having for object to maintain the general peace, the High Contracting Powers agree to invite all the powers of Europe to accede to them.

8. As the present Treaty is simply and solely entered into with a view to support France, and every other invaded country, against the attempts of Bonaparte and his adherents, his Most Christian Majesty shall be specially invited to accede hereto; and in the event of his Majesty's claiming the force specified in article 2nd, he shall make known what assistance his circumstances enable him to contribute towards the object of the present Treaty.

9. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged within the period of one month, or sooner if possible.

In testimony whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed and sealed the same.

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At Vienna, the 25th of March, 1815.

The Prince Regent has added a Declaration, importing, that, however, gratified he might be in seeing Louis XVIII. on the throne, this treaty does not bind him to that, but merely to the suppression of Buonaparte. The execution of this treaty will require money:

Britain alone is in the

capacity to furnish that necessary article.

In fact, if we are rightly informed, Buonaparte has met with another disappointment at the French Treasury: the cash in the public chests has been found far enough from superabundant.

Since his arrival, Buonaparte affects to talk of nothing but Peace: he professes to be merely the Dove with the Olive-brauch in its mouth. It may be so; but here again he is disappointed; for nobody believes him! There is scarcely in all Europe, a score of mortals so imbecile as to place the smallest confidence in all his protestations. Such is the efficacy of confirmed immorality and renown for lying!!

That the French army was disaffected to the King, because He would not lead

treat with him, as a power; but they | French. My sweel
might possibly treat with a Regency.
Austria, he thought, would hardly make
make war on his own daughter, as Regent
of France; and the presumptive appear-
ances he expected might break the chain
of political connection. It was expected,
we find, among the French, that his reign
would last six months,-and then-he
would retire.

He is foiled. The Imperial carriages were ordered from St. Cloud to meet the Empress and her son coming from Vienna: neither Empress nor son came. Their arrival was annouuced; the annunciation was in vain; and now he has to play the whole scene by himself, in the most mortifying uncertainty, as to what may be the


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them to plunder-we beg pardon, we mean-glory! we knew, from the first day of his Majesty's arrival: that the French nation was better disposed, admitted of no doubt. We conceive, that at this moment, the rational part of the nation dread their present ruler;-and foresee troubles. The puolic funds, which were above Sû under the King, are down at 57 under Napoleon. Will the army adhere to him, when they find that plunder is removed to an uncertain distance?

he reckons on

were they to neglect such means as remain in their power, as individuals. History, in preserving an eternal gratitude to those men, who, in all free countries, have declined giving assistance to tyranny, loads with contempt, the Citizens who so far forget the dignity of man, as to submit to its miserable agents.

Under a persuasion that the French are thoroughly convinced of their rights, I look upon it as my sacred duty to issue the present proclamation, which, in the name of my colleagues, and of the country of which they are representatives, shall be deposited with our records, and secured from the reach of the tyrant, that reference may be had to it, in case of need.


The King of France has taken up his residence at Ghendt, for the present Troops, ammunition, and stores of all kinds, are amassing in Belgium, from all quarters;--from England-from Germany LAINEE. -from Prussia--and they await others from Russia. Their number will be, pro- Bordeaux, the 28th of March, 1815. bably, full equal to that of the Allied At Bourdeaux, was the Duchess of AnArmics which formerly discomfited Napoleon, who, on his side, has given notice of gouleme, the daughter of Louis XVI. who a conscription of more than two millions of displayed a heroism, which should have men! besides his present troops, of which marked her too patient parent: had he dismore than four hundred charged his duty, as she has discharged thousand. These preparations speak for her's; France had never been that sceue of blood, which it has been ever since the themselves. The danger is imminent, when such calls are so much as thought of King's blood was shed. After having exIn the mean while, the Bourbon Family,hausted all her powers, she took leave with the following though taken unawares, were not idle. The city of Bourdeaux, which was the first to mount the white cockade, attempted to resist, but had not power. Whether treason was previously in activity, is not certain. A few men did their duty: others betrayed their trust. We give place to a striking proof of honourable feeling.

[blocks in formation]

I consequently declare all proprietors dispensed from paying contributions to the Agents of Napoleon Bonaparte, and all families exempted from supplying, by way of conscription, or other mode of recruiting, any number of men called for, for the service of the army.

Farewell address of the Duchess of Angouleme to the inhabitants of Bourdeaux:"Brave Bourdelais,-Your fidelity is well known to me; your devotion, unlimited, does not permit you to foresee any danger; but my attachment, for you, for every Frenchman, directs me to foresee it. My stay in your city being prolonged might aggravate circumstances, and bring down upon you the weight of vengeance. I have not the courage to behold Frenchmen unhappy, and to be the cause of their misfortune. I leave you, brave Bordelais, deeply penetrated with the feelings you have expressed, and can assure you that they shall be faithfully transmitted to the King. Soon, with God's assistance, under happier auspices, you shall witness my gratitude, and that of the Prince whom you love.

(Signed) "MARIE THERESA. "Bordeaux, April 1, 1815."

The Duke of Angouleme who was at Since so disgraceful an attempt is made tempting military operations in the South on the liberties of the Ficuch people; it is of France, where Marseilles,--a city whose their duty, individually, to maintain their commerce was ruined by Napoleon,-held rights. Their allegiance to Napoleon Bo-strongly to the Kings interest, with the naparte has long since been dissolved, and being now bound by their affection, and their oath to their Country and their King, they would cover themselves with infamy in the eyes of nations, and of posterity,

provinces in general; but were all unprovided with every thing military, as the King had uo enemy to dread-the Duke was not more fortunate. After some attempts to gain ground, he was forsaken by the

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