Imatges de pàgina

mine. After having descended with some difficulty, we went towards the centre of the mountain, and soon lost sight of the world, sometimes wading half way up the leg, in black lead dust. The arched roof was full of projecting pieces of the shining rock, and large caverns appeared on each side as we advanced. The roof at one place, appeared curiously carved, as if the work of art, part of which we were able to reach. On touching this carved work, we perceived it had life, and on examination, we found it to be composed of a multitude of bats, hanging asleep from the roof and the projecting rocks on the sides of the cave. Moving them backwards and forwards neither awoke, nor made any of them lose their hold of the rock on which

they hung by the claws of their hinder legs-but holding the candle at a little dis

tance under one of them, awoke it, when it flew to another part of the cave, Perhaps we penetrated about a hundred feet into the mountain, when it became so low and narrow that we could proceed no farther in that direction. We returned, and went by a passage leading to the right, deeper into the mountain; at the bottom of the descent we entered a large cavern, the floor of which was strewed with the bones of animals, and some parts indicated fires having been made in it, perhaps by people taking refuge from enemies, for it was too gloomy and terrific to be chosen as a residence even by wild Bushmen. After collecting some samples of the rock, and powder, we returned to the mouth of the cave, nearly as black as chimney sweepers by the powder, which flew about so as almost to extinguish our lights.

Nor is this the only decoration of African "beanty and fashion". Among all nations, personal embellishments, and splendors of every description, within the power of the performers to procure, have formed part of the preparations for public dancings; the damsels of Lattakoo are no exceptions to this custom :

At the house of one of the Headmen, who was most venerable in his appearance, his two young wives were preparing to attend the public diversions before our waggous. They sat together in the front of the house within the enclosure. The one was painting her body with stuff composed of red chalk, ground to a powder, and mixed up with grease. It was contained in a wooden bowl which stood at her side. This she spread on the palms of her hands, and rubbed it carefully over her skin. The other wife had black lead dust mixed with

grease, which, put upon her hair, gave
it a blue and sparkling appearance. Not-
withstanding our being introduced to
them, they went on
with the process,
and with the utmost
composure, till
it was finished. The husband though
also painted red, yet from the figure
of his person, the dignity and gravity of
his countenance, the elegance of his fur
robe, and various ornaments on his breast,
had as uoble an appearance as any person I
recollect to have seen any where. His
house was neat and clean, and his back
yard had much of an English appearance.
Indeed all the Headmen we saw looked

A red skin, and blue hair !-the tiptop of refinement, surely! Our author describes these dances in the following terms; but, whether they were, in any sense, religious, probably, he did not learn.

About eight o'clock in the morning there was a procession of the women and girls, attended with much noisy singing and dancing, carrying poles mounted with ostrich feathers. During the forenoon, all was quiet, so that our worship proceeded without molestation. About forty of the men sat round us very quietly during the whole time.

At two o'clock all was confusion around fantastically dressed, and when a circle us. The women brought the girls, most was formed, about four and twenty women, daubed with white spots of paint, in initation of icopards, entered, and danced for

some time. Next entered a woman dressed entirely in straw, so that nothing but her hands were visible. She had much the appearance of a bear walking on his hind legs. There was much shouting, laughing, and clapping of hands at this part of the who danced for a minute, when all of entertainment. Then entered the girls, them suddenly dispersed, and our quiet

was restored.

At two P.M. the bustle commenced in the square, by the dancing of the girls, who had made some addition to their former dresses. Some of them had one side of the face painted black, and the other white; others, the upper part of the face white, and the under, black. They had pieces of reeds, about six inches long, strung like beads, and made into the foru of a petticoat, hung round them from the middle almost to the ground, which made a strange noise when they danced. They had likewise a great quantity of straw rope wound round them, projecting twelve or

fifteen inches from the middle of their backs, and also in front, which gave them a very odd appearance. The queen and several others, who acted as musicians, by bawling aloud and clapping hands, wore cloaks composed of about a dozen fur tippets, hauging from their shoulders to the ground, under which they had a skin cloak, without the hair. A few wore leather caps, but the greater part had no covering on their heads. Almost every one wore sandals, except the dancing girls.

When the girls had retired, some old women brought forward a horned serpent, which they drew on a flat board. It was made of clay, daubed over with red, white, and black paint. This being placed within the circle, two women came for ward, fantastically dressed, who seemed to be actresses. They danced round the serpent in a strange manner, with rods in their hands, decked with black ostrich feathers, and keeping their eyes continually directed towards the serpent, often pointing to it with their rods, and then pointing to the eastward, as the quarter where it had been found. They often appeared as if much terrified at the sight of it, and suddenly sprang from it. They seemed to act their parts very well, and the surrounding multitude appeared highly entertained by this part of the show. About six or seven hundred were present.

This ceremony, whatever were its meaning, implies some acquaintance with the imitative arts, that of Sculpture, for instance neither is that of Painting unknown; for, says Mr. C.


his journal, various remarks on subjects of natural history, fresh as they came to his knowledge. Parke mentions red lions, in Africa; Mr. C. mentions a lion, black at the shoulders, and part of the back: which is rather unusual in this part of Africa. He notices, also, the differ ence between the quachas, on the north and south of the Great River; the first, being striped with black and white stripes, the latter with black and brown. There is considerable spirit and accuracy in his account of the springbuck?

Left Sand-flat at seven in the morning, and soon me in sight of some Springbucks, which afforded great entertainment, from their springing at least six feet every leap in height, and several yards in length. However near a person may be to them, no motion of their legs can be perceived; the instant they touch the ground after one spring, they rise again into the air, which makes their motion resemble flying.

They will, with ease, leap over the head of a man of ordinary stature; and when pressed, perhaps considerably higher.

We could have been very glad if the reverend writer had obtained further information on the subject of a grey serpent, that was killed, which he says, shone in the dark, and also emitted a rattling sound, evidently intended by providence to warn people of its approach." We recollect uo history of any rattle-snake in Africa; nor of a serpent possessing phosphoric properties; and we confess a curiosity to become better acquainted with any We have greater consuch, if it exist.

Having heard of some paintings in Salakootoo's house, we went after breakfast to view them. We found them very rough representations of the camel-leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, lion, tyger, and steinbuck, which Salakootoo's wife had drawn onfidence in his account of "a species of the clay wall, with white and black paint. serpent, which, on seeing man or beast However, they were as well done as we approaching, endeavours to get to windexpected, and may lead to something bet- ward, when it spits its poison, that it may be blown into the eyes of the enemy. This reminds us of Mr. Barrow, who If the least particle gets into the eyes, found animals drawn by the Bosjes- the person will be blind for some days.' mans, in a cavern that he visited, well Barbot, in Churchill, vol. v. mentions a executed, well discriminated, and cor- similar fact; but, it does not appear, rectly proportioned; worse drawings, that the serpent had any need to get to says he, have passed through the enwindward. A propós of serpents ;graver's hands. That writer, even we are pleased with the ingenuity of founds his persuasion of the existence Cupido, Mr. C's. Hottentot driver, of the Unicorn, on a drawing discovered who edified his fellow servants and in a cavern, of which he inserts a copy others "by a word of exhortation,” To return to Mr. Campbell, we give from time to time. Says our author,him credit, for having minuted down in" He illustrated the immortality of

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the soul, by alluding to the serpent,, who, by going between two branches of a bush which press against each other, strips himself once a year of his skin." When we find the skin, said he, we do not call it the serpent; no, it is only its skin: neither do we say, the serpent is dead; no, for we know he is alive, and has only cast his skin." The serpent be compared to the soul, and the skin to the body of man." Was this the reason for introducing the serpent as the emblem of immortality among the ancients ?

with our own Post Office Annual Directory, the names and references are correct; but not near so unmerous as they might have been, if more economically arranged on the same quantity of paper. The Summary informs us, that the work is arranged in the following or der General notice of the principal productions of nature and of industry in France; Extent, Population, &c.

Paris-Manufacturers, bankers, merchants, tradesmen, newspapers, periodicals, law list, ministry, and affairs of state, public functionaries, coaches, &c. Mr. C. athirmus that a drop of the Departments.-Extent, population, fresh milk of the Euphorbium accideu- prefectures, &c. Roads, rivers, and natally spirting into one of Dr. Vander-vigable canals, manufacturers, &c. pubkemp's eyes, then in a diseased state,lic societies, inns, fairs, and curiosities; the sight of it was perfectly restored. public buildings, antiquities, amuseIt might have been thought more likely ments, &c. to extinguish the sight completely; but if this be correct, can any inedical use he made of the fact?

Principal States and Cities of the World, the same particulars, as far as a more confined space will allow : tifty-six pages, not very closely printed, are

This volume is accompanied by several plates, and a map, which contri-allotted to the United Kingdom. butes essentially to the better understanding of the narrative. It may be added, that, several articles of Natural History, of Hottentot and Caffre &c. manufacture, with other things, have been brought to England by this gentleman, and may be inspected: among them is the skin of a Camelopardalis. A portrait of the author in his travelling dress, faces the title page of his work.

This Directory classes the different professions together; still attending to alphabetical order, a plan which has been adopted to a very complete degree in Holden's Annual Directory in Classes; but a page in Holdeu's work contains in quantity as much as three of this cumbersome octavo.

Almanach du Commerce de Paris, des
Départemens, &c. Commercial Alma
nack, for 1815, for Paris, the Depart
ments of France, and the principal cities
of the world, by J. De la Tynna, of Fri-
Member of the Society for
the encouragement of National Industry.
8vo. 20s. Bossange et Masson. London.

We shall translate accounts of a few public establishments.


and display a series of models and machines, This institution is designed to receive invented or improved: it contains a very considerable collection of originals, to which are added drawings, prints, and descripmanufactures, together with a library of tions of every kind of machine or tool used in works referring to subjects of this nature. Instructions are here given in mathematics, and drawing of all kinds, including the practice of mechanical drawing. The In this country where commerce ea- liberality of the present government has gerly employs every means of attain-enriched this collection with a museum of a ing and of communicating information, similar description, latety pur based; and we need not descaut on the utility pays great attention to its re-organisation, of Commercial Directories, a useful, and improvement.-M. le Duc de la though humble department of literature. Rochefoucault, is appointed Inspector GeThe chief merit of such works is, certainly, their correctness; as it is impossible for us to form any idea of this qualificafion in regard to foreign states or cities, we shall only notice, that in those instances in which we have compared it I



Established in 1792, for the encourage ment of Sciences, Arts, and Literature: a meeting of the members is held weekly; also a general annual meeting, when a report is read of its labours and progress;

fifteen inches from the middle of their | his journal, various remarks on subje
backs, and also in front, which gave them
a very odd appearance. The queen and
several others, who acted as musicians, by
bawling aloud and clapping hands, wore
cloaks composed of about a dozen fur tip-
pets, hanging from their shoulders to the
ground, under which they had a skin cloak,
without the hair. A few wore leather
caps, but the greater part had no covering
on their heads. Almost every one wore
sandals, except the dancing girls.

When the girls had retired, some old women brought forward a horned serpent, which they drew on a flat board. It was made of clay, daubed over with red, white, and black paint. This being placed within the circle, two women came for ward, fantastically dressed, who seemed to be actresses. They danced round the serpent in a strange manner, with rods in their hands, decked with black ostrich feathers, and keeping their eyes continually directed towards the serpent, often pointing to it with their rods, and then pointing to the eastward, as the quarter where it had been found. They often appeared as if much terrified at the sight of it, and suddenly sprang from it. They seemed to act their parts very well, and the surrounding multitude appeared highly entertained by this part of the show. About six or seven hundred were present.

This ceremony, whatever were its meaning, implies some acquaintance with the imitative arts, that of Sculpture, for instance: neither is that of Painting unknown; for, says Mr. C.``

natural history, fresh as they came
in Africa; Mr. C. mentions a lion
knowledge. Parke mentions red
at the shoulders, and part of the
which is rather unusual in t
of Africa. He notices, also, the
ence between the quachas, on f
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in his account of the springbu

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We could have bee the reverend writer had ther information on the

grey serpent, that was



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such, if it exist. Web

Having heard of some paintings in Salakootoo's house, we went after breakfast to view them. We found them very rough representations of the camel-leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, lion, tyger, and steinbuck, which Salakootoo's wife had drawn onfidence in his account the clay wall, with white and black paint. However, they were as well done as we expected, and may lead to something bet

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serpent, which, on see
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be blown into the eye
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Cupido, Mr. C's.
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others "by

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ST. MARK. C. 9. v. 49.

every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.
For every one shall be sulted with fire, and

Succisiva Opera: or, Selections from
Antient Writers, Sacred and Profane,
with Translations and Notes By Rev. H.
Meen, B.D. 8vo. price 5s.; as the particle yap, which is causal,
This sentence connects with the forego-
London. 1815.


shews. In the preceding verse we read, henna of fire; where the fire shall perpethat offenders shall be cast into the Ge their crimes shall perpetually torinent tually burn them, and the consciousness of τὴν γέενναν τοῦ πυρὸς βληθεὶς, ἁλισθήσεται, them. For every one, that is, nãs, è is in this fire. This fire shall act upon the wicked who are thrown into it, as brine shali be seasoned, shall be preserved acts upon the meat, over which it is poured.

Mr. Meen some years ago, published a small pamphlet, entitled on the Cassandra of Lycophron." It Remarks was then recommended to him to complete the entire poem on the same plan; is this recommendation we concur; for, to say truth," the present publication, composed of literary scraps," scarcely, takes that hold on the scholar's mind, to which the talents and learning of the Unlike all other fires, it shall not destroy author entitle it. Mr. M. indeed, pleads life, but prolong it. Such is the state of It shall consolidate, not consume them. "the advanced price of every article with which printing is concerned :" be shewn, what is the portion reserved for The excuse is too well founded; yet, the faithful. Every faithful disciple, who. every incorrigible offender. It remains to in fact, little more expense would have is so truly devoted to the Christian cause,, been incurred by presenting the public as to be ready to die in its defence, is here, with a complete work, than has at- represented under the figure of a sacrifice, tended the present desultory publication. seasoned with salt. Every sacrifice, saith The advanced state of knowledge, affords Christ, thus prepared for, and devoted to ample opportunity for a man of study salt. to obtain great credit by republishing, crifices, so seasoned, were acceptable to me, shall be considered as seasoned with with proper notes, various antient poems the Lord. Every sincere disciple is here The Jews understood, that sareferring to Natural History: for instance, by anticipation and prolepsis denominated Nicander on Serpents,-whose work sight be rendered extremely interest- forewarned of an event, which the sword a sacrifice. By this appellation he was ing, and entertaining, by such modern of persecution would not fail to accomaccounts of serpents, as illustrate that plish. With a like allusion to sacrifices, St. ancient author, whether by similar-Paul thus writes to the Philippians, If I am ity, or by contrariety. The same idea offered up-and to Timothy, for I am ready would apply to many other works: and to be offered. Mr. M. appears to be extremely well qualified to do such subjects justice.

Thus the punishment, hereafter to be inflicted on the wicked, and the recompense, The present pamphlet contains-frag- terms, fetched from those sacrificial rites reserved for the faithful, are expressed in ments of the Cassandra of Lycophron, with which the Jews were conversant. evidently composed with a view to fur- Commentators, conceiving the sense to be ther use in a regular. edition, though consumed by fire, have proposed to read, placed irregularly, here :-Odes, from But the very reverse of consumed is the Pindar, in portions, or detached pas-sense intended. A learned critic has ininstead of ἀλισθήσεται, ἀναλωθήσεται. sages; also from Horace, and Nicander, deed said, that, "as to salting with fire, noillustrating difficult words; with several thing can be made of it." Much, and much texts from the New Testament, critically more to the purpose may be made of it, examined for the same, purpose. Mr. than can be made of any word, which criM's. profession seems to have led him, ticism, in its ardour to amend, may have to these, particularly; and his discus-undertaken to substitute. sions manifest a commendable desire of understanding that sacred

Salt is good but if the salt ärahov which it is his duty to explain to others. ἐν τινὶ αυτὸ ἀρτύσετε; Quo condimento volume, yirα, should have become insipid, We shall take our specimens from these.sqlem ipsum condietis?

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