Imatges de pàgina
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er! My political life is terminated, and I proclaim my son under the title of Napo leon II. Emperor of the French.


PRUSSIAN NARRATIVE. The battle began at three p. m. The enemy brought up above 180,000 men The The present Ministers will provision-Prussian army was 80,000 strong. ally form the Council of the Government. village of St. Amand was the first point The interest which I take in my son in-attacked by the enemy, who carried it afduces me to invite the Chambers to form without delay the Regency by a law. "Unite all for the public safety, in order to remain an independent nation.




By this, he hopes 1. either to reign in the name of his son, an infant: or, 2. to find occasion, should one offer, to observe, that " he resigned only on condition his son should reign: that condition remaining unfulfilled, his resignation is null, and he may resume again."

ter a vigorous resistance. He then directed
his efforts against Ligny; it is a large vil-
lage solidly built, situated on a rivulet of
the same name. It was there that a con-
test began which may be considered as one
of the most obstinate recorded in history!
Villages have often been taken and reta-
ken, but here the battle continued for five
hours in the villages themselves, and the
movements forwards or backwards were
confined to a very narrow space. Each
army had behind the part of the village
which it occupied, great masses of infantry,
which maintained the combat, and were
continually renewed by the reinforcements
which they received from their rear, as
well as from the heights on the right and
About 200 cannon were directed
from both sides against the village, on fire
in several places at once.

Our infantry, posted behind Ligny, though forced to retreat, did not suffer itself to be discouraged either by being sur

The persons to whom the power of the State devolved, are Carnot, Fouche, Grenier, Caulincourt, and their associates, among the vilest of the Jacobin party. These would sooner or later, have displaced Napoleon, and perhaps, have taken his life what they may now do is uncer. tain. In the mean while, the Duke of Wellington is marching on Paris, by one road, the Prussians are marching by another road; and that city, should it at-prised by the enemy in the darkness, a cirtempt to defend itself, is lost: it will become liable to all the horrors of a metropolis taken by storm. dread the Prussians, whose enmity is raised to the highest by horror at barbarities inflicted on their countrymen by the French. The complete details of the consequences of this single battle are not before us. should seem that the French Army had disappeared from the face of the earth; it is WHOLLY disposed of in the most wonderful manner, in killed, wounded, or pri

The Parisians


soners: all its cannon lost-above 300 pieces; all its ammunition, all its baggage, the private papers of Napoleou, his coach, with every thing. His famous Imperial Guards-the tower of his strength, are destroyed-in short, nothing is saved.

The King of France has once more set his foot on French ground. The Duke of Wellington has, before this can reach the reader, taken a peep at Paris through his spying glass. What more can we say? Facts crowd fast upon us.

cumstance which exaggerates in the mind of man the dangers to which he finds himself exposed, or by the idea of seeing itself surrounded on all sides. Formed in masses it coolly repulsed all the attacks of the cavalry, and retreated in good order upon the heights, whence it continued its retrogade movement upon Tilly. In consequence of the sudden irruption of the e, emy's cavalry, several of our cannons, in their precipitate retreat, had taken directions which led them to defiles, in which they necessarily fell into disorder; in this manner fifteen pieces fell into the hands of the enemy. A quarter of aleague from field of battle thearmy formed again.

The battle was lost, but not our honour. Our soldiers had fought with a bravery which equalled every expectation; their fortitude remained unshaken, because every one retained confidence in his own strength. On this day Field Marshal Blucher had encountered the greatest danWe have livedgers. A charge of cavaly, led on by himself, had failed, while that of the enemy was vigorously pursuing, a musket shot struck the Field Marshal's horse. The animal, far from being stopped in his career by this wound, began to gallop more furiously, till it dropped down dead. The Field Marshal, stunned by the fall, lay enThe enemy's tangled under the horse.

to witness what would not have been be
lieved, the march of an English Army to
Paris! ;—What next may happen,
all possible foresight:-especially of par-
ties so lost in astonishment, as we confess
qurselves to be.

curassiers, following up their advantages, advanced; our last horsemen had already passed by the Field Marshal: an Adjutant General alone remained with him, and had just alighted, resolved to share his fate. The danger was great but heaven watched over us. The enemy pursuing their charge, passed rapidly by the Field Marshal without seeing him; the next moment a second charge of our cavalry, having repulsed them, they again passed by him with the same precipitation, not perceiving him any more than they had done the first time. Then, but not without difficulty, the Field Marshal was disengaged from under the dead horse, and he immediately mounted a dragoon horse.

It was half past seven, and the issue of the battle was still uncertain, The whole of the fourth corps, and a part of the second, under General Pesch, had successively come up. The French troops fought with desperate fury; however, some uncertainty was perceived in their movements; it was observed, that some pieces of cannon were retreating. At this moment, the first column of the corps of General Ziethen arrived on the points of attack, near the village of Smouhen, on the enemy's right flank, and instantly charged. This move ment decided the defeat of the enemy. The right wing was broken in three places; he abandoned his positions. Our troops rushed forward at the pas de charge, and attacked him on all sides, while at the same time, the whole English line advanced.

Circumstances were entirely favourable to the attack formed by the Prussian army; the ground rose in an amphitheatre, so that our artillery could freely open its fire, from the summit of a great many heights, which rose gradually above each other, aud in the intervals of which the troops descended into the plain, formed into brigades, and in the greatest order, while fresh corps continually unfolded themselves, issuing from the forest on the height behind us. The enemy, however, still preserved means to retreat, tili the village of Planchenoil, which he had in his rear, and which was defended by the guard, was, after several bloody attacks, carried by storm.

From that time the retreat became a rout, which soon spread through the whole Fench army, which, in its dreadful confusiou, hurrying away every thing that at tempted to stop it, soon assumed the ap pearance of the fight of an army of barbaris. It was half-past nine. The FieldMarshal assembled all the superior officers, and gave orders to send the last horse and

the last man in pursuit of the enemy. The van of the army accelerated its march. The French army, pursued without intermission, was absolutely disorganised. The causeway presented the appearance of an immense shipwreck-it was covered with an innumerable quantity of cannon, caissons, carriages, baggage, arms, and wrecks of every kind. Those of the enemy who had attempted to repose for a time, and had not expected to be so quickly pursued, were driven from more than nine bivouacs. In some villages they attempted to maintain themselves; but as soon as they heard the beating of our drums, or the sound of our trumpet, they either fled or threw themselves into the houses, where they were cut down or made prisoners. It was moonlight, which greatly favoured the pursuit, for the whole march was but a continued chase, either in the corn-fields, or the houses.

At Genappe, among many other equipages, the carriage of Napoleon was taken; he had just left it to mount on horseback, and in his hurry had forgotten in it his sword and hat. Thus the affair continued till break of day. About 40,000 men, in the most complete disorder, the remains of the whole army, have saved themselves retreating through Charleroi, partly without arms, and carrying with them only 27 pieces of their numerous artillery.

By a happy chance, Field-Marshal Blucher and Lord Wellington met in the dark, and mutually saluted each other as victors.

We ought not to have omitted the farce played by Napoleon, call the Champ de Mai: it had but little effect; and that little has vanished.

The new Jacobin Government has sent to the Allies offers of Peace! — PEACE WITH JACOBINS !!!

Commercial Chronicle.

Lloyd's Coffee House, June 20, 1815.

The sentiment expressed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, that the present war would not be a naval war, has had great effect on the prices of naval stores in general Rough Turpentine, which had got up above S6s is now done at 278. Spirits, town drawn, 6. foreign, 5l. 10s. Tar considerably lower: Stockholm tar has declined 4.s.

The demand for Spirits has been of late | The sales of American cotton have lately very limited: Rum if intended to be sold, fluctuated, and are likely to fluctuate, till must be offered lower: Brandy is offering the supply becomes more steady and considerably under the late currency; a regular. full supply being now anticipated from France. Hollands, much as of late.

Government took lately 200,000 gallons of Rum, by contract advertised for, and about 5,000 more were added. The average price was 3s Od.

The demand for Hemp, towards which speculation had directed itself, has not taken place; and, now, certainly will not take place. The prices may be considered as nominal; but those who thought to make a good thing of it have failed.

Tobacco has received some supplies, but not enough to check the market: those who have a good quality on hand, obtain their own prices for it.

Provisions are not very plentiful, especially prime beef. Pork is heavy sale; reduced prices have tempted some buyers, but to no very great amount. Butter is in great supply-not from Ireland, but from other quarters; and the impression is general in the market, that unless Irish can be offered at low prices, but little will be done in it. Bacon is in regular demand, extensive and increasing; the supply is so very extensive, that prices decline. Corn may be taken generally as a lowering market. The prime samples, indeed, command the market now, as they always do; but the average is certainly rather declining than rising.

RICE is in demand.

Coffee has suffered a little-but, very little, from the immense quantities brought Dyewoods are slowly reducing the stocks: forward for sale, 28,600 bags at the India there are in the docks 9,400 tous logwood; House, with other sales, seemed to be more | 2,200 tons fustic. than the market could meet; however, it has not proved so. The whole has found purchasers, with tolerable briskness, and toward the end, with prices absolutely improving. Perhaps Dutch coffee should be excepted; that continues, at present, only in limited demand.

SUGAR follows pretty closely. The business done is extensive and general: partly from the readiness of purchasers to meet ou fair terms. The old and inferior browns

INDIGO. A quantity, not less than 18,000 chests of the Indian article, was lately offered at the India-house; perhaps, about three quarters were really sold. A few lots of fine blue and violet sold so high as 10s. 10d. to 11s. 4d. per lb. Madras, a few lots, at 6s. 10d. to 7s., 2d.; but on the whole the price was lower, from 1s. to 3s. 6d. and 2s per lb.

London, June 16, 1815. Report from the East India Company's Quarterly Tea Sale.-Boheas and the lower kinds of Congou, have experienced a fur

hang heavily on hand; aud must look a
little lower. The Sugars of strong and
fine descriptions, are the article sought afther decline in price.
ter. The refined market has risen 2s.

Goods scarce. The refiners and wholesale
grocers have been completely out of stock.
There is now a probability of supply from
Martinique and Guadaloupe: these sugars
are now allowed by Government for home
consumption. Exportation is looked to for
the sale of considerable quantities.

COTTON has been under very great orders, for exportation to France. At this moment, however, the aspect of affairs in France is such as to make every man cautious; and the shippers hold their hands. This prudent suspension has had its effect on the market, which has become somewhat overcast; and the quantity really sold, is principally for home consumption. Under these circumstances, the prices continue steady, though the quantity sold be diminished; and in case of the advantages expected from Lord Wellington's victory at Waterloo being realized, there can be no doubt, but what this article will expericuce, probably a greater demand than ever.

The Congous this sale consist of an unusual proportion of the good and middling sorts: good, 6s. 3d, to 6s. 5d.; good strong 6s. to 6s. 8d.; and fine ones from 6s. 9d. to 7s. 2d.; good Twankays 7s. 4d. and 7s. 5d.; fine ones 7s. 6d. to 7s. 9.; Hyson kinds 9s. 6d. to 10s. 6d.; and Hysons 11s. 6d. to 12s. 6d.

Fine Campoi, and the finest Souchongs are 6d. per lb. higher. Twankays and Blooms 1d. and Hysons 6d, dearer.

Fine Boheas, 5s. 2d, to 5s. 6d.
Good Congou, 6s. 2d. inferior and in
large packages, lower

Very good, 6s. 3d. to 6s. 8d.
Fine, 6s. 9d. to 7s. 3d.
Best 7s. 6d. to 7s. 9d.

Good Campoi, 7s. fine 7s. 6d. to 8s. Sd.
Good Souchong, 7s 9d. to 8s.
Fine ditto, 8s. to 9s superfine, 9s. 6d.
Fine Caper Souchong, 8s. 6d. to 9s.
Good Common Green, 7s. 3d.
Best Common or Curled Leaf, 7s. 4d.

Fine Singlo or Twankay, 7s. 4d. to 8s.
Superfine, 9s. Od.

Good Bloom, 78. S. to 79. 6d.
Fine ditto, 7s. 94. to 9s. 6d.
Hyson kind, 9s. 6d. to 10s. 6.
Good genuine Hyson, 1Ls. 6d.

Fine ditto, 11. 9d. to 12s. 6d. best, 18s.
Gunpowder, 12s. to 15s.


Jamaica's 1s.. 5d. u 1s. 9.
Grenada, 1s. 6d. à 1s. 11d.
Surinam's and Demarara's, 1s. 7d. a
Is. 1 d.

Bourbon, 25. 1d. to 2s. 4d.


Good, Ts. 10d. inferior lower
Very good, Is. 11d.

Fine ditto, 2s. Id. to 2s. 4d.
Fine Bourbon, 2s. 4d. to 2s. 9d.
Very best small Berry, Ss.
Fine Java, 2s. 6d. to 3s.

Turkey Coffee, 3s. 4d. to Ss. 6d.
Churchman's Patent Chocolate,

[blocks in formation]


Jones J. Bicester, Oxford, butcher. Sols.
Meyrick and Co. Red Lion square.
Marchant J. Maidstone, Kent, carpenter. Sol.
James, Earl-street, Blackfriars,


Pearce T. New Road, Gravesend, tailor. Sol.
Hackett, New Court, Swithin's-rane.
Roper J. B. Gosport, Southampton, brewer.
Sols. Dyne and Son, Lincoln's Inn-fields.
Schroder J, T. Manchester, merchant.
Tarrant and Co. Chancery-lane.
Shallcrass W. Joseph-street, St. Pancras, baker.
Sol. Coleman, Furnival's Inn, Holborn.
White R. Queen-street, Cheapside, wine mer-
chant. Sol. Coute, Austen friars.
Woodward J. Lamplighter's Hall, Gloucester,
vintner. Sols. Rosser and Co. Bartlett's


J. Gilbee, of Cavendish, Suffolk, farmer.J. Derhain, of Lancaster, sailcloth manufac turer.-F. Wykham, of Farthingo, Northamp ton, and of Banbury, Oxford, scrivener -W. Franckling, of Bath, chymist D. Boileau, of Kingston-upon-Hull, merchant.-A. Sheath C. Sheath, and J. Dickson, of Boston, Lincoln, merchants. E. R. Ball, of South Moreton, near Wallingford, Berks, paper maker-W. Morris and T. Morris, of Little Tower-street, London, wine and spirit brokers.-S. Dexter of Belpar, Derbyshire, linen draper.



Appleton E. Manchester, cotton merchant,
Butler R. Poultry, London, glover.
Sol. Hurd, Temple.
Metcalfe, Basinghall-street.
Carlill J. aud B. Kingston upon Hull, mer
chants. Sols. Sykes and Co. New Ina.
Durant W. Maidstone, Kent, tanner.
Egan and Co. Essex-street, Strand.


All our growing Crops are in a flourish ing state, on the cool bottomed lands, and those on the lighter soils much improved by the late rains. At present the hay harvest has been but slow. The clovers in places are a pretty swarth, yet quite gappy. The summer tilth lands are get-Hewitt P. Carey-street, Lincoln's Inn, vintner. ting into a better state, and some pieces are already sown with Swedish turnips. The prices in the Corn markets being still in a drooping state, are certainly a check to the spirit of Agriculture. The

wool trade is also dull.

Bankrupts and Certificates, in the order of
their dates, with the Attornies
Bayley John, of the Lea, Hereford, drover.


Bradnock J. of Birmingham, wholesale draper.
Sol. Panton, Wine Office Court.
Blake J. London-street, Greenwich, Kent, ca-
binet maker. Scl. Parker, Greenwich.
Barnet C. London Wall, horse dealer.
Buckle, New Eroad street.
Cross W. Halesworth, Suffolk, currier.
Cufande, Halesworth.


Sol. Hurd, Temple.

O'Brien J. Copthall-buildings, Throgmorton-st.
Pearce and Westhorp, Liverpool, merchauts.
insurance broker. Sol. Paterson, Čopthall-ct.
Sols. Avison aud Co. Liverpool.
Stephenson L. Beverley, York, grocer
Hall and Co. Beverley.
Willis P. Romford, Essex, artist. Sols. Blunt
aud Co. Old Bethlem.



John Henry Brune and Ferdinand Jordan, of Bary-court, St. Mary Axe, Loudon, merchants. Charles Engledow, of Stockton, Dur ham, grocer.-Henry Ludlow, Plymouth Dock, dealer and chapman. Thomas Churcher, of St. Pancras, near Chichester, maltster.-T. Trew, of Chichester, common-brewer.-Thomas Shaw of Ratcliffe Highway, Middlesex, cheesemonger. Jacob Moore, of St. Albans,Hertford, Sol. draper and tailor-John West, of Bamsley, Yorkshire, grocer -T. Chfton, of Ham Com keeper.mon, Surrey, dealer and chapman. - Joseph Scorey, of Blandford, Dorsetshire, miller. N. Hyne, of Plymouth, money scrivener.— James Silvester, late of Clifton, Gloucester, dealer and chapman.

Fisher T. Exton, Rutland, livery stable
Sols. Long and Co. Gray's Iun.
Houghton E. Boston, Lincoln, fruiterer. Sol.
Gaskell, Gray's Inn.
Haywood J. W. Mauly-place, Kennington
common, stock broker. Sols. Chapman and
Co. Little St. Thomas Apostle, Cheapside.

BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED, May 13. Bradford Benj. of the Stone's End, Southwark dealer in British wines.


Bull J. sen. and Bull J. jun. Red Lion-court,
Watling-street, merchants. Sol. Nind,

-Basnett H. C. Manchester, money scrivener.
Sol. Hurd, King's Bench Walk, Temple.
Bowker and Pearson, Salford, Lancaster,
cotton-merchants. Sol. Edge, Manchester.
Bourne J. Cleobury Mortimer, Salop, mercer.
Sol. Edmunds and Co. Chancery-lane.
Cocksedge John, Fann-street, Aldersgate-st.
(allow chandler. Sols. Drew aud Sons,
Bermondsey-street, Southwark.
Chiffins P. Much Hadham, Hertford, baker.
Sol. Makinson, Elm-court, Middle Temple.
Edney J. High Holborn, broker. Sol. Wil-

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loughby, Clifford's Iun. Edwards J. Bristol, hatter. Sols. Tarrant and Co. Chancery-lane.

Grellier and Cranch, Guildford, Surrey, limeburners. Sol. Hackett, New Court, Swithin's




Hagreen J. Bury St. Edmunds, grocer.
Brumley, Gray's Inn.
Harvey W. Ipstones, Stafford, grocer.
Gaskell, Gray's Iun.-
Hamaan J. H. Great Winchester-street, mer-
chant. Sols. Oakley and Co Martin's-lane.
Hudson E. now a prisoner in Lancaster gaol,
merchant. Sols. Oakley and Co. Martin's-
lane, Cannon-street.

Hight J. of Two Waters, in the parish of He-
mel Hempstead, Herts, farmer. Sols. Bour-
dillon and Co. Little Friday-street.
Helmsley T. W. Bath, victualler. Sol. Burfoot
King's Bench Walk, Temple.
Lindner J. J. Broad-street, Ratcliff, hat ma-
nufacturer. Sol. Paulin, Broad-st. Ratcliff.
Lingard J. Blackwell, Derby, corn dealer.
Sol. Hurd, Inner Temple.

[ocr errors]

Moffat R. Manchester, merchant. Sol, Hurd,
Inner Temple.

Messer E. Gagingwell, Oxford, farmer. Sols.
Meyrick and Co. Red Lion-square,
Marshall M. New Sarum, Wilts, carpenter.
Sol. Warry, New Inn.

Narlborough and Parsons, Harwich, haber-
dashers. Sol. Latkow, Wardrobe-place,

Doctors' Commons.



[blocks in formation]

Dawson T. Dalton, York, butcher.
Jelf Sir J. Glocester, Kut.banker. Sols. Whit-
Morton and Co. Gray's Inn-square.
comb and Co. Serjeant's Inn.

Langton T. New Lawn, Within Little Bowland,
Lancaster, dealer. Sol. Blakelock, Serjeant's


Morris J. P. Bristol, house carpenter. Sols.
Rosser and Co. Bartlett's Buildings.
Nottage G. Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex, mil-
ler. Sols. Sweet and Co. Basinghall-street
Pain P. Romford, Essex, butcher.
Wilkinson, South-place, Finsbury-square.
Presbury W. Newington, Surrey, cheese-
monger. Sol. Taylor, Fore-street, Cripple-
Payn T. jun. Lenham, Kent, dealer.
Dyne and Son, Lincoln's Inn-fiells.
Rice J. New Shoreham, Sussex, merchant.
Sols. Brooker and Colbatch.


Roe C. St. Mary Axe, London, hardwareman.
Redding S. Colwell, Hereford, butcher. Sol.
Sol. Young, Charlotte-row, Mansion House.

Stevenson, Lincoln's Inn.

Stevens W. St. Mellion, Cornwall, moor-stone merchant. Sols. Darke and Co. Princes-str. Bedford-row.

Tanner T. Glocester, builder. Sols. Whitcomb
and Co. Serjeant's Ion.

Turner R jun. Hurstperpoint, Sussex, butcher.
Sols, Few and Co. Covent Garden.
Whitaker J. Leeds, York, mealseller. Sols.
Lambert and Co. Gray's Inn-square.
Wilson W. Wellingborough, and Wilson R.
of Islip, Northampton, merchants Sols.
Pinniger, Gray's Inn-square.


J. Richardson, of Tewkesbury, Glocester, chair manufacturer.-T. L. Dunsford, late of St. Mary Axe, London, merchant.-T. Bend, of Shirland, Derby, maltster S. Catesby, of Bedford-court, Covent Garden, Middlesex,

Moore John, the elder, King's Brompton, SoBANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED, May 20. mersetshire, yeoman.

Nunney J. F. Clarc-street, Clare-market, vic-woollen draper.
tualler. Sol. Isaacs, St. Mary Axe."
Shepherd J. Sutton, York, ship builder.
Hicks, Gray's Inn-square, London.
Thropp J. Birmingham, silversmith. Sol. Bott,
Yew-street, Birmingham.
Whitwell S. Coventry, surgeon, Sol. Carter,

White, Cochrane, and Blunt, Fleet street,
booksellers Sol. Chippendall, Great Queen-
street, Lincoln's inn-fields.


T. Burscough, jun. late of Walton-le-dale, Lancaster, corn-dealer.-S. Worthington, jun. of Liverpool, corn dealer.-H. Waddington, of Bridge-street, Blackfriars, London, merchant.-F. Grantham, of Boston, Lincoln, butcher.-J. Weatherby and N. Weatherby, of Alnwick, Northumberland, common brewers.



Cooper T. Manchester, coach maker.
Willis and Co. Warnford Court.
Clarke W. H. Lydcombe and Wydcombe, So-
merset, coal merchant. Sels. Lambert and
Co. Gray's Inn-square.

Cave Silas, Oxford-street, mercer. Sols. Hughes
Faweit P. St. Martin's, Stamford Baron,
and Co. Fenchurch-street.
Northampton, innholder. Sols. James and
Co. New Inn.

Gaspard E. George-street, Minories, merchant.
George J. Monmouth, timber merchant. Sol,
Sols. Leigh and Co. New Eridge-street.
Pugh, Bernard-street.

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