Imatges de pàgina

lightened age, the Pope's Bulls, or re- | scripts, or ordinances, or by what other name denoted, would be allowed, without an examination, at least as strict, as to essentials;-to circumstantials, also, and to expediency. An instance of this occurred, not long ago; of which these Official Papers afford ample evidence.

It is well known, that during the imprisonment of Ferdinand of Spain, by the remorseless Napoleon, who had inveigled him into France, the Spanish

Church, and the tranquillity of the State, we owe the extinction of a flame which might have consumed the kingdom. But the circumstance of having desired from the Chapter of this Church, aud from some others with whom I had been in correslutions, and other documents, that we pondence, an authentic copy of their resomight take such steps as the justice of the government and the offended sovereignty of the nation called for, led to the discovery of a fact which greatly increased my sorrow, both on account of the character of its author, and the danger to which it exposed

the country..

Cortes abolished that horrible Ecclesiastical tribunal, the Inquisition. But, The said Nuncio, trampling on the first the abolition of an institution so tyran-principles of international law, overlooking hical and crttel, was not agreeable to the boundaries of his public mission, and the Pope's Nuncio, then residing in abusing the veneration in which this pious Spain. That representative of his Ho- people hold the Legates of the Apostolic See, has endeavoured to promote, and acliness, therefore, issued private notices tually has promoted, under the cloak of Reto the Bishops and Chapters to forbear ligion, the disobedience of some very resfrom reading the documents announc-pectable Prelates and Ecclesiastical bodies ing this abolition to the people.

to the decrees and orders of the Sovereign power. If the most Reverend Nuncio had only intended to act as a Legate of the Holy Father, and to avoid any expostulation, to which he might conceive himself exposed for his silence on the present sub

This was discovered; and produced a strong remonstrance on the part of Spain from the Cardinal de Bourbon, Archbishop of Toledo, at that time President of the Regency. It may be ject, nothing obstructed his way to me supposed that, as a catholic church-through the medium of the Secretary of man, this ecclesiastic must have known State. I might overlook his avoiding this the proper manner of treating the regular and official means of communicaCatholic Nuncio.-Among other things, tion, when he remonstrated as he thought he says in his Manifes to proper upon the matter, and should have which he chose to adopt, to inadvertency, attributed the informality of the conduct or rather to an excess of confidence. I should have only paid attention to his arguments, and with the advice of the supreme Congress, taken such resolutions as the defence of the Holy Church and the temporal good of the State, demanded with one voice from me.

To the Prelates and Chapters of Spain, The Regency of the Kingdom. Upon taking into my hands the government of the Kingdom, I find myself under the painful necessity of interfering with a subject, equally delicate from its publicity and transcendant nature, as from the cha'racter of the persons who were concerned in it. The Chapter of the Cathedral of Cadiz, But the private letters, which under the with their Capitular Vicar, and the Ordi- same date as the note, were written by the nary and Military Vicars of this town, pre-most Reverend Archbishop of Nicea, and tending the defence of religiou, and a fear the fact of his having mentioned therein of acting against their own consciences, that he forwarded a remonstrance to the opposed themselves to the publication, fu|| Government upon the subject, are circumthe parish churches, of the decree and ma-stances which clearly prove, that whilst he "nifesto of the Cortes, concerning the establishment of the Tribunals for the protection of the Faith, instead of the lately abolished INQUISITION; I therefore adopted the most energètic 'measures, in order that whilst those decrees were duly enacted, Spain might be preserved from the convulsions which threatened her at that moment. To those measures, equally tend "ing to maintain "the dignity of the Holy

betrayed the secrecy which he himself recommended, he aimed not merely to avoid the charge of negligence in the fulfilment of his office, but rather to raise in the pious clergy of Spain, and by their means in the people at large, a distrust of the temporal authorities which he thus strove to decry; and to check their influence over a class of the state, the members of which, by reason of their conspicuous rank, ought to be


true samples of subordination and obedi- But if it be said, this incident ocSpain had no King on the throne, it curred during an interregnum, and while may be answered, that when its govern

He, on the one hand acknowledges in his note the authority of the Cortes, whilst on the other, by means of a secret correspondence, he sows disaffection and iusub-ment was complete, the Spanish sense ordination amongst the Spanish clergy. of national honour was nothing less irIn the character of a public Envoy he ritable, or jealous. In what manner makes application to the Supreme Govern- it was expressed, may be inferred from ment claiming redress; whilst as an indi- the following document; which, though vidual Prelate he spreads private letters immediately derived from "his Most tending to the discredit of that very Go-Faithful Majesty, the King of Portugal," milar representations of " his Most Cais almost a verbatim transcript from sitholic Majesty, the King of Spain."


What might not the nation fear from this foreigu Prelate, who, forgetting his dignity

and the character of his mission, transforms the Representative of the head of the Church into an agent of petty interests, very different from those of the primacy of order and jurisdiction which belongs to his Holiness; into a kindler of feuds, which could end is nothing but a civil war. The imagination can hardly encompass the mass of evils to which he has exposed our afflicted nation, by such an unheard of


What I could not wink at in a Spanish Bishop, I will not suffer in a foreign Prelate, who so ill requites the hospitality and generosity of the Spaniards.

Secretary of State,] to the Pope's Nuncio, From a Letter from Don Luis de Cunna, dated August 27, 1770.


that the Judges of the Crown will take
Your Excellency will keep in mind,
cognizance of every thing which your Ex-
cellency may practise, or allow to be prac
tised contrary to the laws of his Majesty:
of this kingdom.
--and to the laws, customs, and privileges

your Excellency, that you are not to visit I am particularly desired to acquaint The mere suspicion that briefs might thing appertaining thereunto in the first the Cathedrals, nor take cognizance of any contain some doctrines or decrees contrary instance, nor allow the judges and officers to the privileges of the Crown, has been of the Legation to make any exorbitant deemed sufficient reason to stop their cir- charges, but merely those which are cusculation, until they are examined and ap- tomary to be made in the Courts of Audiproved by Government. Whenever any torship of this Metropolis; nor ought the relaxation appeared to glide in on this fees in verdicts respecting matters of juspoint, Government has instantly applied a tice and grace, to be more than those steady hand to stop its progress. Our his-which are legally established; thus avoidtory presents very awful examples of this kind, which might have been a warning to the most Reverend Nuncio.

Then follows a decree in which the state is described as struck with horror at the consequences which might have ensued: expressing the disapprobation of government at his Excellency's conduct; and recommending him to be more orderly in future. The Nuncio's representations in behalf of the Inquisition are annexed. He says expressly, that "the abolition of the Inquisition may be extremely injurious to religion, while it ACTUALLY WOUNDS RIGHTS AND PRIMACY OF THE RoMAN PONTIFF !!!"

ing all cause of complaint and scandal, which his Majesty is perfectly aware would be derogatory to your Excellency's character, and to the orders you have re


His Majesty also cannot but praise the has taken, of choosing for the Legation, wise resolution he knows your Excellency by which means the inferior Prelates will men of talents, experience, and integrity; not be hurt, or complain at their decisions being revoked, by ministers who do not possess these requisite qualifications. His Majesty also acquaints your Excellency (as one of those cases which most frequently happen) that the religious members are in the habit of appealing to the court of Nunciature, in order to frustrate the correction of their superiors, and withdraw themconsequences of suffer-selves from that obedience which they owe


Such are the ing the exercise of a foreign power in spirituals! What a perpetual source of distrust, animosities, and quarrel!

to them, demanding without any just cause, actions, exemptions, permissions, grants, licences, &c. from whence result (as

Report was drawn up by six Theologians, and four Commissioners of Jurisprudence; it was also confirmed at a ge

questions proposed to them were, 1st. Whether the Pope, Cardinals, or any other ecclesiastical authority, hold any civil, or political power over the supreme power of the King of Great Britain ?-2nd. Whether any ecclesiastical

long experience has dearly proved) the greatest disorders, relaxations of their regular institutes, disturbances in the communities, and scandal to the people abroad.neral meeting of the University. The Of all these circumstances, his Majesty informs your Excellency, that it should come to your knowledge, that it is his pleasure your Excellency do not decide or judge of any thing which may concern matters respecting the economical government of the regular communities of both sexes within their respective cloisters, nor ad-power could absolve his subjects from mit any appeal from them in any degree whatever; and in conformity thereunto, his Majesty has already acquainted all the superior Prelates, in order that they might know it and fulfil it, as also enjoin it to all under their jurisdiction.

their oath of fidelity?-3d. Whether any ecclesiastical authority can break the Agreements and Contracts made with persons who profess a religion different from the Catholic ---All were answered

Not only the enlightened spirit within the negative.

The University was so immediately convinced of the justness of this opinion, that it required but little time to consider, and in fact, no one can prove that it is a principle of the Roman Catholic religion, or a dogma of the Romish Church, to give any political power to its Prelates over the temporal sovereignty, over the fidelity that is due to it from its subjects, or over the contracts or pacts made by Catholics with persons of a different religion.

opinions (sus opiniones, their opinions) upon this point: but the Catholic Church has never received them as doctrine or articles of faith, nor have those writers ever presumed to give them such authority.

which his Holiness has edified the whole universe, by separating the most holy rights of Apostolic Supremacy from his supreme power, which God has made distinct, in order to establish thereupon the reciprocal union of the Altar and the Throne, and with it the perpetual peace of of the Church, and the public tranquillity of those Kings and States, who are devout Sons of so holy and revered a mother; but also the great confidence the King places in the well-known talents and worthy in- It is certain that there have been inditentions of your Excellency, make his Ma-vidual writers who have held different jesty hope your Excellency will always act in such a manner, as to call forth his praise; and that your Excellency may experience the most repeated effects of the profound veneration and respect, which his Majesty entertains for his Holiness and the Apostolic faith, and of the great esteem in which he holds the person of your Excellency, not only for the dignity of your public character, but also for the distinguished qualities and recommendable virtues that so highly adorn your Excellency. Polite, in the highest pitch of politeness!-but, transmitted, because his Majesty is perfectly aware, that it neither is, nor can be, the intention of his Holiness to alter or pervert the laws, laudable customs, and privileges of his kingdom, from the powers granted to the Apostolic Nuncios."


We need seek no other evidence of the practical sentiments entertained by Catholic governments, in reference to Papal interference. The predominance of that power over temporal authorities is expressly disclaimed in a Report from the university of Salamanca, to Sir W. Beresford; dated July 20, 1812. This

The Romish Church acknowledges two Supreme Powers, but of different kinds, and in all things distinct. The political temporal and civil, and the spiritual; between which may reign great harmony, but no dependency. The civil can do nothing which respects articles of Faith; nor has the Spiritual any right to interfere in what is temporal.

The political power can decide nothing upon the essential points of Religion; it cannot determine upon an article of faith, nor administer the sacraments, nor deter

mine any thing upon what belongs to the worship of the Divinity; nor has the spiritual any right over civil society, over the state, or over the chiefs in the civil or po


The christian princes preserve all their authority entire and full, without subjection to the church, in the same manner as the infidels; and similarly as individuals are masters of their own houses and privileges, without any dependence upon priests, so the monarch enjoys this power

entire, without the least diminution, and without acknowledging over it that of the priesthood. Jesus Christ neither exercised, or transmitted to the Apostles or their successors, any temporal power whatever; on the contrary, he subjected himself with the greatest submission to the established authorities, ordering to be given to Cæsar that which was Caesar's, paying tribute, and acknowledging the authority of Pilate himself. St. Peter and St. Paul taught, that all, of whatever class or condition, ought to be subject and obedient to the King, and to all other legal authorities, and to abstain from a desire to govern, and declaring that whoever resisted the legal authorities resisted the order of God; and Paul himself appealed to, and sought redress, at the tribunal of Cæsar.

of our times assuming powers relative to the subjects of Great Britain unknown to their predecessors.

Another division of these Official Papers refers to the conduct of Catholic Ecclesiastics, when under Protestant protection. Those relating to Malta, contain several curious particulars. Sir Alexander Ball writes, May 7, 1807, on occasion of the death of the bishop, who was titular Archbishop of Rhodes,

At the period of the grant of these islands to the order of St. John of Jerusa

The revenues of the see are very considerable, amounting to nearly £5,800 currency of Malta, besides the two palaces attached to the dignity, forage for horses, and some other inferior advantages.

lem by the Emperor Charles the Fifth, that sovereign established, that whenever the see might become vacant, three Ecclesiastics of their society were to be named by In the first and most flourishing ages of the grand master and council of the order, one of whom should be elected to the the church, the most submissive subjects bishoprick by his (the emperor's) successor were the christians; and their priests and in the crown of the Two Sicilies; and the the Roman pontiff's have testified themselves, in a thousand manners, their res-tary, or grand cross of the order. person so elected became ex-officio a diguipect for the Emperors in what was polititical: so far were they from arrogating to themselves in that point any pre-eminence. Such are the principles of religion. Nor does the King of Great Britain stand on any other footing than all other kings: consequently it is most clear that no eccleOf the above revenues, upwards of siastical prelate can assume any civil £2,000 arise from land and other property, power in that illustrious kingdom, nor have situated in Malta; and the remainder is any power to absolve or dispense subjects derived from the rents of certain lands in from their oath of allegiance. The maxthe Island of Sicily; which, it may be obims of our faith order obedience to superi-served, are fully secured from alienation, ors, though they do wrong; and it does not permit, that under any pretence of religion, any one should omit what is his duty to them. The great Apostle of the Gentiles, inculcated subjection to princes, and directed they should be prayed for, even though Pagans; and as it is not fit that any one should renounce that which he is not authorised for, the dispensation of an oath made to the king, by another anthority, and of an order different and distinct, would be very extraordinary, as that the Prelates should exercise a power over the temporal, that was neither delegated to them from Christ, or known to the first ages.

When even the Emperors were christians, and some strayed from the faith, we do not see that the Popes or the Bishops dispensed (or broke) the oaths of allegiance which their subjects had made to them; nor did the famous Ambrosio, who had the firmness to excommunicate Theodocio the great, and to prevent his entering the church, attempt to absolve his subjects from the obedience they owed him; thus there is no foundation for the Ecclesiastics

by the circumstance of a Benedictine convent in Catania holding property of equal value in this island.

I should, therefore, with deference subt mit, whether it might not be advisable tha the annual revenue of the bishop be, in future, limited to £2,000; and that the overplus be applied, partly for the benefi tof the seminary for educating the clergy, partly in the amelioration of the condition of the parochial priests, whose stipends are in many instances, inadequate to their suport, and the remainder to be disposed of for other pious uses.

Such an arrangement, I have reason to believe, would prove highly satisfactory to the clergy and to the people; and I am fully persuaded, that any candidate for the bishopric would be amply satisfied with the salary proposed, as fully adequate to the support of his dignity

Since the death of the late bishop of the diocese, I have discovered that several adherents of the order, and of the French party, were pensioned by that Prelate.

Having frequently observed, during the life of the late bishop, a disposition on the part of the clergy to divest themselves of every appearance of dependence on the civil government, and to establish as it were, an imperium in imperio; I conceived it necessary to counteract a bias, which, considering the number of ecclesiastics and their influence over the people, might ulti- | mately have led to very serious consequences. By the first article, therefore, I have established that a throne shall be erected in the cathedral, and the principal churches throughout the island, and that on all great festivals the royal arms shall be suspended over it, as those of the grand master were during the government of the Order of St. John. By the second article it is stipulated that every mark of respect and homage shall be paid to the King's Civil Commissioner for the time being, as his Majesty's representative; and the following article provides for due respect being shewn in his absence to the Surgo tenenti, or Chief Civil Magistrates of the Casals.

The fifth article relates to the pirmizice, a very odious and oppressive tax upon oxen, which has hitherto formed a branch of the revenue of the parochial clergy. In many instances this was evaded by the employment of mules instead of oxen, for country labour; which, besides being a cause of contention between the clergy and their parishioners, was a serious detriment to the public.

This is now abolished; and a sum has been allotted from the surplus of the episcopal revenues, to be annually distributed amongst the parochial clergy of Malta and Gozo, in such proportions as the civil government and the bishop shall judge expe


The pensioning of French partizans, with the alledged disposition of the Catholic clergy, cannot escape notice. We shall find much the same disposition in another part of the Catholic church: and this particularly merits attention, as exemplifying one of those struggles between ecclesiastical and civil supremacy, between the people and their religious superiors, at which every friend to public peace and religious liberty must startle. What is the number of Catholics in some parts of India, we learn from a Report by Rev. Dr. Kerr, senior chaplain of Fort St. George, dated Madras, Nov. 3, 1806.

Latin Roman Catholics.

Within the provinces of Travancore and Cochin, there are, one Archbishop and two Bishops,-the Archbishop of Cranganore, and Bishops of Cochin and Verapoli. The two former have sees, the latter is titular. The Archbishop of Cranganore and the Bishop of Cochin, are nominated by the Queen of Portugal, after the following manner: Three names are sent (when either of these sees become vacant) by the Sovereign of Portugal to the Pope; and the Roman Pontiff is bound to select the name that stands first, and to issue his brevet or patent accordingly.

The Bishop of Cochin, may be said to have a controul over all the Romish churches situated on the sea coast immedi ately (with few exceptions) from Cochin to Ramnad, and thence round the whole island of Ceylon. The churches are numerous, but as they are in general poor, and are obliged to be supplied with Priests from Goa, it would appear that one Vicar holds upon an average five or six churches; the number of christians composing these churches must be great, as all and every of the fishermen are Roman Catholics. The Bishop of Cochin resides usually at Quilon. There are very few European clergy; not above seven or eight under the three jurisdictions, and none of them men of education; and it cannot be expected that the native Priests who have been educated at Goa, or at the seminary of Verapoli, should know much beyond their Missals and Rituals. The Latin communicants in the diocese of Verapoli, are estimated at $5,000. The Catecumen suffers no persecution on account of his religion, when once converted, but the country governments are excessively jealous upon this point, and do their utmost to discountenance any conversion.

It is well known that the Roman relithe commencement of the sixteenth cen gion was introduced by the Portuguese, at tury; the number converted in each year, upon an average, reaches to nearly 300. The number of course naturally diminishes. The morality of the converts is very loose, and they are generally inferior, in this respect, to the heathens of the country.

The pretentions of the Archbishop of Goa to spiritual jurisdiction over the Catholics of Bombay, were cause of complaint from the Catholics to the British power, full twenty years ago, This was renewed so lately as March, 1813. The Archbishop sent the Rev. Francisco Parras, to supercede the then incumbent, the Rev. Padre Donato,

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