SERIES OF TEXT-BOOKS ON ENGLISH BY PROFESSOR G. R. CARPENTER COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRINCIPLES OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. For Use in Secondary Schools. ELEMENTS OF RHETORIC AND ENGLISH COMPOSITION. First High School Course. ELEMENTS OF RHETORIC AND ENGLISH COMPOSITION. Second High School Course. ELEMENTS OF RHETORIC AND ENGLISH COMPOSITION. First and Second High School Courses, in one volume. EXERCISES IN RHETORIC AND ENGLISH COMPOSITION. ADVANCED COURSE. For Use in Academies and Colleges. STUDIES IN STRUCTURE AND STYLE. To supplement the preceding. By W. T. BREWSTER. For Use in Academies and Colleges. With an Introduction by G. R. CARPENTER. ENGLISH LITERATURE. By STOPFORD A BROOKE, M.A. With additional chapters on English literature (1832-1892) and on American literature, by G. R. CARPENTER. |