Ni jead, act ta reisean na No, but he is sitting. jujde. Car codail tu a rejp? Where did you sleep last night? Na codail njor mo. Do not sleep any more. Bejo riadsan na seasaris. They will be standing. Do tort miri mar dine balb. I was silent as a dumb man. Bhi me mo coinasg a mBaile I was living in Dublin. at clhat. Na bi do jearam an sin. Do not stand there. Bhi me mo durgad abrad I was awake long before day. rojme lo. Bhi reisen na durgad romam, He was awake before me; Β1 το τογτ. and he awakened me. Be silent. Do codail me a nDúndealgan. I slept in Dundalk. Bhi me mo codlad arejr. I was sleeping last night. AUXILIARY VERBS. 1. The auxiliaries b1, 13, or as, and t13, with their inflexions, are elegantly used to supply the place of all verbs denoting possession, want, power, necessity, or any affection of the body, or mind. 2. B1 is used with agam, orm, and uaim; 11, or as, with dam, and liom; 13, with liom only; as (133.) Ta sz1an azam. Ni bfuil sz1an 4gam. Ta sgian uaim. Ni 13 liom a deanam. Ir eigin dah sgriobad. Ta grad azam air Dhia. Ta fuaċt orm. Ir liom sin fór. I love God. I am cold. That is mine too. 3. Jr, or ar, simply denotes the object in itself; but ta always denotes it as connected with some circumstance. Hence, it affirms simply of its object, although that object be expressed by two or more words; as, ir me Domnall, I am Donald; ir fuar an orice 1, it is a cold night. But ta has a twofold object, and shews the subject and predicate distinctly from each other; a Dorijnall ag an dorar, Donald is at the door; ta an ojoče fuar, the night is cold. (134.) Hence also the interrogative, of as, 15 an, is used in enquiring after any inherent quality of the subject; as, an du Domnall? are you Donald? ir me, I am. But the interrogative, of bi, is bruil, is used in enquiring after any occasional quality, or circumstance; as, bruil Domnall 43 an dorar ? is Donald at the door? ata, he is. 4. When ar, or 1r, ba, and bus, come in contact with vowels, they are contracted into r, b, or m; as, Mas (ma ir) tu fear an If you are the man of the house. Tije. Bean darb (dar ba) ainm A woman whose name was Eblin. Evelina. Da maill (ma aill) lead est- If it were agreeable to you to eact ljom. listen to me. Bream (ba feam) daimra It were better for me to be Belt mo τογτ. silent. 5. Ba, and bus, aspirate the following mutable consonants; as bud majt ljom, I would wish. 6. The auxiliary by, with the preposition an, is used to express existence; as, a rubailce an, there is a virtue; b1 duine 47, there was a man. (135.) THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE AUXILIARY VERBS PROMISCUOUSLY EXEMPLIFIED. Ta si na z1rs13 613. Ta éaċ majt az m'atair. My father has a good horse. An leadra an peaña so? is Is this pen yours? it is mine. ljomra e. What is a wanting to you ? I have no doubt. Un é ro do busga snaoisin ? Is this your snuff-box? it is. 13 ead. Nil ampus agam añ. A ndearna duine 4 bit piam amrus fa Dhia a best an. Nil cuid agam de. Did ever any man doubt of the existence of God? I have no part in it. Ta fuaċt orm anois, agus bi I Bheara me an t43010 just a I will give the money to you tomarać ma tig ljom. morrow, if I can. 1 SYNTAX. Bream liom 30 dtiocfa leat I would rather you could have given it to-day. a tabairt anjuż. An lead rein an ċjor cnajm ? Is the bone comb your own? Ir lhom; agus is liom rzatán Fór. Da mbiad airgiod agam. an It is mine; and the lookingglass is mine also. Bhfuil tu tiῆ? ni bruslim. b'johan jad araon. Ba dojlig dam é Bhfuil du fuar? taim. If I had money. Are you sick? I am not. Are you the officer ? I am not. Are you cold? I am. Dob é an fear a b'ajrde san He was the tallest man in the company. Dob jan bean a b'ajlne dreaċ. She was the most beautiful woman. Da ma lead é, ni bjad If it were yours, my name would not be in it. Had you my book? ADVERB. 1. The following adverbs aspirate the words that follow them thus : Ni, niar, not, and nar? nacar? not ? aspirate and prefix h to vowels; Do, and 4, to, aspirate infinitives; Do, sign of the preter, aspirates active verbs; Ro, very, aspirates adjectives; and, All the adverbial particles aspirate the words with which they are compounded; as, (136) Niar tajnic aon duine leis. Do buail me an rear eile. No man came with him. I struck the other man. Is cóir dúin urnaig to, or Ta an maidin po fuar. SYNTAX. 4 We ought to pray every day The morning is very cold. 2. Nač, not, and ca? where? eclipse active verbs; and Jan, sign of the preter Nač dt1z lejte sjubal. participle, eclipses it; as, (137) She cannot walk. Having struck the door. 3. Adverbs signifying proximity, require the dative; as, t re anzar darij. he is near me. (138.) 4. The following adverbs require the ablative viz. (139.) Abor, on this side. Artead, within. Abrad, afar. 50 léon, enough. Amac, out. beyond. Fan abor azuiñe. Chuaid si amac as an tin. D'it me 30 leor don blad. and the like; as, Anall, tall, Stay on this side with us. THE CONSTRUCTION OF ADVERBS PROMISCUOUSLY EXEMPLIFIED. Nar elpij dи 30 тос. Tamull beag 14 0141381.1 Seal beaz rojme. A little while before. Niar codail me morán aréin. I did not sleep much last night. Bhi me, uair no do, ar ti cur I was once or twice about to орт. put on my cloaths Ta dúil agam a dul as baile I intend to go from home toamáraċ. morrow. When will she come back again? Cahuair a tlucrar si 4 a hair? Ca fada o porad 1. How long is it since she was married? She was married last year. Na déan muil, rearda. Do not delay, henceforth. Is añam a teigimre rior cuca I seldom go down to them. Ir minic a fuair me cuiread. I was often invited. Thiz re 4 u416. lyn. He comes sometimes. Deirim hacar joc re eangeor- I say that he did not pay a farthing. SYNTAX. Nar imtig an fesr, 4 b1 añso Did the man depart who was Njor ojol se dadarij. Carb ar do? Ca ndeacard re? Ca huair a dimtig re? Nac drusgean tu me ? here last night He did not pay any. From whence is he? Where went he? When did he go? Don't you understand me ? He would make no account of it. Where is he now? Jud as nad neistean du liom ? Why do you not hearken to me? Ni chread se srim añ. Car fáz tu é? Cájt a bruil se anois P Sujo anajce liom. Na dar angar dam. Na tar imo čojp. Na dar abrogus datis B'fada liom amuig tu. Ir pada d'fan tu tall. } Where did you leave him? Sit near me. Ca hug a tajnje tu anall. ? When did you come over ? Is clán a cuajo tu anon. It is long since you went over. Ir zeam 30 raca me far arir. back again. Cia he in a dtaojbjjar diot? Who is that behind you ? Széul a cuala me cian o join. A story that I heard long ago. a wise man that came Jurglas na mullaig brad uajn. That hills are green far from us. Ta an tarán sin ro majt. Do buajlead é le duine eile. He was struck by another man. An mar sin ada. ? That bread is very good. Is it so ? Nar ojol se na placa ? Did he pay the debts ?. Da ririb ata me. I am in earnest. Cred pa naċ mbuailsin é? Why should I not strike him ? Na teig anon nior mó. Do not go over any more. Niar cur re morán araig y111 He never gave much heed to her. riam. |