Imatges de pàgina

C, 3, MAND T, BEFORE n, | Cuing. a yoke.

[blocks in formation]

M1, a month.

Lán, middle.
Bán, white.
Gorm, blue.

An orŕjl. the eye.
A laṁ, her hand.
Drujm, the back.
Na gcor, of the feet.
A corg, to restrain.
Gul, weeping.
Truaż, pity.
Furm, form.
Toil, will.

Dŕil, expectation.
Sgjan, a knife.

Uż, an egg.
Beoir, beer.
Lean, ale.
Déirc, alms.

Súrt, a flail.

Stóir, a store.
Slin, a slate.
Builg, bellows.
Gral, a coal.
Lŕb, a link.
Scuab, a broom.
Fja, venison.
Luċ, a mouse.
Lur, an herb.
Don, brown.
Spré, a portion.
Aon, one.
Tirm, dry.
Bo, a cow.
Or, gold.
Plúp, flour.

Bhfuil tu P are you?
Rajb me, I was.

Aihm, a name.

Bejo me, I will be.

loɲg, a trace.

Glár, green.
Crañ, a tree.
Fág, leave.
So, this.
Sin, that.
Sjad, they.
Rujn, division.
Chum, to.
A ŋgár, near.
A brad, far.
3413, fierce.
F401, under.
Suar, up.
Sjor, down.
Sjud, sit.
lējs, read.
A dul, to go.
Lin, with us.
Ljb, with you.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Seir-reaċ, a six horse plough.

Oin-ner, furniture.

Trill-sean, a lamp.

Seam-róg, clover.
Sean-da, ancient.

Sear-am, standing.
Siñ-e, ourselves.
Sjb-fe, yourselves.
Sim-leojo, a chimney.
Don-uir, of a door.

Fejt-leóg, a husk.
Foir-gneam, a building.

Tain-reac, a threshold.

Ao-mad, timber.

Taob-án, a rafter.
Gain-eaṁ, sand.
Teaż-laċ, a family.
Cat-aoir, a chair.
Soiż-żeać, a vessel.
Cljab-án, a basket.


Spior-ad, a spirit.
Nad-ur, nature.
Aing-eal, an angel.
If-rjoñ, hell.
Tejn-e, fire.
uirg-e, water.
Soill-re, light.
Aim-rin, time.

Teall-aċ, a hearth.

Coñ-4, a faggot.

Bros-na, firewood.

Criat-ar a sieve.

Leab-ar, a book.

Tujl-e, a flood.

Marb-an, a margin.

Majo-jn, morning.

Ab-lañ, a wafer.

earn-ac, spring.

Sanjb-in, writing.

Dujŋ-e, a man.

[blocks in formation]


D, 1, 1 and T, LIQUID.
Déis-ceart, south point.
A-né, yesterday.
Sljas-ad, a thigh.
Tinn-ear, siekness.

Djud-an, giddiness.
Nearc-old, boil.
Sláint-e, health.
Inʊ-in, understanding.

Britt-15, breeches.
Fill-éad, a fillet.

Brais-léad, a bracelet

Bruit-e, boiled.
Tinn-tean, a hearth.
Cais-leán, a castle.

Fun-te, kneaded.

lit‐ir, a letter.

Maist-in, a mastiff. Neam-on, a diamond.

Neart-ṁar, strong. Nejm-n, nothing. Nij-im, I wash. Tian-na, a lord.

Tim-ċjoll, about.

[blocks in formation]

| Ball-a, a wall.
Dán-act, boldness.
Toc-ar, itch.
Ead-aċ, robe.

Sud-63, a cake.
Ceall-port,, a see.
Sag-art, a priest.
Tob-an, a fountain.
láid-ir, strong.
Punn-an, a sheaf.
Tujb-e, straw.
Tairng-e, a nail.
Dor-as, a door.
Fal-am, empty.
Lán-a, a lane.

Laṁ-rann, a handstaff.
Lat-aċ, mire.


Ar mbraż-air, our brother.
An mbol-án, our bullock.
Ar gcaiż-reim, our triumph.
Ar ndán-act, our boldness.
Ar bfear-ann, our ground.
Ar ngaird-ín, our garden.
Ar ngeib-joll, our chains.
Ar guide, our prayer.
Ar bpjos-a, our piece.
Don trim-leoid,to the chimney
Don tsluas-ad, to the shovel.
Ar dtiarn-a, our lord.

Ar gcoinn-eal, our candle.

Ar bpob-al, our people.

Ar dtein-e, our fire.

Ar ndiad-aċt, our godliness.


ASPIRATES NEARLY QUIESCENT. Neart-uż-40, to strengthen.

Cruz-uz-a, proof.

Slan-aiż-żeoir, saviour.

Cruz-aiż-żeon, creator.

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