FAMILIAR WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. Tlaċt-ċorr-uz-40, an earthquake. Ad-fua&-ṁair-éaċt, abomination. Ain-meas-ar-4, intemperate. Aird-int-in-eac, high minded Aż-arr-uz-ad, difference. At-sujg-uż-ad, second proof. Blad-an-am-ul, yearly. Buñ-ud-as-aċ, authentic. Cait-reim-iu-ad, to triumph. Coim-eig-niz-im, I force. Coim-heart-u13-te, confirmed. Com-ċruiñ-jug-4o, congregation. Coṁ-ġáird-úiż-40, to congratulate. B Duib-eag-an-ajd, depths. Id-ir-teang-tojɲ, an interpreter. Faid-ead-oir-eaċt, prophecy. In-meód-on-aċ, internal. Jom-ad-uiż-im, I multiply. Jom-airg-id-eaċd, decency. Coim-neart-u5-40, confirmation. Mi-riaż-alt-a, unruly. Móir-mean-am-naċ. magnanimous. Neaṁ-baoż-al-aċ, secure. Neam-tab-aċt-aċ, unprofitable. (11) ETYMOLOGY. ARTICLE. The Irish language has only one article, corresponding to the definite article in English; viz., Names of men and males, are masculine; as, Aoo Hugh; Laoc an hero; éac, an horse. Diminutives in an, en in, en derivatives 41de, aid, aire, eoir, aċ, or; and abstract substantives in ar, and ear are commonly masculine; as, cŋocán, an hillock; tineas, sickness; rionnaċ. a fox. Names of women and females, are feminine; as, Maire, Mary; run, sister. Names of countries and rivers; diminutives in óg and eóg; and abstract substantives except those in ar and ear, are feminine, as, Erin Ireland; 31le whiteness; dujleóg, a little leaf. (16) CASE. The nominative and accusative are always alike in form; and only distinguished by their connexion with some other words in the sentence. The dative and ablative are always alike in form, and only distinguished by the article, or prepositions prefixed to them: in the plural, they always end in jb, The nominative and vocative feminine are always alike. The first declension. Masculines. Nouns of the first declension have the genitive and vocative singular, and the nominative plural alike. The inflexion of the genitive is formed by adding a small vowel to the broad one, in the termination of the nominative; or, by changing the broad vowel or diphthong of the nominative into a small one; as, |