Fájnne, a ring. Glainne, glass. Majde, a stick. ETYMOLOGY. Jadurg, a thief, Pl. Gadaijeana Ceannaig, a merchant. Gréasaig, a shoemaker. Cailín, a little girl, Pl. Cailinead, or cailiniz. Firín, a little man. Bejljn, a little mouth. a greyhound. PLURAL. Пом. Wna, women. GEN. Ban, of women. DAT. Do mnajb, to women. Acc. Ana, women. ABL. le mnajb, with women. PLURAL. Nom. Bat, cows. GEN. Bó, of cows. DAT. Do buaib, to cows. Aoc. Bat, cows. Voc. A bat, o cows. ABL. Le buajb, with cows. PLURAL. Пом. Сили, сona, conca. DAT. Do conajb. Acc. Cujn, cona, conca. Voc. A cona, a conca. Many nouns of the second and third declensions are contracted in the genitive case; as, Bujdean, a troop, Gen. bujóne, for bujdine. NOUNS DECLINED WITH THE ARTICLE. First. Nouns beginning with vowels. If the noun be masculine, t is prefixed to it in the nominative singular; if feminine, h is prefixed to the genitive. In the plural of both genders, h is prefixed to the nominative and dative; and n to the genitive. (20) Nom. Un tatair, the father. Νom. Na hajtre, or na hajt GEN. Un atara. DAT. Don atajr. Acc. Un tatajn. ABL. leis an atajr. reaca. Gen. Na najtreaċ. Acc. Na hajtre, or na hajt peaċa. ABL. lejr, na hajtreaċajb. IN THIS MANNER DECLINE, Masculines are aspirated in the genitive and dative singular; and feminines in the nominative and dative. In the genitive plural, all initial mutables are eclipsed, except m and r. Nom. An fear, the man. GEN. Un fir. DAT. Don fear. Acc. Un reap. ABL. leis an fear. Nom. Na pir. GEN. Na brear. DAT. Dona fearaib. Acc. Na pir. ABL. leis na fearaib. THIRD. NOUNS BEGINNING WITH Y, FOLLOWED BY A VOWEL, OR BY 1, n, or p. Masculines prefix o to the genitive and dative singular; femi nines to the nominative and dative. The nominative and accusative are always alike: as are also the dative and ablative. First Declension. Most adjectives ending in consonants, having broad vowels in the termination, have a small inflection in the genitive masculine; a small increase in the genitive feminine; and a broad increase in the nominative plural. árd HIGH. Waol, bald. Daor, dear. Saor, cheap. Fuar, cold. Nuad, new. luat, quick. IN THIS MANNER DECLINE, Nearthur, powerful. Ceanan, speckled. Dilear, GEN. MAS. Dilis, FEM. dilire, faithful, beloved. Cartanać, friendly. Martanać, perpetual. Briotać, stammering. Second Declension. Adjectives ending in consonants, having a small vowel in the termination, increase small in the genitive feminine and nomina tive plural. (22) |