The interrogative are you usually ? &c., is formed by prefixing m to each person; as, mbian du? mbian re? &c. (45.) 1 Bejd, bejo me, I shall be. PLURAL. (1) Bejomis, beid sinn, we shall be. 2 Bejo, bejd נץb, ye, &c. 3 Bejo, bejo re, he shall 3 Beid, bejdsjad, they shall be. SINGULAR. Future. be. Negative. (46.) PLURAL. 1 Ni Bjam, I shall or will not) (i Ni besomid, ni bian חוץ, be. 2 Ni Bjan tu, thou shalt, &c. 3 Ni bian re, he shall, &c. }} we shall or will not be. 2 Ni bian rib, ye shall, &c. 3 Ni Bian siad, they shall &c. Consuetudinal of the Future. SINGULAR. 3 Mur bias, or a bjar, as it shall be, or the person that is or I Wuna bruslim, mur bruil) (1 Wuna, bruilmid, muna 1 Má bios, má by me, if I were, (49)---As the Preter of the Indicative Mood. SINGULAR. Consuetudinal. 1 Da mbion, da mbian, if I (1 Da mbiomaois, da mbiad were or had been. PLURAL. 2 Da mbiadra, if thou, &c. וץῆ, if we were, or had been. 3 Da mblas, if he had been. 2 Da mbiad rib, if ye, &c. sad, if they were, &c. Preter and Consuetudinal. Negative. 1 Muna mbest me, if I shall) not be. 2 Muna mbeid tu, if thou, &c. PLURAL. (1 Muna mbeid rin, if we shall not be. { 2 Muna mbeid ribh, if ye, &c. 3 Wuna mbejo re, if he, 3 Wuna mbeid sjad, if they &c. shall not be. (50.) 1 Nar rajb me, may I not be.) (1 Nar raibmid nar rajb rin, may we not be. 2 Nar rajb tu, mayest thou, &c. 3 Nar rajb re, may he not be. 2 Nar rajb rib, may ye not be. 3 Nar rajb 514d, may they not be. Preter. I wish I were, &c., is expressed, bud majt liom 30 rajb me, or bream liom 30 najb me. (51.) Or by t131m, I come, used impersonally; or by cajorio, must. To some one of these is joined such a word as, reidir, possible; coin, right; e1zin, necessity, &c., followed by the pronoun which should have been nominative to the verb, and by the verb itself in the infinitive mood; as, Ir eigin dari a bejt, I must be; ir peidir liom a best, I may be; ba cóir dam a bejt, I should have been; ης τις liom 4 bejt, I cannot be; cajorjo me a bejt, I must be. (52.) ETYMOLOGY. REGULAR VERBS. ACTIVE VOICE. CONJUGATION OF buail, STRIKE. (53) IMPERATIVE MOOD. SINGULAR. 2 Buail, strike thou. Affirmative. PLURAL. 1 Buailimid, let us strike. let them strike. 3 Buailed re, let him strike. (3 Buailidis, buailidh siad, The imperative negative strike not thou, &c., is formed by prefixing na to each person; as, na buail, &c. INFINITIVE MOOD. Affirmative. Negative. Do or a bualad, to strike; Gan a Bualad, not to strike. SINGULAR. PLURAL. 1 Buailimid, we strike. 1 Buajlım, I strike. strikest. 3 Buailio se, he strikes. 3 Buailid sjad, they strike. The present negative I do not strike, &c., is formed by prefixing ny to each person; as, n1 buailim, &c. The present interrogative do I strike ? &c., is formed by prefixing a or an to each person; as, a mbuailim ? &c. Present, with the relative 4, who; anti, who; noc, which 30 de? what? ca huain? when? 30 de mur? how? having 4, who, which, expressed or understood. B do I strike? 1 30 de buailear me? what) (1 As sin a buailear, we do strike. A 2 Do buailis, buail tu, thou struckest. ribh, ye struck. struck. they struck, (55) 3 Do buajl, buail re, he Do Buasleadar, buail riad, The preter negative is formed by prefixing ngar to each person; as, niar buailear, I did not strike. The preter interrogative is formed by prefixing nar to each person; as, nan buail me ? did I strike? (56) The consuetudinal negative and interrogative are formed as in the present; n1 buailean tu, thou dost not usually strike; a mbuailean re ? does he usually strike ? |