1 Buailid, buajle me, I shall or will strike. 2 Bualır, buaile tu, thou shalt strike. 3 Buailid, buaile re, he 2 Buailid, rib, ye shall strike. 3 Buailid siad, they shall strike. (57) shall strike. The future negative and interrogative are formed as the affirmative; as, n1 buailid, I shall not strike; a mbuailir? will thou strike. The future with the relatives 4, anti, or noch; or the interrogative 30 de ? ca huair ? 30 de mur? &c. (58) PLURAL. 1 30 de buailfear me?) (1 As sin a buailfear, we SINGULAR. what shall I strike ? shall strike. 2 Jr du a buailfear, it is 2 30 de buailfear rib ? what thou shalt strike. shall ye strike. person that shall, &c. shall they strike. 3 An te 4 buailfear, the) (3) C14 buailfear 140 ? whom SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present Tense and Future. Affirmative. SINGULAR. 1 Ma Buaslim, if I strike, &c.---as the present indicative, hav ing má, if, prefixed. SINGULAR. Present and Future. Negative. 1 Muna Buajlım, if I do not strike---as the present indicative If I had not struck.---As the preter nega tive indicative, having muna, if not, instead of niar. 1 Wuna be zur buail me, had I not struck.---As the preter indicative, having muna be gur, unless that, prefixed. 1 30 mbuaileam, 30 mbuail-) (1 Go mbuailimid 30 mbuailid 10 me, may I strike. וץῆ, may we strike. 2 30 mbuailio tu, mayest thou strike. 2 Go mbuailio rib, may ye strike. 3 Go mbuailio re, may he strike. 3. Go mbuailidis, 30 mbuail10 814d, may they strike. are the same as affirmative, The present and future negative except that nan is used instead of 30; as, na buaileam, or nar Buailio me, may I not strike. Preter and Consuetudinal. Affirmative. SINGULAR. I Brearr liom 30 mbuailsin, I wish I had struck.---As the subjunctive, except that, brearr liom 30 is used instead of 04. The preter negative is formed in the same manner, except that nar or nacar, not, is used instead of 30; as, brearr liom nar Buailsin, I wish I had not struck. POTENTIAL MOOD. Is peidir liom a bualad, I can strike him or it, besgin dai 4 bualad, I must have struck him or it; n1 13 liom 4 bualad, I cannot strike him or it---&c. (60). 1 Buailtear me, biod me buailte, let me be struck. 2 Buailtean, biod tu buailte, be thou struck. 3 Buailtear é bios re buailte, let him be struck. 2 PLURAL. 1. Buailtean in, biomassd buailte, let us be struck. Buailtear ibh, biod sib buailte, be ye struck. Buailtear 140, 6100 2140 buailte, let them be struck. 3 The imperative negative is formed by prefixing ná: as ñá buailtear me, let me not he struck. INFINITIVE MOOD. A best-buailte, to be struck. PARTICIPLES. Preter, Buailte, struck; jar mbeit buailte, having been struck. Future, le bualad, le na bualad or an ti best buailte, about to be struck. (61.) INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense. Affirmative. SINGULAR. PLURAL, 1 Buailtear me, I am struck.) (1 Buailtear in, we are struck. 2 Buailtear τι, thou art struck. 3 Buailtean é, he is struck. &c. Present Negative, Ni Buailtear me, &c., I am not struck, &c. Present Interrogative, A mbuailtear me? &c., am I struck, 1 Do buailead me, I was) (1 Do buailead sin, we were 2 Do buailead tu, thou wast 2 Do buailead rib, ye were Preter negative, Njar buailead me, &c., I was not struck, &c. Preter Interrogative, Nar buailead me? &c., was I struck &c. Future Negative, Ni Buailfear me, I will not be struck, &c. Future Interrogative, A mbuailfear me? shall I be struck, &c. Present Negative, Muna mbuailtear me, if I be not struck. 3 50 mbuailtean jad, may they be struck. Present and Future Negative, Nan buailtear me, may I not be struck. SINGULAR. Preter Tense. Affirmative. 1 Bream hom da mbuajlepse me, &c., I wish I had been struck. SINGULAR. Preter. Negative. 1 Bream hom nach mbuailsio me, I wish I had not been struck. Every part of the passive voice may likewise be formed, by joining the preter participle passive, to the auxiliary by; as ta me buailte, I am struck; bj me buailte, I was struck, &c. To express continuance, the present participle having 43 or 34 with a possessive pronoun prefixed, is joined to the verb b1; as, da me za mo bualad, I am in striking; by me za mo bualad, I was in striking. |