ADVERBIAL EXPRESSIONS ARE FORMED BY PREFIXING 30 το ADJECTIVES; AS, (89.) ADJECTIVES. Beaċt, nice. Borb, harsh. Ceart, right. Cealzac, deceitful. Majt, good. 30 majt, well. Adverbs, formed thus from adjectives, are compared as the adjectives themselves; as, From mast, good, Pos. 30 mait, well; Comp. njos ream, better; Sup. ro majt, very good, as fearr, best. From lajoin, strong; Pos. 30 lajdir, strongly; Comp. nmor lasore, more strongly; Sup. po lajoin, very strongly, as laidre, most strongly. There are many adverbial expressions, formed by the combination of two or more words; as (90.) Bit, being, air bit, at all. E1zin, necessity, air eigin, hardly. FROM an, the, 40n, one. Trat, Time, an that, when. Uair, hour, 4on uair, once. Chead ait, first place, &c., an cead ait, first, &c. FROM 341, WITHOUT. Fjor, knowledge, gan fjor, secretly. Cireact, effect, gan eifeact, ineffectually. FROM man, As. So, this, mar so, so, as this. Sin, that, mar sin, thus, as that. Ceadna, same, mar an gceadna, likewise. FROM Or, ABOVE. Cean, head, or dean, above. Ard, high, ós árd, loudly, publicly. FROM T1, то. 30 001, until | 3ο οτι ro, hitherto. ADVERBIAL PARTICLES. (91.) The following particles are used only in composition :-- An, Фо, Ф1, ea, ---deoin, willing, astihdeon, unwilling. ---trat, time, antrat, untimely. z-múnte, taught, domuinte, hard to be taught. -crejote, believed, dicreidte. incredible. -rlán, healthful, earlán, sick. -cairdeas, friendship, eascairdeas, enmity. ---cjall, sense, miċjall folly. Neam, J ---claon, partial, neamclaon, impartial. Οιμ, Up, Ay, Jom, -riol, low, ujrjrjoll, very humble Air, -realba, possession, agrealba, restitution. Com, equal, trom, weight, comtrom, equal weight. So, apt, fajcsin, seeing, ropaicrin, fit or easy to be seen. The following particles are used with verbs :-- of the infinitive, do buailead, A buailead, } To strike. A3, 4, or 34, signs of the present participle, 43, 4, or 34, bualad beating. Do, sign of the preter, do buailear, I struck. jan sign of the preter participle, 1ar mbualad, having struck. le, signs of the future participle, le bualas, or Ar ti, ar ti bualad, about to strike. To these may be added, má, if; muna mur, if not; da, if; 30, that, &c.; but these are more properly classed with conjunctions.. (92) PREPOSITIONS. The following is a list of the most usual and simple preposi tions. (93) Az, at. Ajp, upon. Ar, out of. Chum, to. Chuize, to. Dar, by. De, of. Dejr, after. Do, to. Fa, upon, to, about. F401, or Furo, under, beneath Thar, Fead, throughout. Fud, among. 34n, without. 30, zur, to. } Over. Thairir, Tre, trid, through. Um, ujme, about. (94) |