Imatges de pàgina

3. The prononns creud, z0de, cja, &c., are commonly used without interrogation, as demonstratives; as, da fios agam 0 de a dearra, I know what you will say.


Labain leis an duine uasal sin. Speak to that gentleman.
Ni fiú a dadah na hublaig ud Those other apples are worth



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Measan tu 30 de dejlig do- Do you imagine what happened


to him ?

Tajsbeán a leabar sin dam. Shew me that book.

Tajo na tiste ro fior These houses are very fine.


Ba subajlceaċ ua progna 140 Yon ladies were very cheerful.

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Abracadu an ajndir ud eile? Did you see yon other damsel? Se so an fear a car orain a This is the man who met us



Un é so a bealac 30 Ard- Is this the way to Armagh ?


Nil fios agam ciaca bealac is I know not which of the roads


is best?

Un bruil fior 434d cia he an Do you know who that gentleduine úaral sin?

man is ?


1. The compound pronouns 4gam, liom, orm, uaim, are commonly used, with the verbs; bi, tam, and ar, or ", instead of the regular verbs; in the following manner.

2. Azam originally signifies with me; but is also used with the verb, of being, to supply the place of the verb to have; as, a brana tu agam a noct? will you stay with me to-night? ta carajd azam a mbajle at ċliat, I have a friend at Dublin. (120) 3. Ljom originally signifies with, by, for, or to me, &c. From hence it is used,

First, to express belonging to;
Secondly, to denote desire;
Thirdly, thought or opinion; and
Fourthly, power; as, (121.)

Da dajucra liom anois.

If you would come with me


30 de is mian leat a rad What is it you desire to say with


(or to) me?

Fan leis, ma 13 lib.

Wait with (or for) him, if you


An leo rein an carbad?

Is the carriage their own ?


Mar toil leat labaint leis If it is your will to speak to him

Dar liom 30 breadra dul leo I think you might go with them amárač.


Ir pada leo fuiread 30 Luan. They think it long to stay till


[blocks in formation]

Cuir do leme ort.

Put on your shirt.

denote the passive affections of both body and mind; as,

Ta tant oram, agus fuact I am hungry, and they are cold.


Ta pian ciñ ujme.

Nil baogal air,

She has a head-ache.

There is no danger of him.

5. Chugam, unto me, is used to denote the object to which any thing tends; and has always a verb of motion, expressed or understood, before it; as,

T1315 cugamsa ribre uile a Come unto me all ye that are

[blocks in formation]

An treactmusnre (ata 43 The week (that is coming) to us :

react) ċuzujñ.

i. e. next week.

Tabair aran dam-tabair Give bread to me-bring bread

[blocks in formation]

Tabair sgian darim--cuir s31an Give me a knife-send me a

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6. Uaim originally signifies from me.

First, to imply want, in opposition to agam;

Secondly, to denote a desire of having; as,

Fan uaim-tabair uajt é.

Stay from me-give it from


Ta an tairgiod sin uaim anois I want that money now. 30 de da uajbre, a Buaċajllig? What do ye want boys ?

The use of the other compound pronouns will be seen in the

following table.



Ir fritir an cos sin agad.
Ba món a leadnom ort e.
Thug an uile duine milleáin

That is a sore foot you have.
It was a great oppression to you.
Every man gave blame to him.

Is duirreać liom aimsir duin- Bad weather is tiresome to me. conta.

Bion aimsir duineonta trom Bad weather is heavy on me. орт.

Ni comórtas 131 leisean.

Ni bian fearz 41р.

Car leis an borga beag ?

She is not to be compared to him.

There will be no anger on him ; i. e. he will not be angry.

Whose is this little box?

Cahuair a cuireas du cuige e? When will you send it to him ?

Tabain ċuzamra é?

Bring it to me.

Nil fios agam ca hainm ata I do not know his name.

What did he say about you ?

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30 de dubairt se umadra? Niar misde liom é.

I do not think it worse.

in either of them.

Ni cóir muinizin a cur a 3ceac- No confidence should be placed

Tap aca.

Cia aca dona riognais is mo Which of the ladies has most


Feadam, mar aill liom.

Bain na butairig ro djom.


I can, if I chuse.

Take these boots off me.

A mbaine me an caróz diot? Shall I take the coat off you?

Sul ar curmar ar nualac Before we put our burden off

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Saoilim zur bain siad go leor I think they took enough from

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Fuairime tri pigin déag uajt. I got thirteen pence from you.

Ta eazla orm 30 bruil ajcid I am afraid that there is some

illness coming on me.

What ails her?

Nil ron ortusan a belt brad They are not desirous to be

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ni deilire an dadam ort ? I would not

Ba mast hom, a best caint I would wish to speak with leat.


Seal beaz, da m'all leat ejr- A little while, if you please to teact ljom.

hear me.

Curriar gjolla is capull leat. A boy and a horse will be sent

with yon.

Car leis a zeaman beag?

To whom belongs the little


Ma t1z leat, fan 30 mbimio If you can, wait till we be all uile leat.

with you.

Ni 13 liom panmaint azad a I cannot stay with you to-night.

Brejdin nač mbiad se 413e.
Cusp do lam τομη.

Ta eadać zlan rúd is torad.

Chuajo fuact an gejmrig to-
Cusp čugam an tarán.
C1a sgriob an litir cusce.
Thainic re ċuzujn aréin.
Na déan ročnojo puin.
Sujo rios damal, cujrcataojn

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Perhaps he would not have it.
Put your hand over me.
There are clean cloaths over you
and under you.
The cold of winter is gone over
us (i. e. past.)
Send unto me the bread.
Who wrote the letter unto her?
He came unto us last night.
Do not mock us.

Sit down a while, put a chair
under you (i. e. take a chair.)

Is majt liom 30 dubairt tu I am glad you said that, rin.

Nil mian macnais anois orm. I have no desire now of sporting


Nil fios agamra 30 de ta 1 do not know what he has, but alge, add b'ferdin 30 bruil perhaps she knows. Fjor ajcere.

30 de is mian leat a rad What do you wish to say to me? ljomra. P

Nil siad a brat a dadam or- They are not looking for anyuiñe.

thing from us.

Fuanamar carta zaċ la uab- We got a quart each day from


Ta luaċ a bajñe uaim.

Cia bi an ro romujῆ?

Cuippe me an clócara umam.

Blod siad a caint umad.

Sear eadrom is é.


[blocks in formation]

There is not much between us.

Do bajnead fuil aram ra do. Blood was taken from me twice. Nil morán eaдријñ.

Chuajse ri rojine ran trlige. She went before him in the way.

Raca se čugaib amaráć.
Cuspije najb é.

Nap cuspead sgeula cuca
Jo de sin a bajn tu ti ?

He will go to you to-morrow.
Send it from you.
Was word sent to them?
What is it that you took from
her ?

Ná bain a 131an djom.

Do not take the knite from me.

bearamojo opra.

shall overtake them.

Ma imtigean siad romain, If they depart before us, we

Cusp leaba zlar luačna pum. Put a bed of green rushes under

Nil 30 leor pujῆ.


There is not enough under us.

Nać bruil dúil agad a teact Have you not a mind to come ċuzajñe?

to us P

Naċ mbejo tu agusñe a má- Will you not be with us to

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Do leiz se orna trom ar.
Bhi conrad eatoma.

morrow P

He gave a heavy groan.
There was an agreement be-
tween them.


1. For the manner in which the increase is made in pronouns, nouns, and adjectives, see pages 37, 38.

2. In the same manner, the increase may be made in verbs, if the pronoun be not expressed; as. Deirimise an firiñe, ir ni crejoinre me, I say the truth, and you do not believe me; bruil tu ar di mo buadlara? are you about to strike me ?

3. The use of the increase may be always ascertained by considering the emphatical pronoun in the sentence; as, ir lajone mo capallra no do capalisa, my horse is stronger than yours. 4. Hence, when a question is asked, the personal pronoun in the answer always receives the increase; as, cia piñe ro ? miri, no tura, who did this, I, or you (122)


Da racfara liomra anju, raċ- If you would go with me to-day fujñe leatsa amárač, I would go with you to-mor


Ir deire ar dtírne no bur Our country is handsomer than סċirre.

Ir jomia la bi d'atairse ir Many a day were your father

m'atairse air an jul.

your country.

and my father together.

Ca bruil bun orjarna 6gra?

Where is your young lord ?

Is this your new hat?

Un é ro do hata úrra ?

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