Imatges de pàgina

Ta an maor ar ti bur zcean- The officer is about to bind you

in prison ?

Do cuadarran uile a zcom- They all went into council.

This is his great coat.

Gailse a zcarcajp.


Se so a cóta mórran.


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Was she in the country?

Is cormuil an deadac sin le That cloth is like yours.

Chuaid sisi agus mire, cum She and I went to the forest.

na foraire.

Nil se agam, arra mire.

I have it not, said I.

Aco a dubairt reisean 30

But he said that he saw it with

braca se azam air majdin é me in the morning.

An abrajmre bréuz.

Do I tell a lie ?

Dainis si damra zur sgriob

ri cuize.

She told me that she wrote to him.

Ca huair a cuspeas tu sgeula When will you send word to

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Nar cuir riadsan széula. ċu- Did they send word to you?


Déan sin air a sonra.

Do that for her sake.

Dhéanujn ni ar bit air a jon- I would do any thing for her

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Beromid romparan a márać. We shall be before them to


Niar tuz tu 40n ubal dúsñe. You did not give one apple to




1. A verb agrees with its nominative, in number and person; as, do sgriob re, he wrote; tangadar na daoine, the men



2. Two or more nouns singular, joined together, will have a verb singular; as, tajnic misi agus tura, I and you came; ta m'atair is mo matain tin, my father and mother are sick.

3. The nominative usually follows the verb; as, tajnic an fear, the man came; sometimes with a branch of the sentence intervening; as, tajnic air an mball, fear an tige artead, the man of the house, immediately, came in.

4. The relative and interrogative pronouns always come before the verbs with which they agree; an de a 13 30 minic, the man who comes often; dia seadas rearam? who can stand. (123.)

5. When the personal termination of the verb is used, the pronoun is omitted; as, riñeamar, or riñe sin an ni γο, we did this thing. (124.)

* The pronoun is generally used with the second and third persons, except in answering a question; as, sgrioban tu 30 ceart, you write well: an sgriobam 30 ceart? do I write well? sgriobair, you do. (125.)

* The pronoun is never used with the first and second persons singular of the subjunctive consuetudinal; as, da doigre liomra, had you come with me; da mbuailsin an fear, had I struck the


6. The infinitive has its agent in the accusative, expressed or understood, before it; as, 11 majt dibre me a fureaid, it is good for you that I remain.

7. The active participle has its agent expressed in the dative, when the same person is agent to the following verb; as, 14r na Faicsin an tig, tajnic se astead, he, having seen the house, came in; ar mbejt dujñ ar ndaoine 034, bi sin a gcuideact, acéile, when we were young, we kept company together; 43 gcluinsin sin don treandujne, zab re taipis 4 an taobeile, the old man, hearing this, passed by on the other side. (126.)

8. The present participle, with the verb b1, is always used when the continuance of a thing is expressed; as, ta me az leajad mo leabar, I am reading my book. (127.)

9. The consuetudinal tense is used when a habit, or custom is expressed; as, ca mbion du gac lá, where are you every day? (128

10. The future participle passive often follows nouns, or adjectives, to denote the object that is to be affected; as, greanjar le paierin, pleasant to be seen; ta arbar le bualad, there is corn to be threshed; ta na bat le na bleagan, the cows are to be milked. (129.)



11. Verbs transitive require their objects, in the accusative, after their agents; as, do Buail me year, I struck a man.

* The relative, and interrogative pronouns come before the verbs that govern them; as, an de a buail me, the man whom I struck; 30 de glacas tu? what will you take?

12. Verbs signifying advantage or disadvantage require also the object of the benefit, or injury, in the dative; as, d'umlajj, re dojb, he obeyed them; do hinsiad dam, it was told to me; do tuz me leabar dust, I gave a book to you.

13. Verbs of comparing, and taking away, require the ablative of the object of comparison, or deprivation; as, to slad mo deadrajo uaim, she stole my senses from me; ramlungim tu le cran zan torad, I compare you to a tree without fruit; do bainead uata ē, it was taken from them.

14. The infinitive, and participles active, require the genitive; as, da me dul do ceañač brata, I am going to buy malt; bi se 43 14majd a mna, he was looking for his wife; 14p mbualad an dorair, having struck the door; an ti deanan urnalgte, about to make prayer. - See Government of Nouns, rule 12, p. 79.

* If the object be a masculine noun, it is aspirated; as, 4 me 43 zeamad crajn, I am cutting a tree. (130.)

15. One verb governs another in the infinitive; as, cuajo se do foglam a leigejn, he went to learn his lesson. (131.)


Tabair mo lene dam.


Gad' dusze nad gcatan tu do stocaige duba ?

Ni an cor fritir an bróz cum4113.

Nač braca tu riam é.

Give me my shirt.

Why do you not wear your black stockings ?

The strait shoe makes the foot


Did you never see it?

prudent people.

Na taob tu rein le daoinib Do not trust yourself with im


Comnaigeansersean a mbrujj- He dwells in a large house. τη Μόιμ.

Bhfuil du an ti mo bualad? Are you about to strike me? Ta bean a tige 43 Tjaja The housewife is warming a

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warm a drink.

Bhi bean a tige ar ti deod a The housewife was about to

Tabair aire don deagbean. Attend to the lady.

Ta fear a tije 43 dul a cod- Theman of the house is going


to sleep.

Ta se sgriobad a cleaida.

He is writing his exercise.

Ta me aga poglaim anois.

I am learning it now.

Ce 30 zcajnpea me.

Though you should dispraise


Thaisbein me do an litir 4 I shewed him the letter that you

sgriob tu cuzат.

A mbearrea mire leat P

Ca rajb tu ané ?

wrote to me.

Would you bring me with you?
Where were you yesterday?


Nar aitris si dust ca mejda Did she tell you how much she

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30 de atasladartideanam? What are they about to do?

An de nad den staldir ni He that does not study will not

bjan se rozlumta.

An fear a bi leis anjuż.

Car cuir tu mo bata?

Fiarrais sin do duine eigin eile.

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Feadam a dul ait air bit. I can go any place.

Ni rajb add aon ubal apuso.

an, a tuz me dif.

Bajn to cloca djot.

Na cuir araig orra.

Bejo me smuinead orujbre.
Racrujn leat arir.

50 de cuirear tu pusñe?

[blocks in formation]

I shall be thinking of you,
I would go with you again.
What will you put under us ?
If you had been with me, fear
would not let him strike me,

Da mbiadrasa liom ni leszre
an teagal do mo bualad.
Bhi reisean 34 bualadra. He was beating her.
Bhfuil sib ar ti ar mbua- Are you about to beat us ?


Déan 415 4 4 beaċan biñ.

Take example by the bee.

A jular zac blat bias air a That sucks each blossom of the

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Biod sin crioñac corimul lejr. Let us, like it, be timely wise. Agus cuirimnide 4 an uair nac And mind the hour, that

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Ar ngabail an cupain cuige 4 Having taken the cup and given

mbrejt bujdeacals do, a thanks, he said.

dubairt re.

Thaisbem se é féin beo.
A3 341rm a deisciobal do,
tuz re neart agus cumaċta

Jam deod 4 mnaoi an tij.

Jam air Whaire deoc tabairt dust.

Ta sjad za mbualad.

Ta före za bur mbualad.
Gujojmre 4 Dhia.

Jusõim tu a Thigearna.

labý le mażą.

Laba Berla, ma tig let.

He shewed himself alive. Calling his disciples to him, he gave them strength and power.

Ask a drink from the woman of the house.

a Ask Mary to give a drink to you.

They are a beating, or, they are beating them.

You are a beating.

I pray to God.

I pray thee, O Lord.

Speak to my father.

Speak English, if you can.

my soul.


will be after beating you; i.e. I will have beaten you.

Taobam le Dia mo corp is I commit to God my body and

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Ta me jar teact o hAlbajn. I am after coming from Scot

land; i.e. I have just come.

Ta a madh agus a deirbsjup Her mother and sister are

anajajo na znotaide fn. Jar leigead an troisgeil do. Fear da ngoirtear (ajnm) Coin.

against that business. He having read that gospel. A man who is called John.

Your health is drunk by us.

Oltar lin do ilajnde rein.
Duisigtear leo an ilid maol. The unhorned doe is raised by


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1. Reflected verbs are used to express a state of being, or an action terminating with the doer of it; as coolajris, I sleep; rearam, I stand.

2. Whenever duration is expressed, or understood, the circumlocution, with the verb by, is used; as, bi me me codlad ar red na hojice, I was asleep all night; da se na jeram, he is standing. (132)


Ta fie nar zcoolad F401 We are sleeping under the shade

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An bruil pre na rusde.

of the trees.

Is she sitting.

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