Imatges de pàgina
[blocks in formation]



Suid fios le mo taob.
leaż-déan deifir.
Tar asteać sa tseomra.
Gab amaċ as a tiż.
Lean iad go dlut.
Ab4 leite teaċt astęċ.
Eiriż suas—seas dart.
Fon an fn—bi do tost.
Cyr ort-luaiż ort.
Labą amaċ, déan arís é.
Tabi de-fan tamull.
Teigeam cum na fåge.
Faicim do latij.
Gab anall anaice liom.
Beir 4 an leabą kn.
Glac 30 ceart é.
Crom do cean.
So go roca.

Sit down by my side,
Read-make haste.
Come into the room.
Go out of the house.
Follow them closely.
Tell her to come in.
Rise up- stand by.
Stay there-be silent.
Put on you-haste you.
Speak out-do it again.
Take care-stay a while,
Let us go to the sea.
Let me see your hand.
Come over near me.
Lay hold on that book.
Handle it rightly.
Stoop your head.
Sit quietly.

Vary your voice.

Observe the small points.

Islig do glór—ardaiż anois é. Lower your voice-raise it now,

Artaiż do zuʊ.

Breathaid na mion pync.

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Lay by your book.

Shut the door.

Open the window.

Go out from me.

Cior do ċean—niż do laṁja. Comb your head-wash your


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Tab dam do láti.
Tab4 póz don leab4.
Bail o Dhia oft.
Lar an coiñeal.
Cuir as an coiñeal.
Sguab an tiñlean.
Cuir gual sa žráta.
Seid a tihead.

Cuir an coire air a tinead.

Fuirig 30 fóill:

Feac orm-aṁarc


dearc Hirte.

fa do hata.

Give me your hand.
Kiss the book.

Success from God on you.
Light the candle.
Put out the candle.
Sweep the hearth.

Put coals in the grate.
Blow the fire.

Put the kettle on the fire.
Wait a while.

Behold me-look at me-look at her.

Dearc fa do hata,cuartaiż Look for your hat-search for

Sjublaigiom go gasta.
Siublaignid nios cliste.
Siublaiġid go tapuid.

Siublaidis, no, siublaiż siad-
san go cliste.

your hat.

Let us walk smartly.
Let us walk more quickly.
Walk ye briskly.

Let them walk quickly.

Deanam staideir 4 4 leiżęn. Let us study our lesson.
Meobraiżmid air 4 leigean. Let us ponder over our lesson.
Breażnaiġiom go griñ air.
Tugamoid, na tugam aire do.
Tugaid fri aire da leabair.
Tugaid siadsan de dojb féin.
Beir, na tabair leat é.
Te agcuiñe uirge.
Fan liom-fan agam.
Cuir glas air an doras.
Bain an glas don doraf
Tarr liomsa.

Let us observe it sharply.
Let us give heed to it.
Let her give heed to her book.
Let them give heed to themselves
Bring it with you.
Go for water.

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Ab4f 30 ceart.

Deántą an ob4.

leig tort me.

Stay for me-stay with me.
Lock the door.

Unlock the door.

Come along with me.
Go up

the hill.

Take the cloak from off me.

Send me a knife.

Bring me bread.

Stay on this side with us.
Hear what I say to you.
Look at your book.

Find my hat.

Tugt4, no beirteq ċugam é. Let it be brought to me.

Say that correctly.

Let the work be done.

Let me pass.


Go de mur tA TU ?
Ca hainim ata ort ?
Cia hé fn ag TEAĊT ?
3o de mur goirean tu fọ ?
Bhfuil tu go mait ?


Ca mbiañ tu do comnuiż ?
Car leis an tiż sin ?
Labran tu Gaoideilz?
Tuigeañ tu Bearla ?
Ca pada raċas tu ?
Ca as a dtainic tu ?
Bhfuil fuaċt ort ?
Cia hi an cailín fn i
Ca bfuil tu dol?
Go de sin agad ?
Bhfuil sgian agad ?
Cia bias leaT ?
Go de biar leat ?
3o de a clog é ?
Go de an uair ?
A gcluin tu me
Bhfuil ocras, no tart ort?
Nar eiriż sisi P


Go d'as a nguilean tu ?
Ga de mur da fb uile añ so
Nar diol se an capall ?
Go d'as nar glac se é ?
Car leis a batta ?
Go de féin?

3o de da uait ?

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Are you hungry, or thirsty ?
Did she get up
Why do you cry?
? How are you all here ?
Did he sell the horse ?
Why did he not take it?
Whose is the staff?
What is it?

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

What do you want?
What do you ask for this?
How much will you take?
How many will you give?
What must I give you?

Whose hat is this?
Did you see the hare ?
Which way did she go?
Were the hounds near her?
Did she run quickly?
Where does this way lead?

Ci aca an bealaċ a żeid go Which of these is the way to

Bajle-at cljaż ?
Ca fada ó so é ?
Bhfuil an botar mín ?
Ca huair a fill siad ?
A ndeaċa sise amaċ ?
Nar żeall tu A DADAṁ DI ?
A dtiobra tu do É ?
Ca merd a bearas tu di ?
A mbeara tu ni eigin ċucą?

Ca raib tu a ndé ?
Cia an tabą a bfyl tu añ so
Car fág tu m' fallaiñ ?
A bfuair tu d' fallain ?
An i roj?

Cioñas ta sib uile ?
Naċ dtug me go leor dib ?
Nar bain se sgilliñ dib ?
Go de sin ort ?
Bhfuil dúil agad a dul ?
Bhfuil mjan agad a dul ?
Nar imtig si uajb ?
A mbuailfea me ?
A ndearna tu mar sin ?
A ndéana me do leaba ?
Bhfuil se déanta go ceart
Go de deir tu ?


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Nar dubairt seisean sin ?
Bhfuil nuaidęċt 4 bit leat?
An dtiobram airgiod duit?
Cameudis cóir daṁ a &abýt
A dtiocfa tu liom ?
An raca me leat ?
A bfuair se a leabair ?
A bfaic tu an ġrian ?
A bfuaras an ċaora †ęċrán
A bfaicear me an so ?
A geluin siad an torañ ?
A gcuala tu an nuaideaċt?
A ndearna tu mo leine ?
Nar geam tu é ?
A dtug tu lead é ?

Where left you my mantle ?
Did you get your mantle ?

Is this it

How are ye all ?

Did I not give you enough?
Did he take a shilling from you?
What is that ails you?
Do you intend to go?
you desire to go?
Did she depart from you?
me ၃


Would strike
Did you do so?
Shall I make your bed?
Is it made rightly?
What do you say
Did he say that?


Do you bring any news?
Shall we give you money?
How much should I give?
Will you come with me?
Shall I go with you ?
Did he find his book?
Do you see the sun?
? Was the stray sheep found?
Am I seen here ?
Do they hear the noise?
Did you hear the news?
Did you make my shirt?
you cut it ?
Did you bring it with you?

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