FAMILIAR PHRASES. IMPERATIVE. Suid fios le mo taob. Sit down by my side, Vary your voice. Observe the small points. Islig do glór—ardaiż anois é. Lower your voice-raise it now, Artaiż do zuʊ. Breathaid na mion pync. Lay by your book. Shut the door. Open the window. Go out from me. Cior do ċean—niż do laṁja. Comb your head-wash your hands. Tab dam do láti. Cuir an coire air a tinead. Fuirig 30 fóill: Feac orm-aṁarc orm dearc Hirte. fa do hata. Give me your hand. Success from God on you. Put coals in the grate. Put the kettle on the fire. Behold me-look at me-look at her. Dearc fa do hata,cuartaiż Look for your hat-search for Sjublaigiom go gasta. Siublaidis, no, siublaiż siad- your hat. Let us walk smartly. Let them walk quickly. Deanam staideir 4 4 leiżęn. Let us study our lesson. Let us observe it sharply. Ab4f 30 ceart. Deántą an ob4. leig tort me. Stay for me-stay with me. Unlock the door. Come along with me. the hill. Take the cloak from off me. Send me a knife. Bring me bread. Stay on this side with us. Find my hat. Tugt4, no beirteq ċugam é. Let it be brought to me. Say that correctly. Let the work be done. Let me pass. INTERROGATIVE. Go de mur tA TU ? 7 Ca mbiañ tu do comnuiż ? ? Go d'as a nguilean tu ? 3o de da uait ? Are you hungry, or thirsty ? What do you want? Whose hat is this? Ci aca an bealaċ a żeid go Which of these is the way to Bajle-at cljaż ? Ca raib tu a ndé ? Cioñas ta sib uile ? Dublin? Nar dubairt seisean sin ? Where left you my mantle ? Is this it How are ye all ? Did I not give you enough? Do Would strike ? Do you bring any news? |