DIALOGUES. Azur 30 de an mend a djurail And how much did he offer you ? •re dust? Njar furájlre acdcúig ponta He offered only thirty five *déaz air fitdead, air na pounds for those thirty sheep. deje gcaoirige fiicead in. Azur nar beaz leat sin? And did you think that little ? Ba no beaz liom é, 30 dejijin. I thought it too little indeed. 30 d'ar? 30 de an mend a Why? how much do you ask Bjas tu 43 14maig orria? Maread, atain Padrujc, Tuszim 4 1401, 30 rajb mo Do bamurne a deag duine, add ni tjucra liom conrad a deanam leis; pritim fjor cruajd é. Ca meud ada eldrib? for them? asked forty pounds exactly for them. I assure you that you would not get so much at any fair in this county. Well, Father Patrick, if you please, say something between us. Stay, till I tell you what I will Say away. How much is between you ? Ata jomagajo ejdrin; ata There is a good deal between us; cúig ponta. there are five pounds. Tiucra dura anuas, a Shein, John, you fa da fiicead sgilline, 30 hajtrio. must come down about forty shillings, at least Deantar do toilse, atain Your will be done, Father Patrick. Bheire mire ponta eile do, I shall give him another pound, ain drocalsa. on your account. Anois nil add da ponta ead- Now there are but two pounds between you; and I advise you to divide the difference in two equal parts. Ta mise rasta. 30 de dejt I am satisfied. What say you? Tura? I am satisfied likewise. Ta mire rárda fór. you. 50 rajb rat do margain ort. I wish you much luck of your Anois da do gnotajo nejd. ól. Ta lean pior mast, 43 comarta an tainь дијb. bargain. Now your business is done, let us return home. I feel fatigued, and would wish to take a draught of ale. There is some very good at the sign of the black bull. A gjolla, tabaiр сизий сирр- Waiter, bring us a bottle of aigin don lean is fearr a your best ale. Theaba rib gan ihaill e, 4 You shall have it immediately, bfuil 4340. daoine uaisle. Gentlemen. Ir ráim an deoc i ry, san aim- That is a pleasant draught in rir tejt ro. this hot weather. Deanam anoir, biom dul na Come, let us return home. baile. Jo de da le'n joc? What is to be paid? Dejc bpigno, daoine uaisle. Ten pence, Gentlemen. To de mur timian leat na How do you intend to have Here it is for you. caopige a drabairt na your sheep brought home? Baile ? Fuigra me an Foraoir comza- I will leave them in a conveni Anaircis na lugnora bejo ) Towards Lammas it will be Slán ne leadra, a dujne majt, Sir, good day to you. cheaper. Farewell, Sir. Thainic ne andis on margad. I have just come from the market. DIALOGUES. Spoll caosupeola sliarad A leg of mutton, a sirloin of majrofeolais ceatram uain beef, and a quarter of lamb. Un bruil feoil daor anois? Dioltar caoirseoil air oit brijnig an ponta, maint feoil 4 ré pizin is lest pigin, azus uajnfeoil air react szilline an ceatram. Is meat dear now ? 50 de an luac ata 4 an musc What is the price of pork? feoil? Nil a dadam de 4 an marzad. There is none in the market. Sud fear 43 10mcaint éan- There is person carrying a 50 de na héanlaste so agad? What fowls are those you have? 50 de meud jamas tu omta? How much do you ask for Ma glacan du 14d uile, beara If you take them all, I will give lajte; zlaod air ċuzam. fowl; call him to me. They are young chickens. them P Dejc bpinig an cean. Tenpence a-piece. me air oct bpizin déag an them for eighteen pence a couple. Nac Bruil zéjo no turcaigea- Have you no geese or turkies? 14 4340 ? Ta call do zéjde breas, I have some fine fat geese at ramar san mbaile agam. home, and a neighbour of agus da comarsnac daim 4 mine has a flock of turkies. bruil ealta do turcaljean Do bi ločana azam pór, add do I had some ducks also, but the tog an sioñac jad uile air Ba mon an truais sin. fox has carried them all away. That was a great pity. I I of the water. Have you no salmon ? Nac bruil bradain agad? Ni rajbaon dean sna liontusb There has not been one in the le njomad lejojb. nets for several days. codóga poirlionta Acd 30 bruil lhatóza, odó34 But flat fish, haddock and cod are abundant. Azur feadar orridis, 18, Oysters, crabs and lobsters also may be had cheap enough. raor 30 leop. meire breac sin? Tri szilline 30 beact. Nil 40n don treort in uaim. I want none of that kind. 50 de meud zlacar du 4 san What will you take for that Bheara me an do agus ré I will give you two shillings dish of trouts ? Exactly three shillings and six pence. Is leadra 140 4 1401. They are yours, Sir. Cyr fior 4 bajne agus 4 im zus an leaċtainm. Send to the dairy for milk and Tabair cata uactain leat, agus tri carta leamnaċta, agus da ponta ime. Bring a quart of cream, three whey? margajo so cuajo torajñ. 50 de d'joc si ain? Naċ mbjad zrutis méag uait? Will you have no curds and Ni Bjan, is fearr hom rean No, I prefer old English cheese. cais Sharanaċ. An bruil aon dadam d'im Has the house keeper any salt Cheanais si crucán de la an She bought a crock of it last Aon sizin déag is lest pigin, Eleven pence halfpenny per air an ponta. Feuc an bruil arán 30 leor See that there be bread enough Ta aimread fór lán lojn mat The larder is well stored also : with a variety of wild fowl. 4119. Ba majt liom ceatrais d'feoil I F140413. should wish to have a haunch Gheaba mise in dit 43 4n I will procure one for you at 30 de mur da tu, oganals. How do you do, young man ? C DIALOGUES. Taim slán pallain, 30 raib Very well, I thank you, Sir. majt azad, a duine uasail. Cloñar da d' atain ? Nil se 30 majt. Gode da air? What ails him ? Ghlac se pian ciῆ, agus tiñeas He has got a pain in his head, beilzaile. and a sickness at his stomach. Ca fada breojte é? How long has he been ill ? A daimėjol deji la o join, About ten days ago he got wet, fuair se pljučla, az fillead in returning from Cork. o Chorcaig. An in riñe se gearán panter, He then complained of being hot and yet shivering. confined to his bed. O join a lejt b'esgin do a leba Since that time he has been cuingbeal. Nar cajt se lus sgaoilte no Has he taken physic or vomit? airajde? Nior glac, acd zur baingo fel No, he was bled, and found 4s, 43ur do motang re é himself worse after it. réin nior measa na djaj. Ta eagla orm 30 bruilsjabras I fear he has got a fever. Raca me da reuċain air ball. I will call and see him presently. Sead, 4401, cj an dolg so ort? Well, Sir, how do you do? Taim 30 ro tin, a doctor. Motaigiom do cuisle. Faicjom do teanga. A brajan tu rocraideact? Very ill indeed, doctor. Let me feel your pulse. Let me see your tongue. Ni fajam codla sajm air bit. I get no refreshing sleep. A bruil zaile air bit agad? Have you any appetite? or are No mbion tu tartman ? you thirsty? Blan tart mór opm, add nj I have a great thirst, but can eat Ta súil agam nad pada 30 I hope you will soon be better. mbiad biseac ort. A13 Dia ada fior gn. Wil fjor God knows. I cannot tell what is the matter with me. Chonaire mire d'atair, agus I have seen your father, and do not think him in immediate Gcontabairt 30 sead. danger. Is eigin a dean a bearras, You must get his head shaved and have a large blister applied agus cejnín mór, leatan do cujleozujb a cur air. to it. |