Imatges de pàgina



Ca mbian Brian zaba na colihnang P Ta se a brogus dó ihile uajt. Tjontaig air lám cli, az an 13 uo ir f013se duit : agus té rior a botairin beaz. Hinread damra zur 43 compac na mbotar a by a teac. Is an ada an cearta; add bj mire 43 an certa anois azus nil se añ. D'fiafralj me 43 tij na crosse, oir jaoil me 30 mrejoin leis a beiż fajail a djurna air maidin, agus n raib re an sin a nju; add ta fios agam 30 najb se mall 30 leon aréin añ.

Azur ca bruil a teać rem, a deir du?

Nil Teac na fearain aige; add a ddig a Bainėliaina 4 Bjan se na corijnajo. Rača tu sior an botairin beag ud, ma dubairt me lead rolije, 30 dt13 tu cum ata: dearc añ sin air do lajih dels, agus jeba tu carán, le taob clad sen abaill 301rt, lan drearóg agus flajaille.

War pacar du siar, a'gcois na hajrijne, faod 134% 14 zcran, dife tu romad, sean dig már, fada, f401 droc jon; agur eignean zlar, a far 30 barr da bih.

Ir 2013 liom 30 bruige du Brian zaba na lęba, air masdim.
Nil fios agam 30 de is fearr damra a deanam.
Tozar dam 30 bruil do capul bacać.

Da brusgin áit a gcuirin a steaċ é; agus buaċal a racfad a zcusñe an jaban.

Theaba tu stabla, aig na cestre bealang.

Acd is ream dam féin a dol leat; oir is doilig an fear

rin 4 durgad, no a cur a gcion oibre air majdin. Wa 13 tu ljom, bejd me bujõeać dust.

Bejo me leat gan ijoill.

Deanam, anois.

An Bruil bean ag an jaba ro?

An & Brian? Go dejimin ada bean, agus drjur zaplac 413e, fan deallac, 43 an bajntreabuig boet rin rior. Rit re air riubal le girread beaz, nad rajb or con cuiz mbliad ain déag, ingean na nj;a rin.

An Bruil si brad na baintreabaig?

Ta se naoj mbliadna o déag a fear.



Where does Bryan the Blacksmith live?

It is nearly a mile off. Turn to the left hand, at the next

house, and go down the little lane.

I was told that his house was at the cross roads.

His shop is there; but I was in his shop just now, and he is not in it. I enquired at the cross house, for I thought that he might be getting his drop in the morning, and he had not been there to-day; but I know that he was late enough there last night.

And where is his own house, say you ?

He has neither house nor land, but lives in the house of his mother-in-law. You will go down that little lane, as I told you before, till you come to the ford; look then on your right hand, and you will find a path along-side the hedge of an old orchard full of briars and weeds.

As you go over, by the river's side, under the shade of the trees, you will see before you a great long old house with bad thatch, and green ivy growing to the tops of the two gables. I imagine you will find Bryan in bed this morning. I know not what I had best do.

Your borse seems to be lame.

Could I find some place to put him into, and a boy to go for the smith.

You will find a stable at the four roads.

But I had better go with you, for it is hard to awaken that

fellow, or set him to work in the morning.

If you come with me I shall be obliged to you.

I will be with you immediately.

Let us go now.

Has this smith a wife ?

Is it Bryan? Indeed he has a wife and three children about the hearth, with that poor widow below there. He ran away with a little girl not more than fifteen years old, the daughter of that woman.

Has she been long a widow ?

It is nine years since her husband died.

Azur ba duine daonda, deigbearac erean; mór measamuil amuig, s'ambaile.

An rajb morán fearain, no maoin aige?

Bhi rearan raor, agus rajdbreas 30 leor aize. Ir cusihin liomra digearna na h'aitere mile ponta d'fajail air Jasait uad. Dar nd013 30 drug re cúig céad ponta, d crod, leis an ingin ba sine.

An Bruil du derbia 30 drug se an uirid חוץ ? Dearbia ? Ta me lán dearbta 30 bruajn a Boulterać cúng céad uad, ma bi se na muinín.

Cia he an Boulderać P

Caiptin Boulder. Nad zcuala du jomrad air an duine naral a d'f03ain comrac air a Chrom sújleać?

Ni cuzinęć liom 30 gcuala me arjath jomrad air ceactar


Ir dog liom 30 gcuala tu fan loing da ngoirti an Boulter, a caillead fa cuantajb cuan na mara, ag teact o port na ngall.

Ca rajb a triall?

Triall 30 Doјре.

Nac fada sin o join?

Saoilim 30 bruil se tri bliadna de43, 43 (teact na reil Micaele.

Ir cumain liom é, 30 dearbta, is ceart majt agam air, ojn do bi eamad agam rein inti.

Bhi, a deir du? Dar m'piriñe maread ba le Caiptin Boulder an sgiub sin.

Ir 1013ad liom sin; oir coñairċ mise an caiptin agus tozar dam zur Preston a bi 411.

Ta tu ceart 30 leor; oir dob é Preston an caiptin loingrioract; acd ba le Boulder an sejlb dilis; oir by re féin sna hindia soir, an uair a brisead j

Aco 30 de jeol an caiptin a bealacra, 43 14majd mna? Ni an so a car se uimti, add a mBaile-at-cllat, alt a raib si ar s3011. Ba cailín zeanamuil i, agus tus Boulder taitneanj 01.

Andjais brisead na luinze pór re j; a nead?

A dtimcjoll tri raite na djang; sa lugnora mo d015 ; 11 raib re a brad a ñeiriñ, deis a teact in India, anuair porad é.

Car slojñead atair a mna?

Do clajn Charta. Seamus món Whac Carta, duine

breaj, mairead, umunda 30 design.

Thajmic re an mo

[blocks in formation]

And he was a humane, moral nan, much respected abroad and at home.

Had he much land or substance ?

He had cheap land and wealth enough. I remember the landlord of this country to borrow a thousand pounds from him. I am convinced that he gave five hundred pounds as a portion with his eldest daughter.

Are you sure that he gave so much?

Sure? I am full sure that Boulter got five hundred from him, if not more.

Who is Boulter P

Captain Boulter. Did you never hear of the gentleman that challenged Cromwell to fight a duel ?

I do not recollect that I ever heard of either of them.

I suppose you have heard of the ship called the Boulter, that

was lost on the coast of Connemara, coming from Portugal.

For what place was she bound ?

For Derry.

Is not that long since ?

I think it is thirteen years at next Michaelmas.

I remember it indeed, and a good right I have, for I had goods myself in her.

You had, you say? Upon my truth then, Boulter was the captain of that ship.

I think that strange, for I saw the captain, and I think his name was Preston.

You are right enough; for Preston was the sailing captain, but the ship belonged to Boulter; for he himself was in the East Indies when she was wrecked.

But what sent the captain this way, seeking a wife?

It was not here that he met her, but in Dublin, where she was at school. She was a handsome girl, and Boulter fell in love with her.

After the shipwreck he married her, was it not ? About three quarters after it; about Lammas I think; he was not long in Ireland, after coming from India, when he was married.

Of what family was his wife's father.

Of the M'Carthys. Big James M'Carthy, a brave, clever, genteel man indeed. He came into my memory as soon as

custine, com luat is coñaire me do toirt, agus do snuis, 43 react cum an doruis air majdin; oir nil du neamcormuil lejr.

Bhi 2015 majt air, a deir τη ?

Ir air a bi rlig majt airgid a deanam. Ba leis an muilean ud, a coñaire tu, a gcois 4 loca, 43 teact dust. Bhi deaċjad na papaiste aize; agus ba glacadoja cjora é don Tigearna bi agus anallod.

An raib cios air bit air féin ?

Bhi re faojo čájl ċjora, fa talam na croire. AM4 4, 61 cior bontairde ag teaid artead cuige.

Bhi da céad acra anso 413 atair na baintreabuig air lejt cróin an acair; is leags air fead farad peur uajtne. An rajb sim a sejlb 413 Mac Carta ?

Fuair re sin uile do črod, le na rinnaos; agus 61 404 30 סס( anuraij, zur b'eizin a diol.

Nač rajb rejlb aige feim leit muig de sin ?

Дар ид013 30 rajb Bazle an loča uile aige, agus 43 4 sinrerib rojme; add 30 bruil re faoj morgaig anois, le react mblhadna.

Rajb clan mac aca?

Ta dir mac beo. An fear ir rine bi re a brad a Bpairis 43 studear lhaigir; dfáz se sin, dejë mbliadna o join, agus cuajo re 30 hindia; agus clujnim nad bruil aon bliadan 0 jojn načan jolátar re mile ponta. Ta dúil na mbajle less air a bliadainse, 30 nojola se na placa.

Ca bruil an mac eile?

'Se rin Seamus óg. Nil ogánać, ra rañ Corpa, ir plastamla crosse, na an fear sin, da mbiad acrush aige. Fuair re ait fir-jonaid, san arm, anurajo. Wil se rad, o bian caiptin is e féin an ro.

Bhfuil dolg jajt air an captin anois?

Deir riad 30 bruil re lán rajdbreis ; daindeóin zac calle tajnic air.

Ca mbion se na comnang ?

A mBaile-at-clhat; é rein agus a bean, ingean an bajnTreabuig re.

A dt13 si air cuairt cum na matara?

Thig sí anois, air uairib; bi si brada nad labrad si le na matain, con drug si ast, no oideact do Bhrian, no da ben.

A Bruair Brian zaba moran spré le na mnao1 ?
Crean cros! B'feapp leo a crocad ran am rin. Ni

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