I saw your stature and your features coming to the door this morning; for you are not unlike him. He was prosperous, you say ? He was in a good way of making money. which you saw beside the lake, as you came. He had that mill of the parish, and he was receiver of rent to our late landlord. Had he any rent to pay himself? He had to pay some rent for the lands of the Cross. But he had profit rent coming to him. The widow's father had two hundred acres in this place, at half-a-crown an acre, and a lease of it while green grass grows. Had M'Carthy that in possession ? He got it all as a portion with his wife, and they held it until last year, when it was forced to be sold. Had he any property of his own besides ? Indeed he and his forefathers had all Balinlough, but it has been mortgaged now seven years. Had they any sons? They have two sons living. The eldest was a long time in Paris studying medicine; he left that ten years since, and went to India; and I hear that there is not a year since, in which he does not save a thousand pounds. They expect him home this year, to pay off the debts. Where is the other son? That is young James. There is not a youth in Europe of a nobler spirit than that lad, if he had the means. He got a lieutenant's place in the army last year. It is not long since the captain and he were here. Is the captain in good circumstances now? They say he is very rich, notwithstanding all his losses. Where does he live ? In Dublin, he and his wife, the daughter of this widow. Does she visit her mother? She comes now sometimes: for a long time she would not speak to her mother, because she gave place or shelter to Bryan or his wife. Did Bryan get much fortune with his wife? He, fortune! They would rather hang him then. There was raib moran le fażail, le na liñ, air doiż air bit. Go de d'imtiġ air a maoin ? Fuair na dliġġeaṁnaiż an ċuid is mo de. Is ioṁda caill, agus buaidread, a tainic orida anois, le deić mbliadnaib, o żainic Cromfuil a beiż na żiarna air an dutaiż so. Go de bainic air an tiarna, bi añ roiṁe. Ni raib clañ aige; is bi se dosgadać, is diol se an Dutajo le Cromruil. Chuajd añ sin go longdún, agus clynim gur eag se o soin. 3o de fat dlige bi ag M'Carta ? Cromruil a cuaid ċum dliże leis, ag iarraió leagsa na haitere a brisead, agus a fażail do fein. Go de an ceart a bi ag Cromruil le teisbeanad Ceart! muna raib ceart, bi heart airgid aige. Agus dar ndoiż ba leor sin do Mhac Carta, da mbjad se com crioña is coír do beit: na da mbiad an t’aż air an tairgid do glacad, a d'furáil Cromŕuil air dtús air. Raib se aig iarraiż a ċeañaċ ó Mhac Carża ? D'furail se da míle ponta air; aċd ni raib Mac Carża sásta sgarṁjuint leis. Nar beag leis an da míle ? Ba beag leis, gan aṁras ; oir do bi a bfogus do tri céad sa mbliadain teaċt asteaċ saor as. Ni raib ait faoi an źrein, no os a ċeañ, mo doiż, a santaiż Cromŕuil nios mo, na talaṁ na croise beiż añ a seilb féin. Nid nać iongnad ba ṁór a raċt leis, foidín aoibin, mar da se, bei¿ a lár 4 dujżċe, agus gan cuid aige féin de Wil fearañ sa gcoiżead is torrżaṁlaċ, agus is taitneam uige, na talaṁ na croise ; ait a bfuil gaċ uile ċoṁgar, móin, is moinfeur, roża admoid, is teine, is uirge. Feuċsa na craiñ alaiñ, ta fás fa na claćaċsa; doir ir, oiñre. ir ailm; úir, is giumas, is caortan; fearñ, coll, is saileaċ; agus cuileañ glás go foirlionta. Ta cloċ-aoil, agus sliñ ¿loċa go leor, faoi dalaṁ añ ; agus leaca, mora, leatan, leabar, ceatarnaċ, ceartċumpa, aṁail leac fearżain, fa bruaċ na haiṁne, so síos air Fad. Air son fior uisge, dar ndoiż, naċ bfuil nios feam añ Eirin, no a dtobar Ui Dhalaiż, añ so síos. A mbioñ marla le fajail, sna léantaib so ? Ata go leor de añ, aċd nior togad moran ariaṁ de. Is beag féim leasaiż air an fearañsa. Da bfajċfeasa not much to be got in his time at any rate. What became of the property? The lawyers got the most of it. Many a loss and trouble has come upon them now, these ten years, since Cromwell came to be landlord of this estate. What became of the former landlord ? He had no children; he was extravagant, and sold the estate to Cromwell. Then he went to London, and I hear that he died since. What lawsuit had M'Carthy. Cromwell went to law with him, endeavouring to break the lease of this place and to get it to himself. What right had Cromwell to shew? Right! If he had no right he had might of money. And surely that was enough for M'Carthy, if he had been as wise as he ought to be, or if he had taken the money that Cromwell offered him at first. Did he want to buy it from M'Carthy? He offered him two thousand pounds for it; but M'Carthy was not willing to part with it. Did he think the two thousand pounds too little? He did certainly; for he had near three hundred a year of clear income from it. There was no place under the sun nor above it, I suppose, that Cromwell coveted more, than to have the lands of the Cross in his own possession. No wonder that he thought it a vexation, that a charming spot as it is, should be in the middle of his estate, without his having any claim to it. There are no lands in the province more fertile and charming than the lands of the Cross; where there are all conveniencies, bog and meadow, choice timber, fire and water. See the beautiful trees, that are growing about these hedges; oak, ash and elm; yew, fir, and quick-beam; alder, hazel and sallow; and green holly in abundance. There are lime-stone and slates enough under ground here; and great, broad, smooth flags, square and well formed like tombstones, in the bank of the river along here below. As for spring water, I am positive there is none better in Ireland than in O'Dalys well, down here. Is there any marl got in these meadows? There is plenty of it in them; but there never was much of it raised. These lands require little manure. If you had seen the crops bám na maċaireadsa, le liñ Mhic Carta; air feabur coirce geal, is crujtneaċt gleżeal; eórna buid, is siogal sjolmar; agus ljon glás, caol, fada fas. Cia hé da na coṁnuid sa tiż beag doiġeaṁuil ud; 4 bfuil garda air ċúla, agus maċaire deas, réió os a cuiñe ? Wil aon duine anois añ, aċd sean duine a bios tabairt aire do. An fear, a bi añ, d'imċiż se, leis an ċjos. Fait na neoinín a ngoirtear don ṁaż ud, dar m’firiñe, a deaŻ dyne coñairc mise seomar ċapall a fás san áit fn, seaĊT mbliadna o soin a risead go beañjaib bo. Go de an cios a bi air ? Bhi fitċe ponta sa bliadain air. Agus an drne dona o'fág é, riñ se leit a ciosa gac île bliadain, do torad an abal ġuirt. Azur zo de mur duit se ar deiréad, naċ dtiucfad leix cjor 4 Djol ? Thiucfad leis a diol, maiż go leor. Aċd ċuir Crom†uiltiopad air na tionantaiż, gan cíos à diol leis an baintreabuiz, go dti ho ndeanfaiż reidteaċ san dliże. Bhí an fear sin, agus cúigear eile, seaċt mbliadna, gan aon piġin cíora diol; gur riteadar air siubal, fa dearad, agus uimid is seact céad ponta do čúl ċjos omża. Ba mór an ċaill a tainic uimte. Naċ ndeaċaid an dliġe anadaiż Chrom&uil, fa deiread? Chuajd se anażajd, da bliadain o soin Acd diol an baintreabuiż an fearañ ; agus raca siad go Baile na loċa, air an bliadian so ċugaiñ. Nać dtjucfad leo an áitse ċuingbeal ? D'feudaid siad cuid de a ċuingbeal, gan aṁras ; aċd njar mait leo a bejt faoi ċuṁaċta nsṁaid An é Cromiîl a čeañaiż an fearañ ? Aċd sé baraṁyl gaċ dyne, gur do a ceannaċad é; agus ta mise dearbża go mbjad se aige, andiaż gaċ cuingsleo bi eattorria. Azur dibir se Brian gaba boċʊ, amaċ as a dir; 's gur rajb se dá bliadain air bord luinge, sa gcablaċ an rig agus bliadain eile, na braiżde, sa Frainc. Go de bi anażaid Bhrian aige ? Feadmanac Chromruil, a tug mi-mod do maiġistreas Ni Carta aon la aṁain naċ raib Bhrian sa baile; agus dubairt Brian, da mbjad se féin a latair, go mbuailfead se an feadmanaċ. Carar Cromruil, 'sa ġiolla, air Bhrian, na diaż ħn, air of these fields in M'Carthys time; the best white oats, and fair wheat, yellow barley, and fruitful rye, and green flax, growing tall and slender. Who lives in that neat little house, that has the garden behind it, and a fine plain before it ? There is no person in it now, but an old man who takes care of it. The man who lived in it went off with the rent. That field is called the daisy lawn. Upon my word, Sir, I saw clover growing there seven years ago, that reached to the cows horns. What was the rent of it? Twenty pounds a year; and the unfortunate man that left it made half his rent every year of the fruit of his orchard? How did he fail so much, that he could not pay the rent? He could pay it well enough, but Cromwell laid an injunction on the tenants to pay no rent to the widow until the law-suit was decided. This man, and five others, were seven years without paying a penny of rent; until they ran off at last, under at least seven hundred pounds of arrears. That was a great loss to her. Did not the law-suit go against Cromwell at last. It did, two years ago; but the widow sold the land, and they will go to Balinlough next year. Could they not hold this place? They could hold part of it, no doubt; but they would not wish to be under the power of an enemy. Was it Cromwell that bought the land? It was not. But every one thinks that it was bought for him: and I am sure that he will have it, after all the quarrels that were between them. And he banished poor Bryan out of the country; so that he was two years on board the King's fleet and another year a prisoner in France. What ailed him at Bryan? A footman of Cromwell's insulted Mrs. M'Carthy, one day that Bryan was not at home; and Bryan said, if he were present, that he would strike the footman. Cromwell and his servant met Bryan on the road beyond here |