Imatges de pàgina

Monghyr, 119-shopping, of Calcutta,
165-of Sinde, 204-of Mocha, 252-
of Cosseir, 257.

Trajan (Emperor), anecdote of the, 174.
Transactions of Asiatic Societies, 260.
Traveller, blind, 62.

Travels, overland, from India, 198, 251.
Trevelyanpore, description of. 11.
Turkish, ghuzuls from the, 18, 28.
Tytler (Dr.), his account of the round-
tower at Brechin, 238.
his work on
rice, 284.

Ukhbars, scandalous, 9.

Uma, the birth of, 45.

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Aborigines of Australia, 123, 268.
Africa, Central, association at Cape Town
for exploring, 195.

Agency Houses, Calcutta, remarks on the
late, 87-distress caused by their fai-
lures, 157-causes of the failures, 176
-arrest of debtors to, 259.

Agra Bank, report of the, 173.
Alexander and Co., of Calcutta, estate of,
75, 76, 78, 154, 155, 237, 238.
Allard (General), 97, 169, 252.
Allipore, affray at, 246.

Alwar, plan for raising a revenue at, 167.
America, the ice importation from, at Cal-
cutta, 2-passage to, from India, 11—
mission from, to Siam, 22-visit of
Indian civil servants to, 42.
Annuity Fund, Civil, of Bengal, 6, 256.
Antiquities, Greek, in the Punjab, 248.
Appeals, Indian-see Privy Council.
Arabian Gulf, disturbances in, 267-death
in, 54.

ARMY (Company's, in India)-Promotion

of a subadar-major in, 16— services of
the Bombay European regiment, 17—
securities required from officers of, 52,
198-cadets for, 57-employment of
officers belonging to, in civil duties,
88, 250-military banks for, 92, 173—
operations of, against insurgents, 45,
95, 182, 258, 262, 277, 304 retir-
ing funds for, 98-military funds for,
116, 259-disbanding of the pioneer
corps of, 125, 132-allowances of the
Commissary-general in Bengal, 125-
dress of officers of, ib.-movements of
corps in Bengal, 125-at Madras, 132
-new system of cavalry practice in,


Vedanta System, basis of the, 264.

Warden (Mr. F.), his observations on the
natives of India, in answer to "Circu-
lar," 66.

Weather at Delhi, 10.

Wedding amusements of the Játs at Bhurt-
pore, 13.

Weights, confusion of, in India, 164.
Willmott (Mr.), review of his Lives of
Sacred Poets, 31.

Wither (George), an early poet, 22.
Wolff (Rev. Joseph) in Jedda, 199.
Writers, Company's, hints on, 61.

Xenophon, illustration of, 250.
Yacuti-ben-Laith, anecdote of, 79.

Zend, remarks on the language, 266.


125-majors commanding corps in, to
which they do not belong, 125, 172—
officers of, doing duty with corps, 125
-deficiencies in regimental stores of,
131-riding-masters to corps of, 132-
amount of security to be given by de-
puty-paymasters in, 198-prize-money
to, ih.-study of the Guzerattee lan
guage by officers of, 204-acting Com
mander-in-chief at Bombay, ib.—major-
generals in, 254 reported retrench-
ments in, 259-duties of adjutants and
quarter-masters of, 269-courts-martial
in, 125, 272 retirements and resig-
nations of officers of, in England, 146—
See also Calcutta, Madras, &c. General


(King's, serving in the East) :-
Movements of corps in, 147-mutiny
in the 41st regt., 304-promotions and
changes in, 57, 146, 223.

Arracan, present state of, 255-use of the
Persian language in, ib.

Asiatic Society, Royal, Bombay branch of,


Assam, commissioner and agent for, 197.
Assassination openly counselled by an East-
Indian at Madras, 44, 104.
Assessment Fund, Bombay, dispute res-
pecting, 15, 45, 114.

Astell (Col.), piece of plate presented by
the officers of the East-India Volunteers
to, 57.

Australasia, new colonies in, 98, 222,
223, 307
emigration from, to New
Zealand, 124 see also New South
Wales, &c.

Auction, sale of debts by, 251.

Ava, melancholy state of the king of, 121,

304-fire at, 121-discussions between,
and Mynporie, 304-vaccination in, ib.

Baber, tomb of the emperor, 260.
Baiza Baee, movements of the, 7, 43-
dispersion of her troops, 99, 167.
Bank for Savings, in Ceylon, 21-Bengal
Military, 92, 173—Agra, 173—Union,
of Bengal, 180, 242- for Savings, at
Calcutta, 247.

Bank of Bengal, changes at, 90-its trans-
actions with the Union Bank, 180, 243.
Bankok, description of, 23.

Barns (Maj. Gen. Sir J. S.), 204.
Batavia, case of the ship, 22.
Baxter (Major), death of, 45, 182.
Begum Sumroo, munificence of the, 98-
former husbands of, ib.-illness of, 246.
Behut, ancient town near, 241.
Bentinck (Lord Win.), his present to Mr.
Rogers, the first importer of American
ice, 2-conference between, and Jhund-
koo Row Sindia, 7 - menaces against,
43 movements of, 44 - his visit to
Madras, 173, 185, 192-effects of his
policy on Calcutta society, 175 --re-
view of his government, 261-illness
of, 304.

Betts (Chas.), trial of, 65.

Bheels, affair with, 95-plunder by, 257.
Bhoondee, rajah of, 16.

Bhurtpore prize-money, 198-fiery ordeal
at, 244.

Bill, Indian, native opinions of the, 101.
Biography -Maharaja Mulbar Rao Hol-
kar, 2 Capt. Herbert, 10- Sir John
Malcolm, 19-P. Heatley, Esq., 308.
Bishops, Indian, 12-petition against ad-
ditional, 186.


Board of Control, 138, 218, 308.
tween the Supreme Court and the ma-
gistrates respecting the asssessment fund,
15, 45, 114-discussions with the Par-
sees, 16-Rajas of Uneara and Bhoon-
dee, ib. Goozrathee newspaper, ib.—
promotion of a subadar-major, ib.-
dearth and distress, 17, 262 - presen-
tation of new colours to the Bombay
European regiment, 17.-manners and
character of Hindoo females, 18-Sir
John Malcolm, 19-war in Sinde, 20,
97, 118, 168, 221, 244- Mr. Wolff,
45-Hindu temple at Nuggur, 45, 106
- departure of the Hugh Lindsay
steamer for Suez, 56-estate of Shotton
and Co., 115-East-Indians and the
Military Fund, 116-steam-communi-
cation, ib. Bombay branch of the
Royal Asiatic Society, 117 customs
and duties on indigo, ib.-trade of Bom-
bay, ib.-freedom of the port, ib.-lec-
tures by a Parsee, 185-opium culti-
vation, 186-mutiny on the Ann, ib.—

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Portuguese affairs at Goa, ib.-petition
against additional bishops, ib.-distress
in Cutch, 262-first Irish-trader, ib.—
effects of the Mofussil press, ib.-native
justices, 305-grand-jurors, ib.—Scin-
diah's state, ib.-resident at Indore, ih.
-prices of European goods, 60, 150,
229, 312.
government securities and
exchanges, 61, 151, 230, 313 — ship-
ping, 53, 136, 205, 275-births, mar-
riages, and deaths, 53, 136, 205, 276,


— new governor of, 222-new mem-
ber of council for, 308.

Government Orders:- Securities
from officers, 52 services of Lieut.

Col. Hardy, 135-study of the Guze-
rattee language, 204-resignation of the
Commander-in-chief, ib. services of
Surgeons Maxwell and Craw 274-of
Capt. John Crawford, ib.-civil, eccle-
siastical, and military appointments, 52,
135, 205, 274 - army furloughs, 53,
136, 205, 275-Indian navy appoint-
ments, and furloughs, 136, 205, 275.
Supreme Court: Assessment
Fund, 15, 45, 114-Capt. W. Morley,
v. the proprietors of the Oriental Chris-
tian Spectator, 45, 106.
Boolbool-fighting at Calcutta, 179.
Branson (J. W.), case of the King, v.
44, 104.


Brijonauth Ghose, case of, 1.
Bundlecund, distress in, 250.
Burdwan, false suits in, 12.
Burman Empire—see Áva.

Coal in Van Diemen's Land, 123.
Cabool, expedition of Shah Shuja-ul-Mulk
to recover the throne of, 2, 20, 97, 118,
168, 221, 244-antiquities near, 248-
travels in, 259-tomb of the Emperor
Baber at, 260.

Cadets, Company's, at Chatham, 57.




ings of the Dhurma Subha in the case
of the boy Brijonauth Ghose, 1-Run-
jeet Singh, 2, 97, 169, 252, 304-Ca-
bool and Peshawur, 2, 97, 168, 221,
244. the ice-importation, 2-Mahara-
juh Mulhar Rao Holkar, ib. travel-
ling in India, 4, 92, 174 - remittan-
ces, 5, 43, 91-the six per cent. loan,
5, 97-steam-communication with Eu-
rope, 6, 42, 57, 93, 181, 221 — Civil
Service Annuity Fund, 6, 256-Gwa-
lior, 7, 43-conference between the
Governor-general and Jhundkoo Row
Scindia, 7 behaviour to natives, 9—
native vakeels, 10-compulsory poojas,
ib. Capt. Herbert, ib. - passage to
America, 11, 42-false suits, 12-in-
crease of the Church establishment in
India, 12, 186-failure of Messrs. Fer-
gusson and Co., 12, 42, 83-sales of



property by public officers to natives,
13-Thugs, 13, 99-witchcraft, 14-
inland duty on indigo, ib. visit to
America, 42-menaces against the Go-
vernor-general, 43-practice in the na-
tive courts, ib.-the Baiza Baie, 7, 43, 99,
167 movements of the Governor-ge-
neral, 44-failure of Cruttenden, Mac-
killop, and Co., 56, 87-estate of Alex-
ander and Co., 78, 155-the late agency
houses, 87, 157, 176, 259 - general
qualifications of the officers belonging
to the Indian army, 88- suicides at
Delhi, 89-ghaut for dying Hindus, ib.
-preparations for the new system, ib.

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- celebration of the renewal of the
charter, 90, 167-changes at the Bank
of Bengal, 90, 180, 243- communi-
cation between the Jumna and Sutlej,
90.-the Court of Delhi, ib.-cultiva-
tion of opium, 91-roads, 92, 174-
abolition of inland chowkies, 92-Mi-
litary Bank, 92, 173-courts of Ram-
ghur and the Jungle Mehals, 93
affair with Bheels, 95- Laudable So-
cieties, 96, 158, 239-loan of 1825-26,
97-alteration of sudder stations, ib.-
Oude, 98, 257. munificence of the
Begum Sumroo, 98, 246-new canal,
ib.-colony in Australia, 98-Medical
Retiring Fund, 92, 173-trade and ex-
changes, 99 employment of East-In-
dians, 101-native opinions of the India
bill, ib..
Ava, 121, 304 - Supreme
Council of India, 146-estate of Mac-
kintosh and Co., 157, 221, 254 — dis-
tress caused by the late failures, 157-
Government Life Assurance, 166, 258
-affairs at Jeypore, 167 - Raja of Al-
war's plan for raising a revenue, ib.
loss of the Lady Munro, 169- Mohun
Lal, 171, 248, 259- English educa-
tion, 171-the seniority system, 172-
the press, ib.-Bengal Military Orphan
Society, ib.-fossil shells near Herat, ib.
-cochineal, 173-the Roman Catholic
Church, ib.—visit of the Governor-ge-
neral to Madras, ib.-Agra bank, ib.-
learning of the Hurkaru, 174 native
employment, ib.- Hindoo and Mussul-
maun judges, ib.-Calcutta society, 175
-fair at Gunga Saugur, ib.-fall of fish
from the sky, ib.-causes of the late fai-
lures, 176-boolbool fight, 179-the mis-
sionary schools, ib. Bengal Mariners'
and Widows' Fund, ib.-Union Bank and
Bank of Bengal, 180, 243-fair at Gur-
mookteshwur, 182-indigo sale, 221-
decay of native prejudices, ib.-rogue-
ries at the Serampore post-office, ib.-
discovery of an ancient town in the
Doab, 241
Chamber of Commerce,
242-population of Delhi, 244.
ordeal, ib.-exposure of bodies of cri-
minals, 246- copper currency,
affray at Allipore, ib. illness of the
Begum Sumroo, ib. disturbances in
the Jhansi country, ib.-Savings Banks,


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- the


247-coinage, ib.-Greek antiquities in
the Punjab, 248-culture of tea in In-
dia, 249 -new order respecting civil
servants, 197, 249, 303- distress in
Bundlecund, 250-employment of mi-
litary as civil servants, ib.-sale of debts
by auction, 251-mutiny of convicts,
252-a Portuguese wedding in Calcut-
ta, 253
major-generals, 254
Hindu College, 255- Arracan provin-
ces, ib.-state of the jails in the Mofus-
sil, ib. abolition of corporal punish-
ment, 257-Nawab Mehndy Ali Khan,
ib.-postage on newspapers, ib.-Hurry
Holkar, ib. distress in Cashmere, ib.
Life Insurance Societies, 258 - Mo-
fussil news, ib.-Bengal Military Fund,
259-travels in Candahar and Cabul,
ib.-tomb of Baber, ib. - Trade Asso-
ciation, 261-Lord William Bentinck's
government, ib. - ice-speculators, ib.-
regent ranee of Jeypore, 304-prices of
European goods, 60, 150, 229, 312-
government securities and exchanges,
61, 151, 230, 313-shipping, 49, 130,
200, 270-births, marriages, and deaths,
49, 55, 130, 200, 271, 305.









Government Orders: - Pioneer
corps, 125-allowances of the commis-
sary-general, ib. - dress of the Com-
pany's officers, ib.—relief of regiments,
new system of cavalry practice,
ib. appointment of majors to the
command of corps, ib. officers
doing duty with corps to which they
do not belong, ib. divisions of the
commissioners of revenue and circuit,
197 - Ramghur Battalion, ib. -com-
missioner and agent for Assam and
the north-east parts of Rungpore, ib.-
qualifications of covenanted subordinate
officers in the judicial and revenue de-
partments, 197, 249, 303- Bhurtpore
prize-money, 198-security to be given
by deputy-paymasters, ib. — Vice-presi-
dent in Council, ib. reports and re-
turns of the troops, ib.-duties of adju
tants and quarter-masters, 269 — head-
quarters and offices in the hills, ib.-
medical attendance on division staff's, ib.
courts-martial, 125 — civil, ecclesias-
tical, and military appointments, 47,
55, 127, 198, 269, 305
- army fur-
loughs, 48, 55, 129, 200, 270.

[blocks in formation]

Supreme Court:-Native grand-
jurors, 65 trial of Charles Betts for
murder, ib. prosecution of William
Peters for libel, 68-the King, v. Mirza
Hosain and others, 72 assignees of
Palmer and Co., v. Hastie and others,
153 Chamberlain, v. Jenkins, 233—
Chamberlain, v. Eyles, 237-illness of
the Chief-justice, 239.

Insolvent Court:-In the matter
of Fergusson and Co., 42, 72, 77-of
Colvin and Co., 75- of Palmer and
Co., 75 of Alexander and Co., 75,

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England and India, ib. - colonial ap-
pointments, 205 - shipping, 137, 205,
276 births, marriages, and deaths,
137, 205, 276.
Chamberlain, v. Jenkins, case of, 233-
v. Eyles, 237.

Chamber of Commerce, proposed establish-
ment of a, at Calcutta, 242.
Cha-po, trade at, 27.

Charter, new, preparations in India for,
89-celebration of its renewal, 90, 167
-native opinions of the, 101.
Children, sale of, 250-devoured by their
own mothers, 250, 258.
from Singapore, 21 Experimental
voyage of the Sylph, 24-visit to the
Island of Ho-nam, 30 - Chinese emi-
grants, 31, 188 Secret Societies, 31




communications with the press of
India, 32, 265-the Canton press, 32-
hints for those about to engage in the
China trade, ib.-inundations and state
of the Canton province, 34 - punish-
ment of ministers, 35-present to Mr.
Jardine, ib.-prayer of the emperor for
rain, ib.-laws relating to foreigners,


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lawless character of the Chinese,
187. - correspondence relating to the
recall of the ship Hercules' license at
Canton, 190-further particulars of the
affray at the Cum-sing-moon, 192, 266

Messrs. Daniell and Innes, 32, 265
disturbance amongst the hill-tribes,
ib.-Board of Superintendence at Can-
ton, 222-prices of European goods at
Canton, 60, 150, 229, 312-exchanges,
61, 151, 230, 313-shipping, 54, 137,
276-births and deaths, 54, 137.

new appointments in, under the
late act, 222.

Chowkies, inland, abolition of, in Bengal,

Christians, persecution of, in Cochin-
China, 36, 121.

Church establishment, increase of the, in
India, 12, 186- Roman Catholic, at
Calcutta, 173-Scotch, in Bengal, 222.
Circars, Northern, military operations in
the, 182, 304.

Civil Annuity Fund of Bengal, 6, 256—
of Bombay, 256.

Civil Servants, employment of military as,
88, 250-new regulation respecting the
qualification of, in Bengal, 197, 249,
303-reductions in the salaries of, 259.
Cloudy Bay, new colony at, 124.
Cochin, mission to the Jews of, 262.
Cochin-China, insurrection in, 36, 121,
194, 266-persecution of Christians in,
36, 121.

Cochineal insect at Herat, 173.
Coinage in Bengal, 247.

Coins, Hindu, 241, 246-Bactrian, 248.
Colony, new, at King George's Sound,
98, 222-new, in New Zealand, 124—
projected, in South Australia, 223, 307.
College, Australian, 196-Hindu, at Cal-
cutta, 255.

Colvin and Co., insolvency of, 75.
Commissary general, Bengal, 125.
Converts, native, in India, 1.

Convicts, mutiny of, near Hansi, 252 -
at Norfolk Island, 267.


Coorg Raja, insolence of the, 15, 106-
expedition against, 262, 277, 304.
Copper currency in Bengal, 246.
Corporal punishment, abolition of, in Ben-
gal, 257.

Council, Supreme, of India, 146.
Courts, native, practice in, 43—of Ram-
ghur and the Jungle Mehals, 93.
COURTS-MARTIAL on Lieut. Fast, 125-
Lieut. MacGregor, 126.

Craw (Surg. D.), services of, 274.
Crawford (Capt. John), services of, 274.
Criminals, treatment of, at Honore, 183-

exposure of bodies of, in Bengal, 246.
Cruttenden and Co., of Calcutta, failure
of, 56, 76, 77, 78, 87, 237, 238.
Cullen (Mr. James), 96, 158, 240.
Cum-sing-moon, affray in the, 192, 266.
Cutch, distress in, 262.

Daniell (Mr. J. N.), his dispute with Mr.
Innes at Canton, 265.

DEBATES at the East-India House :-
(June 18th and July 9th 1834)-official
papers, 207-half-year's dividend, ib.—
by-laws, ib.-retiring allowances, 208,
278-affairs of Oude, 218-allowances
to maritime servants, 278.

in Parliament on East-India af-
fairs-see Parliament.

Debts, sale of, by auction, 251.
Delany (Kearn), trial and execution of, 103.

[blocks in formation]

Earthquake at Singapore, 21-in Suma-
tra, 263.

East-India Company, case of the Board of
Control, v. 138, 218 - retiring allow-
ances to commercial servants on their
home establishment, 208, 278.
East-India House, election of directors at,
56, 227-sales at, 64, 222, 316--goods
declared for sale at, 227-see also De-

East-Indians, seditious address to the, at
Madras, 44, 103, 104-how employed
in Bengal, 101-complaint of those of
Bombay against the Military Fund, 116.
Education in India, 1, 106, 171.
Emigration from China to the Indian Ar-
chipelago, 31, 188 from India to
Australia, 98-from Queda to Penang,
118-from Van Diemen's Land to New
Zealand, 124.

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[blocks in formation]

Famine in Cashmere, 97, 257-in Bun-
dlecund, 250- horrible effects of, 258
-in Cutch, 262.

Fast (Lieut.), court-martial on, 125.
Females, Hindoo, manners and character
of, 18, 72.

Fergusson and Co., of Calcutta, failure of,
12, 42, 72, 75, 77, 83.

Fire at Tjanjor, 121-at Manado, in Ce-
lebes, Ava, ib.

Fireworks, grand display of, at Calcutta,
90, 167.

Asiat Journ.N.S.VOL. 14, No.56.

Fish, fall of, from the sky, 175.
Fossil shells near Herat, 172.
Franklin (East-Indian), seditious letter of,
44, 103, 104.

Frith and Gordon, insolvency of, 251.
Funds, Steam, in India, 6, 15, 42, 93,
221-Civil Service Annuity, of Ben-
gal, 6, 256-assessment, at Bombay,
15, 45, 114-Bengal Medical Retiring,
98-Bombay Military, 116. Bengal
Mariners' and Widows', 179- Bengal
Military, 259.

Freights to China, 33.

GENERAL ORDERS-see Calcutta, &c.
Gerard (Dr.), travels of, 171, 248, 259.
Ghaut, new, for dying Hindus, 89.
Goa, civil war at, 186.

Goods, European, prices of, in the East-
Indies and China, 60, 150, 229, 312
-declared for sale at the East-India


House, 227 European and Asiatic,
prices of, at Bankok, 195.
Goork Rajah-see Coorg.

Grain, dearth of, at Bombay, 17 - in
Cashmere, 97, 257—at Masulipatam,
106-in Bundlecund, 250-in Cutch,

Grant (Right Hon. R.), 222.

Gunga Saugur, annual fair at, 175.
Gurmookteshwur, fair at, 182.
Guzerat, opium cultivation in, 186.
Guzerattee language, study of the, 204.
Gwalior, conference between the Gover-
nor-general and the young chief of, 7
-movements of the late regent ranee of,
43, 99, 167-change of opinion at, 305.

[blocks in formation]


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Hindu converts, 1-belief in witchcraft,
14 females, their manners and cha-
racter, 18 temple at Ahmednuggur,
45, 106 marriages, 72-ghauts for
dying, 89-human sacrifices, 146-fairs,
175, 182-pilgrims, 175 antiquities,
241-college at Calcutta, 255-see also

Holkar, death of Mulhar Rao, 2-history
of the name and family of, ib.-claims
of Hurry Holkar to the guddee of, 257.
Debates at the
East-India House, 207, 278-Appeals
(2 T)

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