Imatges de pàgina

hoftilities; the third confifts of the treaties of peace, and the tranfactions relative to their ratification, with fome general reflections on the confequences of the war.

It fhould be remembered, that the campaign here recorded was the third of our war with Tippoo Sultan. The first commenced in June 1790, and concluded with that year. It was confined below the Ghauts. The fecond campaign contained the capture of Bangalore, which fixed the feat of war in the enemy's country, and concluded with the retreat of Lord Cornwallis from Seringapatam, towards the end of May 1791. The third commences almost from that point, and terminates in March 1792. Obferving, however, as the author very properly ftates, that, in the fine climate of Myfore, campaigns are regulated rather by plans of operations, than by feafons.

The narrative commences with unfavourable circumstances; the retreat of the two armies under General Abercromby and Lord Cornwallis; the lofs of cannon in both; an epidemic diforder among the cattle; and a dreadful fcarcity of grain. These evils, however, vanifh by degrees; the junction of the Mahrattas affords a fupply of neceffaries, arrangements are made for obtaining in future the most ample and regular provifion of bullocks and grain, and for replacing the battering guns. On the return of the army to the vicinity of Bangalore, the operations began which were to fecure the communication with the Carnatic, and reduce the power of the enemy in those parts. The British force was immediately and fuccessfully employed to reduce Ouffoor, Rayacotta, and the other hillforts commanding the Policode Pafs. The next object was the forts to the north-eaft of Bangalore, which interrupted thè communication with the Nizam's army, and with the Carnatic, by that route. These being foon reduced, Nundydroog, a place of greater magnitude and strength, was attacked, and, after being befieged from Sept. 22d, was carried by affault, on the 18th of October, in fpite of obftacles which might reasonably have been deemed infurmountable. In this part of the narra⚫rative we have an anecdote of General Medows, which reminds us of some traits recorded of the generals of antiquity. When every difpofition had been made for the affault, fome perfon unthinkingly mentioned, in the hearing of the troops, that a mine was reported to be near the breach, General Medows, with that promptitude which marks his character, replied, “if there be a mine, it must be a mine of gold.” p. 46.

By means of difpofitions made for that purpofe, fupplies of all kinds now came in from the Carnatic. Penagra was taken at the end of October; and Kistnagheri attacked on the 7th of November this was almost the only enterprise that was not

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completely fuccefsful, the lower fort and pettah were taken; but the upper fort maintained its defence, and the attack was relinquished. It feems that it could only have been carried by a coup de main, which unluckily failed. On the 2d of the fame month another inftance of ill fuccefs happened to us, the relief of Coimbetore having been prevented, that garrison was obliged to capitulate to Cummer-ud-Deen Cawn, on terms which Tippoo did not afterwards fulfil.

Savendroog, or the Rock of Death, bore witnefs, in the month of December, to the invincible ardour and perfeverance of the British troops. This fortress standing in the way between Bangalore and Seringapatam, is thus defcribed;

It is a vaft mountain of rock, and is reckoned to rife above half a mile in perpendicular height, from a base of eight or ten miles in circumference. Embraced by walls on every fide, and defended by cross walls and barriers, wherever it was deemed acceffible; this huge mountain had the farther advantage of being divided above by a chafm which separates the upper part into two hills, which, having each their defences, form two citadels capable of being maintained independent of the lower works; and, affording a secure retreat, fhould encourage the garrifon to hold out to the last extremity." p. 67. It is alfo famed no less for its noxious atmosphere, occafioned by the furrounding hills and woods, than for its wonderful fize and ftrength. Hence it derives its formidable name.

The Sultan is faid to have flattered himself, that before this place half the Europeans would die of fickness, the other half be killed in the attack." He was, however, mistaken, The garrison, fortunately for us, trusted more to the strength of the place than to their own exertions, and on the 21ft of December, only the 11th day of the fiege, this fortrefs, hitherto deemed impregnable, was taken by affault, in less than an hour, in open day, without the lofs of a man, only one pri vate foldier having been wounded.

Outredroog and other forts fucceffively fell after this brilliant fuccefs. The forces of the allies were not equally fortunate during the fame interval. The army of the Nizam, after a long fiege of Gurramcondah, drew off to join our forces, and only left the place blockaded. To make amends for this failure, the Mahratta army under Purferam Bhow, affifted by our Engineers, took Hooly Onore, Bankapoor, Simoga, and other places. By the latter end of January 1792, the whole allied force, excepting the Bombay army, was affembled in the vicinity of Hooleadroog.

We now come to the fecond part of the narrative: the operations against Seringapatam. On the Ift of February the

allies began their march, and by two o'clock on the 5th, were encamped across the valley of Milgotah, only fix miles from the position of Tippoo before Seringapatam. It could not well be expected by the fultan, that he should receive so early an attack as Lord Cornwallis deftined for him. His camp was ftrongly fituated and fortified by a bound hedge and several redoubts. Nevertheless, after caufing his pofition to be reconnoitred in the morning of the 6th, the commander in chief iffued orders for the attack that very evening. The army was to march at night in three divifions, and without cannon. "The plan of attack, fays Major Dirom, was indeed bold beyond the expectation of our army; but, like a discovery in science, which excites admiration when disclosed, it had only to be known to meet with general applaufe." The outlines of this great enterprise are generally known; the particulars cannot be detailed in this place, but are related with great clearnefs by the hiftorian, and fo illuftrated by the attendant plans, that the circumftances cannot be mistaken. The only appearance of partiality in the whole narrative, is the fair colour given in this account to the error of the right divifion, and the fuppreffion of the formidable confequences which we understood to be very near enfuing from it: and even this may deferve the name of delicacy, rather than partiality. Major Dirom himfelf was with Col. Nesbitt at the head of this column.


The refult of this operation was, that Tippoo was driven from his camp into Seringapatam, all his redoubts taken, and a lodgment established on the ifland, in a strong pofition, where Lieut. Stuart remained pofted. All poffible preparations were made, from this time, for taking the capital by affault: and they were fuch as probably would have been crowned with full fuccefs. On the 16th of February, the Bombay army, under General Abercromby, after overcoming various obftacles, joined the main army, and remained pofted to the north-weft of the city. On the 19th, it was ftationed on the fouth fide of the Cavery, in a fituation that seemed to give the Sultan much uneafinefs. However, after attacking the advanced poft of this army, on the night of the 21ft, Tippoo made no further effort; and on the 24th, when the preparations for the general affault were in great forwardness, it was announced that preliminaries of peace were fettled. The conferences for this purpose had begun on the 15th; but the operations, on both fides, continued till the 24th. After the ceffation of arms which then took place, the conduct of Tippoo Sultan was fo equivocal and fufpicious, as to make it neceffary, on our part, to renew the preparations for the fiege. Overawed, at length, by the firmness and decifion of Lord Cornwallis, and probably alarmed by the discon


tent of his own people, the reluctant Sultan fubmitted to all the terms propofed; and, on the 19th of March, thecopies of the definitive treaty were delivered in form, by his fons, to Lord Cornwallis, and the agents of the allied princes. The Nizam's fon, Prince Secunder Jah, and the Mahratta plenipotentiary Hurry Punt, thought it beneath their dignity to be prefent on this occafion in perfon, and were represented by their vakeels.

Thus ended a war, which, as the author fums it up in his conclufion, "Vindicated the honour of the nation, has given the additional poffeffions and fecurity to the settlements in India which they required; has effected the wifhed-for balance amongst the native powers on the peninfula; has, beyond all former example, raised the character of the British arms in India; and has afforded an instance of good faith in alliance, and moderation in conqueft, fo eminent, as ought to constitute the Englifh arbiters of power; worthy of holding the fword, and fcales of juftice in the Eaft."

The general view of advantages gained by us in this war; may be briefly stated thus:-1. Our most formidable enemy is fo reduced by it, as to render our poffeffions in India both profitable and fecure.-2. Madras is fecured from invafion by poffeffion of the pafles, and covered by a territory defended by strong forts. 3. The value of Bombay is greatly enhanced by poffeffions gained on the Malabar coaft, protected by Paligautcherry and the frontier of the Coorga Rajah. These advantages, it may be prefumed, will far overbalance the expences of the war. By a ftatement in chap. iii. part iii. it appears, that Tippoo loft in this war 67 forts, 801 cannons, and 49.340 men.

In the details of this narrative many interefting particulars occur, among which we fhall felect a few. The following defcription of the march of our allies is particularly striking:

In marching to the eastward, the armies of the allies encamping in the rear of our army, then fronting Savendroog, were not difturbed in the mornings by our march and having fometimes to pafs beyond our camp to their ground, it was highly entertaining to fee them in motion the whole day; the chiefs in different groups, Moguls and Mahrattas alternately, themfelves and their principal attendants mounted on elephants, diftinguished by their ftate-flags and nagars, alfo borne on elephants. They were furrounded by cavalry, with their various ftandards, and preceded by their bards, and bands of mufic, who fung the praises of their masters, and the heroes of their nation. Group fucceeding group; elephants, camels, pikemen, ftandard-bearers; horfemen innumerable, armed with fword and fhield, with lances, bows and arrows, and every variety of ancient and modern arms and armour; tilts and tournaments for exercife, and a continual discharge of piftols and carabines, displayed the jubilee of their march. A fpectacle fo wild and irregular, yet so grand and interesting, resembled more the vifions of romance, than


any affemblage that can be fuppofed to have exiftence in real life!" P. 23.

In the fort of Ouffoor were found the melancholy traces of the fate of fome of our countrymen, who had fallen a facrifice to the cruelty of Tippoo: the circumstances are thus related:

In one of the ftorehouses in the fort (a kind of laboratory, where the military ftores were kept), there was a little journal found, in English, by which it appeared that fome Europeans had been confinedh ere, and mentioned the work the perfon who wrote it had done as a

the pettah, faid Carpenter. Some poor people, who remained in

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had been three one of them called Hamilton, prifoners at this place; who were all very much refpected, and regretted by the inhabitants; that they were alive till after the capture of Bangalore, when Tippoo fent orders to put them to death; that the killedar, who was a man of great humanity, evaded the first order, but the fecond came by a meffenger, who was inftructed to fee it carried into execution. They fhewed the place where the unfortunate men were beheaded and buried; and, on digging up the graves, the heads were found fevered from the bo dies, and, from the appearance of the hair, and some remnants of their clothes, no doubt remained of the truth of this murder; which is one of the many Tippoo appears to have committed, to prevent his false affertions being detected, of there having been no British subjects detained by force in his country, fince the last war. Some have fortunately made their efcape; but wherever the tyrant fufpected they might fall into our hands, he has always ordered them to be put to death. P. 33.


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The character and anecdotes of the Rajah of the Coorga country, whom we protected, and finally established in his territory, are highly interesting; but are too long to be extracted here. They will be found in chap. viii. of the first part. Against this prince, whom he had reason to confider as one of the main inftruments of the war, the Sultan doubtlefs harboured the severest vengeance; the demand of his country by us was unexpected; and he is faid to have been irritated to a ftate of phrenzy, when it was mentioned by his vakeels..

Among the circumftances to be regretted in this war, was the unavoidable deftruction of the Sultan's beautiful garden on the island of Seringapatam.

The Sultan's garden, which had flourished under the mild influence of a climate, where the feafons of fpring, fummer, and autumn, reign with uninterrupted and united power, became a melancholy fpectacle, devoted to the neceffities of military fervice; and appeared for the first time as if it had fuffered the ravages of the fevereft winter. The fruit trees were ftripped of their branches, while the lofty cypress trees, broken to the ground by the troops, to be formed into fascines, were rooted up by the followers to be con5 fumed

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