Imatges de pàgina
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

.ale, fate, ray.

.ădd, făt, have. .ēve, mēte, peace. ..end, mět, leopard. .īce, pīne, mire. .ill, pin, admit. ..öld, nōte, lōaf. .ŏdd, not, torrid. ..use, tube, feud. .ŭs, tub, but. .fly, style, rely.

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cyst, nymph, lyric.


like short o, as in..

ê, like â, as in..

e, like long a, as in. ē, as in..... ï, like long e, as in.. i, like ẽ, as in.... ỏ, like short u, as in.. o, like long oo, as in.. o, like short oo, as in. ô, like broad a, as in. oo, as in....

oo, as in...

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

..âir, câre, beâr.

..ärm, fär, father. ..åsk, gråss, dance. .all, talk, haul.

what, wander, wallow. .êre, thêre, hêir. ...eight, prey, obey. .ermine, verge, prefer. pique, machine, police. .irksome, virgin, thirsty. .other, done, són. prove, do, tomb. bosom, wolf, woman. .ôrder, form, stôrk.

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.moon, food, booty. .wool, foot, good. .rude, rumor, rural. put, push, pull. ûrge, bûrn, concûr.



oi, or oy (unmarked), as in...oil, join, oyster, toy. ou, or ow (unmarked), as in.. out, hound, owl, vowel.


ç, soft, like s sharp, as in.....çede, çite, mercy.

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e, hard, like k, as in.
ch (unmarked), as in.
çh, soft, like sh, as in.
eh, hard, like k, as in..
g, hard, as in... . .
ġ, soft, like j, as in..
s, sharp (unmarked), as
s, soft, or vocal, like z, as
th, sharp (unmarked), as
th, flat, or vocal, as in
ng (unmarked), as in.
n, as in.............

like gz, as in. ph, like f, as in....

qu, like kw, as in

wh, like hw, as in.

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.eall, eoneur, success. .child, much, touching. ..çhaise, machine. .chord, ehorus, epoch. .get, begin, foggy. .gem, gin, elegy. in....same, yes, rest. in... haş, prism, amuse. in... thin, breath, healthy. thine, smooth, wither. .ring, sing, single. linger, link, uncle. exist, example, exhaust. phantom, sylph.

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...queen, conquest.
..what, when, awhile.

When one letter of an improper diphthong, or of a triphthong, is marked, it is to be taken as representing the sound of the whole combination, and the letter or letters which are not marked, are to be regárded as silent, as in āim, clēan, cēil, people, group, sõul, tōw, &c.

In the following work, all letters printed in Italics, are silent. This, however, is done only where mistakes in pronunciation are otherwise likely to be made.

Words and syllables very irregular in respect to pronunciation, as colonel, (kur' nel), are often respelled. So, also, words from foreign languages, as coup de main, (koo de mang), and, in the case of those from the French, the combination ng (as above) is used, in this book, merely to denote the nasal sound in the syllables an, en, on, &c., in that language.


THERE are few things in which the art of questioning can be more attractively and effectively employed than in the conduct of exercises such as the following.

Every mark or sign, accompanying the letters, whatever its office, to say nothing of the various offices of the letters themselves, will furnish opportunities for the use of this method.

Why, for example, we may ask, in the word yachting, are the letters ch printed in italics? What means the mark (') over the first syllable? Does the mark of the accent affect a particular letter, or a particular syllable? How does accent differ from emphasis? What is the meaning of the dot under the a in yachting? Does it denote one of the Regular or one of the Occasional sounds of that letter? sounds has each of the vowels? al? Has the letter a any sound except those laid down in the KEY, as Regular and Occasional? (See Sanders' Union Speller, p. 37.)

How many Regular How many Occasion

These questions may take any desirable range. They should bring out, at least, everything, whether in the TEXT or in the NOTES, that may serve to illustrate the words under notice.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

vil' ian de cill' ion


de tach' dis patch'

e lix' ir

ex cheq' uer fal' chion

fal' la cy pol'i cy gran' a ry tan' ner y

gir' an dole
a pos' tle

är ehīves

eha me' le on æ o'li an ne ces' si ty a pos' ta sy au toc' ra cy as sim' i late dis sim' u late brag ga do' ci o ca tas' tro phe da guerre'o type e mol❜lient (yent) e mol'u ment er y sip'e las

[blocks in formation]

*Why is found in frolicking, and not in frolicsome? See San

ders' Union Speller, p. 61.

[blocks in formation]

här'le quin (kin) hy poc' ri sy de moc' ra cy id i oc' ra sy

in nu en' do in tel' li gence i ras' ci ble ka lei' do scope

Lil i pu' tian mal' le a ble manʼtua-māk er mil' li ner y mil'le na ry

neç' es sa ry ne go' ti ate

as so' ci ate

[blocks in formation]

clas' si fy

păr' a site

pageant ry

păr' ri cide

pal' lid ness

pho' to graph

pa ral' y sis

pet ri fy

phthis' ick y (tiz)t

pu tre fy

phy si' cian

poign' an cy

pe lisse

preç'i pice

po lice'

preç'e dent

va lise'

pres' i dent

ca prïce'

phil o pe' nå po lit' ic al

an a lyt' ic al pōrte-mon naie' pōrt fōl' io

* To what rule of orthography does noticeable form an exception?

See Sanders' Union Speller, p. 68.

See note on frolicking, p. 7.

pec ca dil' lo

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