Imatges de pàgina

of my catechumens, I frequently conversed with her on religious subjects, and it was not long before the change in her demeanor led us to hope that her mind was seriously impressed. Trusting that she had formed good intentions, I entreated her to pray to God for the influences of the Holy Spirit, to convince her of sin. During my sermon on Good Friday, she was forcibly struck with the following sentence, which I frequently repeated; 'Go to Golgotha, and there you will see the enormity, and odious nature of your sins.' The Holy Spirit applied these words with power to her heart; her guilty conscience accused her; and she became overwhelmed with the most poignant anguish. When she left the meeting house, she endeavoured to divert her mind to those objects which had hitherto afforded so much gratification; but this tended rather to aggravate, than to relieve, her painful emotions. She even cursed the moment when she followed my advice, and when she began to pray for the discovery of her true character as a sinner before God. In this awful state of mind she continued for

several days, without uttering a single word to those about her. Her parents and friends were astonished and perplexed at what they deemed such a singular affliction, and sent to inform me of the circumstance, requesting that I would visit them. I went on the following Tuesday, and, after a little conversation with Emily, I induced her to read a few consolatory passages of scripture; after which, turning over the leaves of my Testament, she opened it at the place where I had taken my text on Good Friday, (Matt. v. 20.) Ah!' she exclaimed, 'it is very true that our righteousness does not exceed that of the Pharisees of old; but, alas, my righteousness is very far inferior even to theirs.' 'But Paul says,' I added, 'that no flesh living can be justified by the works of I also directed her to read many other portions of the word of God, which were applicable to her present condition. I then spoke to her concerning those motives of love and gratitude, which induce the truly penitent to fear and obey God, and to devote themselves unreservedly to his service; and 'be assured,' I added, 'that those who live

the law.'

under the influence of these holy, and powerful sentiments, can find no real delight in the vanities and pleasures of the world.' 'No, they cannot,' she replied; 'I know they cannot; but my pleasures have been sought in worldly amusements.'

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"I then adverted to what we had just been reading, and endeavoured to impress her mind with some of the more solemn truths of the gospel, and the vast importance of now living under their constant influence. Here Emily was deeply affected, and burst into tears. Alas,' she said, 'I know and believe all you say about these things; but oh, they never seriously impress me.'

"I am truly thankful to God,' I replied, 'for these hopeful appearances which you now manifest. Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. (Matt. v. 4.) Take courage, then, there is a Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus sent to his disciples, and whom he will also send to you, if you humbly and earnestly implore his influences.'

"I now left her, promising to see her

again next morning.

It was early when I called, but she was up, and her mind was even more agitated and desponding than on the preceding evening. I pressed her to unburden her mind, and to tell me what was the true cause of her grief and affliction. She again burst into tears, and sobbed aloud. 'Oh! I am too proud- I never shall be saved.' I told her that I rejoiced to perceive that she had acquired so important a knowledge of the evil dispositions of her own heart; and again I unfolded to her the treasures of divine mercy in Jesus Christ.

"My engagements for the day required that I should now leave her; and I proceeded to La Mure, where, in the afternoon, I preached. I next went to La Baume, a small village near the river Drac, and preached again in the evening, in the house of the Prefect of the Commune. The inhabitants of this interesting village are all Protestants, and so great was their anxiety to hear the gospel, that not one of them remained at home; all, of every age and condition, and even delicate females with

infants in their arms, closed their doors, and Even the oldest inhabitants could not remember that the gospel had ever before been preached in this village, so far is it removed from the public roads, and from every place of Divine worship.

came in crowds to hear me.

"I rose early the following morning, and ascended the mountain to St. Jean d' Heran, where I visited an old man at the point of death. I read many portions of the Scriptures, and prayed with him. I then bade him farewell, and hastily returned to Mens, anxious with regard to poor Emily. During my absence, however, the all-important change had taken place, and she had now been made a new creature in Christ Jesus. As soon as I opened the cottage door, she hastened to welcome my arrival, exclaiming, 'I am happy now-very happy! Oh! you did not leave me in the hands of a severe Judge, but in those of a merciful and compassionate Saviour. How graciously has he dealt with me; and how appropriately is he called the Saviour! What agonies he endured, for helpless, perishing sinners,

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