Imatges de pàgina

Then shal a generall confession bee made in the name of all those that are mynded to receiue the holy Communion, either by one of theim, oz els by one of the minifters, oz by the tpzieft hym felfe all knclyng humbly vpon ther knes.

Almightie God, father of our lo2de Jelus Chrifte, maker of all thynges, iudge of all menne, we knowlege and bewaile our manifold lines and wicked nes, whiche we from time to time mofte greuously haue committed by thought, woozde,and deede, againste thy diuine Maielkie,prouoking molte iuftely, thy weathe and indignació against vs: we dooe caneftly repent, and be hartely fozy, foz these our mildoynges: The remébzaunce to them is greuoule vnto vs, the burthen of them is intolozable, haue mercy vpon vs, haue mercye vpon bs, mofte merciful father, foz thy lonne our lozd Jefus Chufteslake: Forgeue vs all that is past, and graunt that we maie euer hereafter, ferue and please thee, in newnes of life, to the honoure and


The o2dze of the Communion.

glowe of thy name, though Jelus Christ our LOIDE.

Then hall the priest,stand vp and turnyng hpm to the people,lay thus. Dur bielled Lozde, who hath left power to his Church,to abfolue penitêt fynnersfrom their fynnes,and to reCore to the grace of the heuely father fuche as trulie beleue in Chrift, haue mercy vpon you, pardon and delpuer you from all fynnes, confirme and ftrength you in al goodnes,and bring you to euerla@yng life.

Then shall the priest stande vp, and turnyng him toward the people,lay thus,

Here what confortable woozdes our fauioux Christ faith to all that trulye turñe to hym. Come vnto me all that trauãill and be heauy loden, and I shall refreshe you. So God loued the world, that he gaue his only begottê sonne,to thend that all that beleue in him, should not perishe,but haue life euerlatyng. Here also what S.Paule faith.

This is a true faiyng, and worthy of all

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of all men to be embraced and receaued, that Jelus Chuft came into this world to laue (ynners.

Heare allo what S. John faith.

Ÿf any man lynne, we haue an ads nocate with the father, Jelus Chult the righteous, he it is that obteynED grace for our fynnes.

Then shall the pzicht knele doune – laye in the name of al them that shall receauc & Communion,this prayer folowyng.

We do not prefume to come to this

thy table(D mercyfull Lo2d)trufting in our awne ryghteoulnes,but in thy manyfold and greate mercyes: we be not worthie lo muche as to gather bp the crōmnes vnder thy table: But thou arte the lame Lozd, whole propertye is alwayes,to haue mercy: Graunt vs therefoze gracious Lo2d so to eate the fleche of thy dere lonne Jefus Chult, and to dzynk his bloud in these holy misteries, that we mayɛ continually dwell in hym, and he in vs,that oure lynful bodyes, maye be

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The order of the cōmunyon.

made cleane by his body,and our loules washed through his molt precious bloud. Amen.

Then shall the priest rise,the people still reuerentlie kneling, and the priest chall deliuer the Communion,first to the ministers, if any be ther prefent,that they maie be rcdy to helpe the priest and after to the other. And when he doth deliuer the Sacrament of the body of Chulte, he shall Lay to euery one, these mozdes followyng.

The bodye of oure Lozde Jelus Chult, which was geuen for the,pieferue thy body vnto euerlaftyng life.

And the pricht deliuering the Sacrament of the bloud, and geuing euery onc to dzinke once and nomoze, thal saye.

The blud of oure Lorde Jelus Christ, which was ched for the,pielerue thy loule vnto euerlastyng life.

If there be a deacon of other pzielk,then Chall he folowe with the Chalice, a as the priest mininiftreth the bread, so that he foz moze expedicion minifter the wyne,in fozme befoze wziten.

Then hal the priest,turnyng him to p people let the people depart with this blefling.


The peace of God Whiche palleth all vnderftandyng,kepe your hartes and myndes in the knowlege and loue of God,and of his lonne Jclus Chrifte,our LoIDE»

To the which the people thal aunswere.


Note, that the beade that Chalbe confecrated Chaibe suche as heretofoze hath bene accustomed And cucry of the laid confecrated bzcades shalbe broken in twoo peces,at the least,02 moze by the Discretion of the minifter, and so distributed. And men muste not thinke lesse to be receiued in parte, then in the whole, but in eache of theim the whole body of our fauiour Jefu Chrift.

Note,that if it doth so chaunce, that the wyne halowed and confecrate dooth not suffice oz bee pnough for them that dooe take the Cominus nion, the priest after the firfte Cup of chalice be emptied, may go again to paultare,and reuerentlie,and deuoutlie,prepare,and confecrate an other, and so the thirde, oz moze lykwife, begyn ning at these woozdes.Simili modo,poftquam ce natum eft,and endyng at these wordes,qui pro uobis & pro multis effundetur in remifsionem pecatorû,

and without any
Leuación oz


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