(L. S.) DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, ΤΟ WIT: BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the first day of August, in the thirty-second year of the independence of the United States of America, A. D. 1807, Nathaniel Chapman, M. D. of the said district, hath deposited in this office, the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor in the words following, to wit: "SELECT SPEECHES, Forensick and Parliamentary, with prefatory remarks. By N. Chapman, M. D. honorary member of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, and member of the American Philosophical Society, &c. &c. -Pietate gravem ac meritis si forte virum quem In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned." And also to the act, entitled "An act supplementary to the act, entitled, 'An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned,' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." CONTENTS OF THE FOURTH VOLUME. Page Lord Mornington's Speech in the house of commons, on a motion for an address to his majesty at the com- mencement of the session of parliament, delivered Mr. Curran's Speech, on the right of election of lord mayor of the city of Dublin. Delivered before the lord lieutenant and privy council of Ireland.-1790. Mr. Fox's Speech, on Mr. Whitbread's resolutions re- Lord Clare's Speech, on a motion of address to the lord lieutenant, &c. delivered in the house of lords of Ire- Mr. Pitt's Speech, delivered in the house of commons, February 3, 1800, on a motion for an address to the throne, approving of the answers returned to the com- munications from France, relative to a negotiation for Mr. Erskine's Speech, on the trial of an information ex- hibited ex officio, by the king's attorney general, against Thomas Paine, for a libel upon the revolution and set- tlement of the crown and regal government, as by law established; and also upon the bills of rights, legisla- ture, government, laws, and parliament of this king- dom, and upon the king. Tried by a special jury in the court of king's bench, Guildhall, on the 18th of SELECT SPEECHES. LORD MORNINGTON'S SPEECH IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, ON A MOTION FOR AN ADDRESS OF PARLIAMENT, DELIVERED JANUARY 21, 1794. THE ensuing speech is from one of those sagacious statesmen,* who, with Edmund Burke and William Pitt, early discerned and valiantly struggled against the march of the " anarch fiend," that has since spread terrour and desolation over the fairest portions of the world, and which was prevented from raising its head of " horrid portent" in England only, by the most steady, determined, and persevering resistance. On the address, in answer to the king's speech at the opening of the session, an animated and well contested debate arose. The opposition, conformably to the policy which distinguished the whole of their parliamentary conduct with regard to French affairs, vehemently attacked that part of the address which pledged the house to a vigorous prosecution of the war till the objects of it were attained. * Lord Mornington, now Marquis of Wellesley, late governour general of Bengal. 1 As an amendment to the address, Mr. Fox moved, “To recommend to his majesty to treat, as speedily as possible, for a peace with France upon safe and advantageous terms, without any reference to the nature or form of the government that might exist in that country." Lord Mornington in the present speech, displays a very minute knowledge of the subject, and sometimes eloquence of the highest order. He draws an exact and full length picture of the genius and tendency of the French revolution, and shows from the characters, the dispositions, and the interests of those who then exercised the powers of government, and from the nature of the system they had established, that peace on secure and honourable terms was impracticable. The minister, Mr. Pitt, pursued the same course, but unfortunately, fragments only of his speech are preserved. "We are called on, he said, to witness in the present age the political and moral phenomenon of a mighty and civilized people formed into an artificial horde of banditti; throwing off all the restraints which have influenced them in social life, displaying a savage valour directed by a sanguinary spirit, organizing rapine and destruction into a system, and perverting to their detestable purposes, all the talents and ingenuity which they derived from their advanced stage of civilization, all the refinements of art, and the discoveries of science. We behold them uniting the utmost savageness and ferocity of design, with consummate contrivance and skill in execution, and seemingly engaged in no less than a conspiracy to exterminate from the face of the earth all honour, humanity, justice, and religion. In this state can there be any question but to resist where resistance alone can be effectual, till such time, as by the blessings of Providence on our endeavours, we shall have secured the independence of this country, and the general interests of Europe!" The amendment was negatived by an immense majority. |