Recreation, Volum 33National Recreation Association, 1939 |
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Resultats 1 - 3 de 26.
Pàgina 59
National Joseph Lee Day NATIONAL JOSEPH LEE DAY NATIONAL JOSEPH LEE DAY Joseph Lee. The program for this year's observance of Joseph Lee Day , in honoring the mem- ory of Joseph Lee may fittingly be dedi- cated " to the children who this ...
National Joseph Lee Day NATIONAL JOSEPH LEE DAY NATIONAL JOSEPH LEE DAY Joseph Lee. The program for this year's observance of Joseph Lee Day , in honoring the mem- ory of Joseph Lee may fittingly be dedi- cated " to the children who this ...
Pàgina 62
... Joseph Lee Day . Los Angeles had appro- priate activities on nearly all playgrounds . Their special event was the dedi- cation of the Joseph Lee Wading Pool and Foun- tain in Echo Park . San Francisco , in addition to dedicating a tree to ...
... Joseph Lee Day . Los Angeles had appro- priate activities on nearly all playgrounds . Their special event was the dedi- cation of the Joseph Lee Wading Pool and Foun- tain in Echo Park . San Francisco , in addition to dedicating a tree to ...
Pàgina 442
THE SPIRIT OF JOSEPH LEE DAY THE SPIRIT OF JOSEPH LEE DAY Readers of Recreation may. 442 To celebrate Joseph Lee Day we proudly present these poems and essays Growth by Sam Gigliotti Everything , if taken care of , will grow , As a plant ...
THE SPIRIT OF JOSEPH LEE DAY THE SPIRIT OF JOSEPH LEE DAY Readers of Recreation may. 442 To celebrate Joseph Lee Day we proudly present these poems and essays Growth by Sam Gigliotti Everything , if taken care of , will grow , As a plant ...
Science Indoors and Out by H Henry Platt | 9 |
What They Say About Recreation | 17 |
A Neighborhood Makes Its Own Playground by Lawrence C Woodbury | 27 |
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activities adults agencies archery athletic attendance badminton ball BEN PEARSON Board of Education boat Boston boys and girls Boystown building camp Camp Fire Girls Christmas classes club co-recreation colored committee contest cooperation Council courts crafts director dramatics equipment facilities festival field folk dancing golf gram high school hike hobby included indoor interest Joseph Lee leadership leisure meet ment model yacht National Recreation Association night OGDEN L Oglebay Park organization outdoor Parent-Teacher Association Park Board Park Commission participation party person picnic players playground problems Public Recreation reation Recreation Board recreation centers Recreation Commission Recreation Department recreation program season shuffleboard singing skating social dancing softball songs square dances summer Swimming Pools teachers tennis theater tion trips volleyball week winter sports women York City young youth