THE ORTHODOX CHURCHMAN'S MAGAZINE AND REVIEW, OR, A TREASURY OF DIVINE AND USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. The Church of the LIVING GOD, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth. TIMOTHY, iii. 5. "The Object of Civil Government is Peace, and this a Toleration secures; but the Object of Religion is TRUTH; and this a diversity of Sects will always discredit." WARBURTON. PRINTED FOR J. SPRAGG, NO. 16, KING STREET, COVENT GARDEN, By Wilson and Co. Wild Court. 1803. ΤΟ THE RIGHT HONOURABLE AND RIGHT REVEREND BEILBY PORTEUS, D. D. LORD BISHOP OF LONDON, THE EMINENT ENCOURAGER OF EVERY DESIGN CALCU LATED TO PROMOTE THE INTERESTS OF TRUE RELIGION; THE THIRD VOLUME OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCHMAN's MAGAZINE IS HUMBLY INSCRIBED, BY HIS LORDSHIP'S DUTIFUL AND MOST OBEDIENT SERVANTS, THE EDITORS. PREFACE. IT T becomes the Editors, at the completion of another Volume, to express their grateful acknowledgments to their Brother Churchmen, for the very liberal support with which they have beer favoured in the prosecution of this Work. To expatiate upon the nature and importance of the design, would be now unnecessary, for he must be very regardless of the interests of the Church of England, who does not perceive that the artifices of Sectaries require as watchful an eye as the open attacks of Heretics and Infidels. There are enemies within our walls whose practices and views are of the most insidious and dangerous kind, and against which it behoves all TRUE CHURCHMEN to be upon their guard. Attempts are made to deceive the best intentioned Members of our Church, by representing those only as the sound and faithful Clergy, who are wedded to a narrow system which raves the way, at least, for the admission of wild enthusiasm and peligious insubordination. The effects of that scheme have been more than once felt to the great injury of the Church; and now that the same spirit is at work, it is high time for all who have any sense of duty to her, to bestir themselves in her defence— We trust that our labours have not been unproductive of good at this critical juncture; and this confidence animates us to a continuance in the important cause. Again we repeat our thanks to those zealous and learned Correspondents, who have so kindly approved of our design, as to favour us with the most valuable Communications in the furtherance of it. In our last Preface, we mentioned the names of a few of these; and, in addition to them, it is our satisfaction to express our gratitude to the Rev. Mr. PEARSON, and to the Rev. Mr. T. LUDLAM, as well for many esteemed favours which have already enriched our Miscellany, as also for the promises they have given us of farther assistance. January 1, 1803. |