HARRY WOOLDRIDGE, ALDINE CHAMBERS, PATERNOSTER ROW. SOLD ALSO BY WERTHEIM AND MACINTOSH, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1010. d. i PREFACE. THE devout study of the Word of God, together with the due improvement of that sacred privilege, will ever be a subject which all, who are anxious for the divine glory and the true welfare of mankind, will feel desirous to promote. This will, of course, include the recurring exercises of private meditation and the duties of the domestic circle, as well as the more orderly preparations for the open statements of divine truth. We live in a remarkable day. Truth flourishes; and iniquity abounds. On the one hand, the gospel triumphantly spreads; on the other, infidel principles and antichristian delusions seek to counteract its sacred influence, and pollute, if not destroy, its vital powers. The duty of all true Christians is, to be on the alert. A vast work is before us. The integrity of the gospel must be upheld; the diffusion of its blessings must be secured. We must buckle on our armour, and employ the means which God hath placed within our reach for opposing the enemy, and for guiding immortal beings in the way of life and peace. Some of the chief of those means are, the prayerful study and the practical improvement of His own most blessed Word; which, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, is able to make us wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. (2 Tim. iii. 15.) It is delightful to contemplate how that Divine Word, notwithstanding the errors and the wickedness of men, circulates from nation to nation, and from shore to shore; till the expanding circle gradually extends to the uttermost parts of the earth. Neither is it less encouraging to observe, how increasing is the desire, pervading large portions of the community, to profit by the labours of those who have devoted their time and strength, with all the energies which God may have given them, in making such practical observations upon the contents of the Sacred Volume, as may assist others in the stated use and profitable improvement of such an inestimable treasure. In this respect, the works of approved Commentators will always ensure the highest esteem; and thousands will have cause to praise God for the aid and encouragement which they have received through those means; while |