Imatges de pàgina

BARTISCH (GEORGE). Optaλpocovλeia; das ist Augendienst. fol. Dresden, 1583.

BARTON (BENJAMIN SMITH). See Journals, &c. Philadelphia (the) medical, &c. 8o 80 1805. (Journals.)

Collections for an essay towards a materia medica of the UnitedStates. 8° Philadelphia, 1798. (Two copies.)

BARTON (RICHARD). Lectures...... designed to be a foundation for reasoning upon the......sanative quality of Lough Neagh. See Barton (R.). Lectures in natural philosophy, &c. 4o 1751. (Miscellaneous.) BAS (JEAN le). Nouvelles observations sur les naissances tardives. S° Paris, 1765.


BAUDELOCQUE (J. L.). Principes sur l'art des accouchemens.
Paris, 1787.


BAUHNIUS (CASPAR). See Roussetus (F.). Foetus vivi, ex matre viva, cæsura. 12° 1591.

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Anatomes liber primus (11-IV). 12° Basilea, 1590. BAZIN ( ). See Laurent et Bazin. Annales Françaises, &c. 8° Paris,


BECKETT (WILLIAM). An enquiry into the antiquity and efficacy of touching for the king's evil, in two letters, one to Dr. Steigertahl, the other to Sir H. Sloane; published to a compleat confutation of that power; to which is added, a collection of records. 8° London, 1722.

Practical surgery, illustrated and improved; being chirurgical observations upon the most extraordinary cases, cures and dissections made at St. Thomas's hospital. 8° London, 1740.

BÉCLARD (P. A.). See Bichat (X.). Anatomie générale appliquée à la physiologie. 8° 1830.

Rapport, &c. See Bourdon (J.). Mémoire sur le vomissement. 8o 1819.

BEHRENS (RUDOLPHUS AUGUSTUS). De affectionibus a comestis mytulis. See Werlhof (P. G.). Dissertatio variolis, &c. 8o 1735.

BELL (Sir CHARLES). The hand, its mechanism and vital endowments as evincing design; 2nd edit. 8° London, 1833.

The nervous system of the human body. 4° London, 1830. BELLERS (JOHN). An essay towards the improvement of physick; with an essay for imploying the able poor. 4° London, 1714. (Two copies.) BELLINGERI (CARLO FRANCESCO). Ragionamenti, sperienze ed osservazioni patologiche comprovanti l'antagonismo nervoso. 8° Torino, 1833.

De medulla spinali nervisque ex ea prodeuntibus, annotationes anatomico-physiologicæ. 40 Augusta Taurinorum, 1823.

Dissertatio physico-chemica inauguralis, (de physico-chemicis albuminis proprietatibus; de nervis faciei; 5' et 7 paris functiones; de neuralgia faciei; cura neuralgiæ faciei; specimen de remediis nervinis). 8o Augusta Taurinorum, 1818.

Storia di nevralgia sopra-orbitale curata col taglio e successiva cauterizzazione del nervo, con osservazioni fisico-patologiche sopra la medesima; (estratta dagli Opuscoli della Società Medico-Chirurgica di Bologna, vol. Ix, pag. 246). 8° Bologna, 1834.

Sull' elettricità del sangue nelle malattie, saggio di esperimenti. 4° [Turino, 1816.]

BELLINUS (LAURENTIUS). De urinis et pulsibus, de missione sanguinis, de febribus, de morbis capitis et pectoris. 40 Bononiæ, 1683. BEN ABER AZERIM (BULCASIS). Libellus servitoris. See Mesue (J.). Canones universales, &c. fol. 1502.

BENEDETTI or BENEDICTUS (ALEXANDER). (Collectiones medicina). 4o

De observatione in pestilentia. 4° Venetiis, 1493.

BENEMANN (JOANNES GOTTLIEB). Dissertatio inauguralis medica sistens compendiosam et clinicam convulsionum praxin, cum cautelis; moderatore F. Hoffmanno. 4° Hala Magdeburgi [1707.]

BENEVOLI (ANTONIO). Nuova proposizione intorno alla caruncola dell' uretra detta carnosità; aggiuntavi una lettera sopra la cateratta glaucomatosa. 12° Firenze, 1724. BENOISTON de CHATEAUNEUF (-). Mémoire sur la mortalité des femmes de l'age de 40 à 50 ans. See Benoiston de Chateauneuf (—). Mémoire, &c. 8° 1822. (Mathematics.)

Notice sur l'intensité de la fécondité en Europe au commencement du 19me siècle; extrait des Annales des sciences naturelles. 8° Paris, 1826. BENVENUTI (GIUSEPPE). Del sale delle acque termali di Lucca; con una lettera nella quale si descrivono le infermità nelle quali convengono. See Benvenuti (G.). Del sale, &c. 8° 1758. (Geology)

Dissertatio qua epidemicæ febres in Luccensis dominii quibusdam pagis grassantes describuntur nec non mercurii atque corticis Peruviani usus in earum curatione examini subjicitur; accedunt J. X. Bertini, atque J. Valdambrini ad auctorem epistolæ ad rem attinentes. 4° Lucæ, 1754. BERCHTOLD (LEOPOLD von). Nachricht von dem im St. AntonsSpitale in Smirna mit dem allerbesten erfolg gebrauchten einfacher mittel, die Pest zu heilen und sich vor selber zu bewahren, &c. 8° Wien, 1797.

Descrizione del nuovo rimedio curativo e preservativo contro la peste, &c. 8° Vienna, 1797.

BERGERUS (Jo. GOTHOFREDUS). See Agricola (G. A.). De succi nutricii per nervos transitu. 4o [1695.]

BERGIUS (PETRUS JONAS). Materia medica e regno vegetabili sistens simplicia officinalia pariter atque culinaria; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8° Stockholmiæ, 1778.

BERKENHOUT (JOHN). Pharmacopoeia medici. 8° Londini, 1766. BERNARD (JOHANNES BAPTISTA). See Anonymous. Novæ adnotationes circa problematis nostri......solutionem. 4o 1759.

See Blondel (C. F. J.). Dissertatio medica, &c. 4o 1776. See Macaire (P. G. J.). Dissertatio physiologica, &c. 4o 1776. See Prevost (F. X.). Dissertatio physiologica. 4° 1776. See Thibault (P. J. W.). Dissertatio medica, &c. 4o 1776. Lettre à M. Needham pour servir d'éclaircissemens aux deux prémieres parties de sa dissertation. 12° Douay, 1759.

Problema physiologicum cum tabula figurativa ipsius solutionem exhibente. 40 Duaci, 1758.

BERNOULLI (JOANNES). De motu musculorum; de effervescentia et fermentatione; accedunt P. A. Michelotti animadversiones x ad ea quæ J. Keill protulit in tentamine v quod est de motu musculari. 4o Venetiis, 1721.

BEROALDUS (PHILIPPUS). De pestilentia. See Beroaldus (P.). De terræmotu, &c. 4° 1510. (Miscellaneous.)

BERRUTI (SECUNDUS JOANNES MARIA). Ut in amplissimum medicorum collegium cooptaretur, publicè disputabat in regio Taurinensi Athenæo (de luce; de oculi globo; de visu; de metaschematismo; de epispasticis; de inflammationibus). 8° Augusta Taurinorum, 1823. BERTHIER (Jos. ET.). See Bertier (J. E.).

BERTHOLD (ANOLD ADOLF). Beiträge zur Anatomie, Zootomie und Physiologie. 80 Gottingen, 1831.

BERTHOLLET (C. L. L.). Rapport de MM. Berthollet, Cuvier, et Thénard. See Montegre (A. J. de). Expériences sur la digestion. 8°


BERTIER (Jos. ETIENNE). See Anonymous. Physique des corps animés. 12° 1755.

BERTINI (Jos. XAVERIUS). See Benvenuti (G.). Dissertatio qua epidemicæ febres......describuntur, &c. 4o 1754.

BERTRACIUS or BERTRUCIUS (NICOLAUS). Nusquam antea impressum collectorium totius fere medicinæ Bertrucii. 4o Lugduni, 1509. BERZELIUS (J.-JACOB). Mémoire sur la composition des fluides animaux. 8° Paris, 1814.

BESCHET (G.). See Meckel (J. F.). Manuel d'anatomie. 8° 1825. BESLERUS (MICH. RUPER.). Observatio anatom.-medica mulieris cujusdam calend. Jan. MDCXLIV. tres filios viventes enixæ. 4o [Noriberga.]

BEULLAC (J. P.). Manuel de physiologie, ou déscription complète des fonctions que remplissent les diverses parties qui constituent le corps humain. 12° Paris, 1826.

BEWERLINUS (JOANNES JACOBUS). Collegii anatomici disputatio XVII, de vasis sanguineis et circulatione; præside T. Bartholino. 4° Hafniæ, 1651.

BIANCHI (JOHANNES BAPTISTA). De naturali in humano corpore, vitiosa morbosaque generatione, historia. 8° Augustæ Taurinorum, 1741. BICHAT (XAVIER). See Desault (P.-J.). Euvres chirurgicales. 8° 1830.

Anatomie générale appliquée à la physiologie et à la médecine; nouvelle édition contenant les additions par Béclard et augmentée de notes nouvelles par J. Blandin; 4 vols. 8° Paris, 1830.

Anatomie pathologique; avec une notice sur la vie de Bichat par F.-G. Boisseau. 8° Paris, 1825.

Recherches physiologiques sur la vie et la mort; 5me édit. augmentée par F. Magendie. 8° Paris, 1829.

Traité des membranes; édition augmentée par F. Magendie. 8° Paris [1827.]

BIDLOO (GODOFRIDUS). Gulielmus Cowper criminis literarii citatus coram tribunali nob. ampl. Societatis Britanno-Regiæ. 4° Lugduni Batavorum, 1700.

Exercitationum anatomico-chirurgicarum decas. 8° Lugduni Batavorum, 1704.

; decades duæ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4° Lugduni Batavorum, 1708. BIGELOW (JACOB). American medical botany, &c. See Bigelow (J.). American, &c. 8° 1817. (Botany.)

BIRCH (THOMAS). The wisdom and goodness of God proved from the frame and constitution of man; a sermon preached before the College of Physicians, Lond. Sept. 18, 1749. 4° London, 1749.

BISCHOFF (J. R.). Grundsätze der Praktischen Heilkunde durch Krankheitsfälle erläutert. Die Fieber und Entzündung; 2 vols in 1. 8° Prag. 1823.

BISHOP (JOHN). Experimental researches into the physiology of the human voice. 8° London, 1836.

BLACK (W.). Observations medical and political on the small pox, and the advantages and disadvantages of inoculation; and on the mortality of mankind at every age; to which is added a postscript containing the sketch of a plan for improving the London bills of births and mortality. 8° London, 1781. BLACKETT (POWELL CHARLES). An essay on the use of the atropo. belladonna or solanum letale and the solanum hortense, with observations on their effects in the cure of scirrhus, cancer, stricture, &c. 8° London, 1826.

BLAINVILLE (HENRI MARIE DUCROTAY de). See Ducrotay de Blainville (H. M.).

BLAIR (PATRICK). Miscellaneous observations in the practice of physick, anatomy and surgery, with new and curious remarks in botany; to which is added a letter with experiments and improvements in the use of the cold bath. 8° London, 1718.

BLAIR (WILLIAM). The vaccine contest; being an exact outline of the arguments and facts adduced on both sides respecting cow-pox inoculation. 8° London, 1806.

Essays on the venereal disease; essay 1. pt. 1. 8° London, 1798. BLAKE (ROBERTUS). Disputatio medica inauguralis de dentium formatione et structura in homine et in variis animalibus. 8° Edinburgi, 1798.

BLANCHOT (EVERHARDUS FRIDERICUS). See Moegling (C. L.). De saluberrimo aeris......influxu. 4o [1746].

BLAND (R.) Observations on human and comparative parturition. 8° London, 1794.

BLANDIN (PH. FRED.). See Bichat (X.). Anatomie générale appliquée. à la physiologie. 8° 1830.

See Journals, &c. Journal hebdomadaire de médecine, &c. 8° 1828, &c.


Address to the medical society of students at Edinburgh upon laying the foundation of their hall, April 21st, 1775. See Duncan (Å.). A short account of the......buildings, &c.

[blocks in formation]

A brief statement of the progressive improvement of the health of the royal navy at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century. 8° London, 1830.

Elements of medical logick, including a statement respecting the contagious nature of the yellow-fever. 80 London, 1819.

Letters, &c. [and answers to queries by him and Dr. Johnston] on the subject of quarantine. 4° London, 1799.

Observations on the diseases incident to seamen. 8° London, 1785. Select dissertations on several subjects of medical science. 8° London, 1822.

Warning and admonition to the British public on the introduction of the cholera of India. 8° London [1832].

BLASIUS (GERARDUS). See Morellus (P.). Methodus perscribendi

formulas remediorum. 12° 1680.

BLAUD (P.). Traité élémentaire de physiologie philosophique, ou élémens de la science de l'homme; 3 vols. 8° Paris, 1830.

BLEGNY (NICOLAS de). See Anonymous. Nouvelles (les) découvertes sur toutes les partics de la médecine, &c. 12° 1679.

BLEGNY (NICOLAS de). Histoire anatomique d'un enfant, qui a demeuré vingt-cinq ans dans le ventre de sa mère. 12° Paris, 1679.

—. Journal des nouvelles découvertes concernant les sciences et les arts qui font parties de la médecine; vol. 111. 12° Paris, 1681.

La doctrine des raports de chirurgie. 12° Lyon, 1684.

L'art de guérir les hernies; avec l'usage des brayers et des pessaires inventez par l'autheur. 12° Paris, 1676.

L'art de guérir les maladies vénériennes. 12° La Haye, 1683.

; 3 vols. 12° Paris, 1683.

La connoissance certaine, et la prompte et facile guérison des fièvres. 12o Paris, 1682.

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Le remède Anglois pour la guérison des fièvres. 12o Paris, 1683.
Nouvel abrégé d'ostéologie. 12° Paris, 1681.

Nouveautez journalières concernant les sciences et les arts qui font partie de la médecine. 4° Paris, 1680.

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Zodiacus medico-Gallicus sive miscellaneorum medico-physicorum Gallicorum unoquoque mense Parisiis Latinè prodeuntium, annus primus (II-V) scilicet 1679 (1680-1683); 5 vols. 4° Geneva, 1680-1683. BLEULAND (J.). Descriptio musei anatomici, quod universi Belgii regis augustiss. Gulielmi I. munificentia academiæ Rheno Trajectinæ concessit. 4o Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1826.

- Icones anatomico-pathologicæ partium corporis humani, quæ in descriptione musei academiæ Rheno Trajectina inveniuntur. 40 Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1826. (Two copies.)

BLIZARD (Sir WILLIAM). An oration delivered Feb. 9, 1826, before the Hunterian Society. 4° [London, 1826].

-. Suggestions for the improvements of hospitals and other charitable institutions. 8° London, 1796.

The Hunterian oration delivered in the theatre of the Royal College of Surgeons on the 14th of February 1815. 4o London, 1815.

The Hunterian oration delivered in the theatre of the R. College of Surgeons in London on the 14th of Feb. 1823. 4o London, 1823. BLOCHMAN (JOHANNES GOTTLIEB). Disputatio inauguralis medica de morbis ex atonia cerebri nervorumque nascentibus; sub præsidio F. Hoffmanni. Hale Magdeburgi, [1708].

BLOCH (MARCUS ELIESER). Abhandlung von der Erzeugung der Eingeweidewürmer, und den Mitteln wider dieselben. 49 Berlin,


BLONDEL (CAR. FRANC. Jos.). Dissertatio medica de respiratione ; præside J. B. Bernard. 4° Duaci, 1776.

BLUDORN (CHRISTIANUS). De generatione mortis in morbis ; præside F. Hoffmanno. 40 Hale Magdeburgi, [1715].

BLUMENBACH (HERM. JOHANN) und BORN (J.). Zwo Abhandlungen über die Nutritionskraft; nebst einer fernern Erlaüterung eben derselben materie von C. F. Wolff; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4° St. Petersburgh, 1789. BLUMENBACH (JEAN FREDERIC). An essay on generation. 8° London, 1798.

Decas [I-VI.] collectionis suæ craniorum diversarum gentium illustrata; [together with] Nova pentas collectionis suæ craniorum tanquam complementum priorum decadum; 7 pts. in 1 vol. 4o Gottinga, 1789–


De generis humani varietate nativa. 8° Gottingæ, 1795.

De l'unité du genre humain et de ses variétés, traduit du Latin par Chardel. 8° Paris, 1808.

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