Imatges de pàgina

States, and will to the best of my ability preferve, protect, and defend, the conflitution of the United States."

Sect. 2. The prefident fhall be commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the feveral states, when called into the actual fervice of the United States: he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any fubject relating to the duties of their refpective offices; and he fhall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cafes of impeach


He fhall have power, by and with the advice and confent of the fenate, to make treaties, provided twothirds of the fenators prefent concur; and he thall nominate, and, by and with the advice and confent of the fenate, fhall appoint ambaffadors, other public minifters and confuls, judges of the fupreme court, and all other officers of the United States, whofe appointments are not herein otherwife provided for, and which fhall be established by law. But the congrefs may by law veft the appointment of fuch inferior officers as they may think proper, in the prefident alone, in the courts of law, or in the beads of departments.

The prefident fhall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recefs of the fe nate, by granting commiffions which ball expire at the end of their next feffion.

Sect. 3. He fhall from time to time give to the congrefs information of the ftate of the Union, and recommend to their confideration fuch measures as he thall judge neeffry and expedient: he may, on

extraordinary occafions, convene both houfes, or either of them; and in cafe of difagreement between them with refpect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to fuch time as he fhall think proper; he fhall receive ambaffadors and other public minifters: he fhall take care that the laws be faithfully executed; and fhall commiffion all the officers of the United States.

Sect. 4. The prefident, vice-prefident, and all civil officers of the United States, fhall be removed from office, on impeachment for, and conviction of, treafon, bribery, or other high crimes and mifde. meanours.


Sect. 1. The judicial power of the United States fhall be vested in one fupreme court, and in fuch inferior courts as the congrefs may from time to time ordain and establifh. The judges, both of the fu preme and inferior courts, fhall hold their offices during good behaviour, and fhall, at ftated times, receive for their fervices a compenfation, which fhall not be diminished dur ing their continuance in office.

Sect. 2. The judicial power fhall extend to all cafes in law and equity, arifing under this conftitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which fhall be made, under their authority; to all cafes affecting ambaffadors, and other public minifters and confuls; to all cafes of admiralty and maritime jurifdiction; to controverfies to which the United States fhall be a party; to controverfies between two or more ftates, between a state and citizens of another ftate, between citizens of different ftates, between citizens of the fame ftate claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a flate, or the citizens there.


of, and foreign ftates, citizens, or fubjects.

In all cafes affecting ambaffadors, other public minifters and confuls, and thole in which a flate fhall be party, the fupreme court fhall have original jurifdiction. In all the other cafes before mentioned, the fupreme court fhall have appellate jurifdiction, both as to law and fact, with fuch exceptions, and under fuch regulations, as the congrefs fhall make.

The trial of all crimes, except in cafes of impeachment, fhall be by jury; and fuch trial fhall be held in the ftate where the faid crimes fhall have been committed; but, when not committed within any ftate, the trial fhall be at fuch place or places as the congrefs may by law have directed.

Sect. 3. Treafon against the United States fhall confift only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No perfon fhall be convicted of treafon, unless on the teftimony of two witneffes to the fame overt-act, or on confeffion in open court.

The congrefs fhall have power to declare the punishment of treafon; but no attainder of treafon fhall work corruption of blood or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted.

A perfon charged in any ftate with treafon, felony, or other crime, who fhall fly from juftice, and be found in another state, fhall, on demand of the executive authority of the ftate from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the ftate having jurisdiction of the crime.

No perfon held to fervice or labour in one state, under the laws thereof, efcaping into any other, fhall, in confequence of any law or regulation therein, be difcharged from fuch fervice or labour; but fhall be delivered up, on claim of the party to whom fuch service or labour may be due.

Sect. 3. New ftates may be admitted by the congrefs into this Union; but no new ftate fhall be formed or erected within the juris diction of any other ftate; nor any ftate be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legifla tures of the ftates concerned, as well as of the congrefs.

The congrefs fhall have power to difpofe of and make all needful rules and regulations refpecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Conftitution fhall be fo conftrued as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state.

ARTICLE IV. Sect. 4. The United States fhall Sect. 1. Full faith and credit fhall guarantee to every state in this Unibe given in each state to the public on a republican form of governacts, records, and judicial proceed-ment, and fhall protect each of them ings of every other ftate. And the against invafion; and, on applicacongrefs may by general laws pre- tion of the legiflature, or of the fcribe the manner in which fuch executive (when the legiflature canacts, records, and proceedings, fhall not be convened), against domeftic be proved, and the effect thereof.

Sect. 2. The citizens of each ftate fhall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the feveral ftates.



The congrefs, whenever twothirds of both houfes fhall deem it neceflary, fall propofe amendments


to this conftitution, or, on the application of the legiflatures of two-thirds of the feveral ftates, fhall call a Convention for propofing a mendments, which, in either cafe, fhall be valid to all intents and purpofes, as part of this conftitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the feveral lates, or by Conventions in three-feurths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be propofed by the congrefs; provided that no amendment, which may be made prior to the year one thoufand eight hundred and eight, fhall in any manner affect the first and fourth claufes in the ninth fection of the first article; and that no ftate without its confent fhall be deprived of its equal fuffrage in the fenate.


All debts contracted, and engagements entered into, before the adop tion of this conftitution, fhall be as valid against the United States under this conftitution, as under the confederation.

[blocks in formation]

This conftitution, and the laws New Jersey.

of the United States which fhall be made in purfuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which fhall be made, under the authority of the United States, fhall be the fupreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, any thing in the conftitutio or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.

The fenators and reprefentatives before mentioned, and the members


of the feveral ftate legislatures, and Delaware.
all executive and judicial officers,
both of the United States and of the
feveral states, fhall be bound by oath
or affirmation to fupport this con-
flitution; but no religious teft fhall
ever be required as a qualification to
any office or public truft under the
United States.



Nicholas Gilman.
John Langdon,

Rufus King
S Nath. Gorham,

IV. Sam. Johnfon,
Roger Sherman.

Alexr. Hamilton.
Wm. Livingston,
David Brearley,
Wm. Paterfon,
Jonathan Dayton.
Benju. Franklin,
Thomas Mifflin,
Robert Morris,

George Clymer,

Thos. Fitzfimons, Jared Ingerfol, James Wilfon, Governeur Morris. George Read, Gun. Bedford, jun. John Dickinfon, Richard Baffett, Jacob Broom. James M Henry, Daniel of St. Thos.


Daniel Carroll.
J John Blair,

Js. Madifon, jun.

Sth. Carolina.


William Blount,

appointed, and the fenators and reNth. Carolina. R Dobbs Spaight, prefentatives elected: that the eHugh Williamfon. lectors fhould meet on the day fixed John Rutledge, for the election of the prefident, and Charles Cotelworth fhould tranfmit their votes, certiPinckney, fie 1, figned, fealed, and directed, as Charles Pinckney, the conftitution requires, to the fePierce Butler. cretary of the United States in William Few. congrefs affembled; that the fenators and reprefentatives fhould convene at the time and place affigned; that the fenators fhould appoint a prefident of the fenate, for the fole purpofe of receiving, opening, and counting the votes for prefident; and that, after he fhall be chofen, the congrefs together with the prefident, fhould, without delay, proceed to execute this conftitution.

Abim. Baldwin. Atteft. WILLIAM JACKSON, fec.

In Convention, Monday, Sept. 17,


PRESENT, The ftates of New Hampshire, Maffichufett's, Connecticut, Mr. Hamilton from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, aud Geor. gia:


That the preceding conftitution be laid before the United States in congrefs affemb:ed; and that it is the opinion of this convention, that it should afterwards be fubmitted to a convention of delegates, chofen in each state by the people thereof, under the recommendation of its legislature, for their affent and ratification; and that each convention affenting to, and ratifying, the fame, fhould give notice thereof to the United States in congrefs affembled.

Refolved, that it is the opinion of this Convention, that, as foon as the Conventions of nine flates fhall have ratified this conflitution, the United States in congrefs affembled should fix on a day on which electors fhould be appointed by the ftates which hall have ratified the fame, and a day on which the electors fhould allemble to vote for the prefident, and the time and place for commencing proceedings under this confiitution: that, after fuch : publication, the electors should be

By the unanimous order of the

William Jackfon, fecretary.

lemerial of a Society, inftituted in Pennfylvania, for promoting the Abolition of Slavery, addreed to the Convention of the United States of, afembled at Philadel phia.

To the honourable the Convention of the United States of America, now affembled in the city of Philadelphia, the memorial of the Pennfylvania fociety for promoting the abolition of flavery, and the relief of free negroes unlawfully held in bondage.

The Pennfylvania fociety for promoting the abolition of flavery, and the relief of free negroes unlawfully held in bondage, rejoice with their fellow-citizens, in beholding a convention of the ftates affembled for the purpofe of amending the foederal conftitution

They recollect, with pleasure, that, among the first acts of the illuftrious

Juftrious congrefs of the year 1774, was a refolution for prohibiting the importation of African flaves.

It is with deep diftrefs they are forced to observe, that the peace was fcarcely concluded before the African trade was revived, and American veffels employed in tranfporting the inhabitants of Africa to cultivate, as flaves, the foil of America, before it had drank-in all the blood which had been fhed in her truggle for liberty.

To the revival of this trade, the fociety afcribe part of the obliquy with which foreign nations have branded our infant ftates. In vain will be their pretenfions to a love of liberty, or a regard for national character, while they fhare in the profits of a commerce, that can only be conducted upon rivers of human tears and blood.

men, which would only infult the majesty of Heaven, if offered up in behalf of our country, while the iniquity we deplore continues among us-by the fanctity of the chriftian name-by the pleafures of domestic connexions, and the pangs which attend their diffolution-by the captivity and fufferings of our American brethren in Algiers, which feem to be intended by divine providence to awaken us to a fenfe of the injustice and cruelty of dooming our African brethren to perpetual flavery and mifery-by a regard to the confiftency of principle and conduct which fhould mark the citizens of republics-by the magnitude and intenfity of our delires to promote the happinefs of those millions of intelligent beings, who will probably cover this immenfe continent with rational life-and by every other confideration that religion, reafon, policy, and huma nity, can fuggeft-the fociety im plore the prefent Convention to make the fuppreffion of the African trade in the United States, a part of their important deliberations.

By all the attributes therefore of the Deity, which are offended by this inhuman traffic-by the union of our whole fpecies in a common ancestor, and by all the obligations which refult from it-by the apprehenfions and terror of the righteous of God in national judgvengeance ments-by the certainty of the great and awful day of retribution-by the efficacy of the prayers of good 6 Month 2d, 1787.

Signed, by order of the fociety,

Abftract of the Overfeers Returns to Parliament of the feveral Parishes in England and Wales.

Money raifed by Neat expences for

EN GL A N D. affeffment, for the the poor in 1776,

Names of Counties.



year 1785 (being taken from the rethe laft return made turns then made to

[blocks in formation]

parliament (being

the laft return made to parliament.)

£. s. d. 16,662 17 1 36,718 2 8


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