Imatges de pàgina



PUBLIC LEDGER. A protitute: becaufe, like that paper, fhe is open to all parties.

PUCKER. All in a pucker; in a difhabille. Alfo in a fright: as, She was in a terrible pucker.

PUCKER WATER. Water impregnated with allum, or other aftringents, ufed by old experienced traders to counterfeit virginity.

PUDDINGS. The guts: I'll let out your puddings.

PUDDING-HEADED FELLOW. A ftupid fellow, one whofe brains are all in confufion.


PUDDING TIME. In good time, or at the beginning of a meal: pudding formerly making the first dish. To give the crows a pudding; to die. You must eat fome cold pudding, to fettle your love.

PUFF, or PUFFER. One who bids at auctions, not with an intent to buy, but only to raise the price of the lot; for which purpose many are hired by the proprietor of the goods on fale.

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PUFFING. Bidding at an auction, as above; also praifing any thing above its merits, from interefted motives. The art of puffing is, at prefent, greatly practifed, and effentially neceffary, in all trades, profeffions, and callings. To puff and blow; to be out of breath.

PUG. A Dutch pug; a kind of lap dog, formerly much in vogue; alfo a general name for a monkey.

PUG CARPENTER. An inferior carpenter, one employed only in fmall jobs.

PUG DRINK. Watered cyder..

PUGNOSED, OF PUGIFIED. A perfon with a faub or turned up nofe.

PULLY HAWLY. To have a game at pully hawly; to romp with women.

PUMP. A thin fhoe. To pump; to endeavour to draw a fecret from any one without his perceiving it. Your pump is good, but your fucker is dry; faid by one to a perfon who is attempting to pump him. Pumping was alfo a punishment for bailiffs, who attempted to act in priviliged



places, fuch as the Mint, Temple, &c. : it is alfo a piece of difcipline adminiftered to a pick-pocket caught in the fact, when there is no pond at hand.

To pump fhip; to make water, and fometimes to vomit. Sea phrafe. PUMP-WATER. He was chriftened in pump-water; commonly faid of a perfon that has a red face.

PUNCH. A liquor called by foreigners Contradiction, from its being compofed of fpirits to make it ftrong, water to make it weak, lemon juice to make it four, and sugar to make it fweet. Punch is alfo the name of the prince of puppets, the chief wit and fupport of a puppet-fhow. To punch it, is a cant term for running away. Punchable; old paffable money, anno 1695. A girl that is ripe for man, is called a punchable wench.

PUNK, A little whore; alfo a foldier's trull. See TRULL. PUNY. Weak. A puny child; a weak little child. A puny stomach; a weak ftomach. Puny, or puifne judge; the last made judge.

PUPIL MONGERS. Perfons at the univerfities who make it their bufinefs to inftruct and fuperintend a number of pupils. PUPPY. An affected or conceited coxcomb.

PURBLIND. Dim-fighted.

PURE. A harlot, or lady of eafy virtue.

PUREST PURE. A courtezan of high fashion.

PURL. Ale in which wormwood has been infused.




Canary wine, with a dash of tincture of

One that is vain of his riches.

PURSENETS. Goods taken up at thrice their value, by young fpendthrifts, upon truft.

PURSER'S PUMP. A baffoon: from its likeness to a syphon, called a purfer's pump.

PURSY, OF PURSIVE. Short-breathed, or foggy, from being over fat.

PUSHING SCHOOL. A fencing fchool; alfo a brothel.
PUT. A country put; an ignorant aukward clown. To put
upon any one; to attempt to impofe on him, or to make
him the but of the company.

PUZZLE-CAUSE. A lawyer who has a confufed understanding.
PUZZLE-TEXT. An ignorant blundering parfon.

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UACK. An ungraduated ignorant pretender to skill in phyfic, a vender of noftrums.


A mountebank; a feller of falves.


QUAG. Abbreviation of quagmire: marshy, moorish ground. QUAIL-PIPE. A woman's tongue; alfo a device to take birds of that name, by imitating their call. Quail-pipe boots; boots resembling a quail-pipe, from the number of plaits: they were much worn in the reign of Charles II. QUAKERS. A religious fect: fo called from their agitations in preaching.

QUAKING CHEAT. A calf or fheep:

QUANDARY. To be in a quandary; to be puzzled. Alfo one so over-gorged, as to be doubtful which he should do first, sh-e or spew. Some derive the term quandary from the French phrase qu'en diraije? what fhall I fay of it? others from an Italian word fignifying a conjuror's circle. QUARREL-PICKER. A glazier: from the fmall fquares in cafements, called carreaux, vulgarly quarrels.

QUARROMES, or QUARRON. A body. Cant.

QUARTERED. Divided into four parts. To be hanged, drawn, and quartered, is the fentence on traitors and rebels. Perfons receiving part of the falary of an office from the holder of it, by virtue of an agreement with the donor, are faid to be quartered on him. Soldiers billeted on a publican are likewife faid to be quartered on him.

TO QUASH. To fupprefs, annul, or overthrow; vulgarly pronounced Squafo: they fquafhed the indictment.

QUEAN. Aflut, a worthless woman, a ftrumpet.

QUEEN DICK. To the tune of the life and death of Queen
Dick. That happened in the reign of Queen Dick; i. e.




QUEEN STREET. A man governed by his wife, is faid to live in Queen Street, or at the fign of the Queen's Head. QUEER, or QUIRE. Bafe, roguish, bad, naught, or worthlefs. How queerly the cull touts; how roguishly the fellow looks. It alfo means odd, uncommon.



Out of order, without know

ing one's disease. QUEER BAIL. Infolvent fharpers, who make a profeffion of bailing perfons arrested: they are generally styled Jew bail, from that branch of bufinefs being chiefly carried on by the fons of Juda. The lowest fort of these, who borrow or hire clothes to appear in, are called Mounters, from their mounting particular dreffes fuitable to the occafion. Cant. QUEER BIRDS. Rogues relieved from prison, and returned to their old trade.

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QUEER BITCH. An odd out-of-the-way fellow.

QUEER BLUFFER. The mafter of a public-house the refort of rogues and fharpers, a cut-throat inn or alehouse. keeper:

QUEER BUNG. An empty purse.

QUEER CHECKERS. Among ftrolling players, door keepers who defraud the company, by falfely checking the number of people in the house.




QUEER COVE. A rogue.

A putter off, or utterer, of bad mo

A maker of bad money.

QUEER CUFFIN. A juftice of the peace; also a churl. QUEER DEGEN. An ordinary fword, brafs or iron hilted. QUEER KEN. A prifon. Cant.

QUEER KICKS. A bad pair of breeches.

QUEER MORT. A difeafed ftrumpet. Cant.

QUEER NAB. A felt hat, or other bad hat.

QUEER PLUNGERS. Cheats who throw themfelves into the water, in order that they may be taken up by their accomplices, who carry them to one of the houfes appointed by the Humane Society for the recovery of drowned perfons, where they are rewarded by the society with a guinea each ;

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and the fuppofed drowned perfon, pretending he was driven to that extremity by great neceffity, is alfo frequently fent away with a contribution in his pocket.

QUEER PRANCER. A bad, worn-out, foundered horfe; alfo a cowardly or faint-hearted horfe ftealer.

QUEER ROOSTER. An informer that pretends to be fleeping, and thereby overhears the converfation of thieves in night cellars.

QUI TAM. A qui tam horfe; one that will both carry and draw. Law wit.

To QUIBBLE. To make fubtle diftinctions; alfo to play upon


QUICK AND NIMBLE, more like a bear than a squirrel. Jeeringly faid to any one moving fluggishly on a business or errand that requires difpatch.

QUID. The quantity of tobacco put into the mouth at one time. To quid tobacco; to chew tobacco. Quid eft hoc? hoc eft quid.

QUIDS. Cafh, money. Can you tip me any quids? can you lend me fome money?

QUIFFING. Rogering. See To ROGER.

QUIDNUNC. A politician: from a character of that name in the farce of the Upholßerer.

QUILL DRIVER. A clerk, fcribe, or hackney writer.
QUIM. The private parts of a woman: perhaps from the
Spanish quemar, to burn.

QUINSEY. Choaked by a hempen quinfey; hanged.
QUIPPS. Girds, taunts, jefis.,

QUIRE, OF CHOIR BIRD. A complete rogue, one that has fung in different choirs or cages, i. e. gaols. Cant. QUIRKS AND QUILLETS. Tricks and devices. Quirks in law; fubtle diftinctions and evafions.

Quiz. A frange-locking fellow, an odd dog. Oxford. QUOD. Newgate, or any other prifon. The dab's in quod; the poor rogue is in prifon.

QUOTA. Snack, fhare, part, proportion, or dividend. Tip ne my quota; give me part of the winnings, booty, or plunder. Cant.


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