Imatges de pàgina



Cheats who tell wonderful ftories of their fufferings at fea, or when taken by the Algerines. Cant. RUM GHELT. See RUM COLE. Cant.

RUM GLYMMER. King or chief of the link boys. Cant.
RUM GUTTLERS. Canary wine. Cant.


A drawer at a tavern.

Rum hopper, tip us presently a boozing cheat of rum guttlers; drawer, bring us prefently a bottle of the best canary. Cant.

RUM KICKS. Breeches of gold or filver brocade, or richly laced with gold or filver. Cant.



One that counterfeits a fool. Cant.

A queen, or great lady. Cant.

RUM NAB. A good hat.

RUM NANTZ. Good French brandy. Cant.

RUM NED. A very rich filly fellow.

RUM PAD. The highway. Cant.


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RUM RUFF PECK. Weftphalia ham. Cant.

RUM SNITCH. A fmart fillip on the nofe.

RUM SQUEEZE. Much wine, or good liquor, given among

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RUMBO. Rum, water, and fugar; alfo a prifon.

RUMBOYLE. A ward or watch.



RUMFORD. To ride to Rumford to have one's backfide new bottomed; i. e. to have a pair of new leather breeches : Rumford was formerly a famous place for leather breeches. A like faying is current in Norfolk and Suffolk, of Bungey, and for the fame reafon.-Rumford lion; a calf. See EsSEX LION,



RUMP. To rump any one; to turn the back to him: an evolution fometimes ufed at court. Rump and dozen; a rump of beef and a dozen of claret: an Irish wager, called alfo buttock and trimmings. Rump and kidney men; fidlers that play at feafts, fairs, weddings, &c. and live chiefly

on the remnants.

RUMPUS. A riot, quarrel, or confufion.

RUN GOODS. A maidenhead, being a commodity never entered.

RUNNING HORSE, or NAG. A clap, or gleet.

RUNNING SMOBBLE. Snatching goods off a counter, and throwing them to an accomplice, who brushes off with them. RUNNING STATIONERS. Hawkers of newspapers, trials, and dying speeches.

RUNT. A fhort, fquat man or woman: from the small cattle called Welsh runts. RUSHERS. Thieves who knock at the doors of great houses, in London, in fummer time, when the families are gone out of town, and on the door being opened by a woman, rush in and rob the house; alfo houfebreakers who enter lone houses by force.

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RUSSIAN COFFEE HOUSE. The Brown Bear in Bow-ftreet,

Covent Garden, a house of call for the thief-takers and

runners of the Bow-ftreet juftices.

RUSTY. Out of ufe. To nab the ruft; to be refractory:

properly applied to a reftive horse, and figuratively to the human fpecies. To ride rufty; to be fullen: called also to ride grub,

RUSTY GUTS. A blunt furly fellow: a jocular mifnomer of rufticus.

RUTTING. Copulating. Rutting time; the feafon when deer go to rut.





ACHEVEREL. The iron door, or blower, to the mouth

of a stove: from a divine of that name, who made himfelf famous for blowing the coals of diffention in the latter, end of the reign of Queen Ann.

SACK. A pocket. To buy the fack; to get drunk. To dive into the fack; to pick a pocket. To break a bottle. in an empty fack; a bubble bet, a fack with a bottle in it not being an empty fack.

SAD DOC. A wicked debauched fellow: one of the ancient family of the fad dogs. Swift tranflates it into Latin by the words triftis canis.

SADDLE. To faddle the fpit; to give a dinner or fupper. To faddle one's nofe; to wear spectacles. To faddle a place or penfion; to oblige the holder to pay a certain portion of his income to fome one nominated by the donor. Saddle fick; galled with riding, having loft leather. SAINT. A piece of fpoilt timber in a coachmaker's fhop, like a faint, devoted to the flames.

SAINT GEOFFREY'S DAY. Never, there being no faint of that name: tomorrow-come-never, when two Sundays come together.

SAINT LUKE'S BIRD. An ox: that evangelift being always reprefented with an ox.

SAINT MONDAY. A holiday most religiously obferved by journeymen fhoemakers, and other inferior mechanics: a profanation of that day, by working, is punishable by a fine, particularly among the gentle craft. An Irishman obferved, that this faint's anniversary happened every week. SAINTONGE. A fociety formerly held at the Excife Coffee Houfe, Old Broad-street.

SAL. An abbreviation of salivation. In a high fal; in the pickling tub, or under a falivation.

SALAMANDERS. The worthy Members of the Society of Salamanders

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Salamanders met at the Bull and Anchor, near Hammerfmith.


SALMON-GUNDY. Apples, onions, veal or chicken and pickled herrings, minced fine and eaten with oil and vinegar: fome derive the name of this mess from the French words Jelon mon gouft, because the proportions of the different ingredients are regulated by the palate of the maker; others fay it bears the name of the inventor, who was a rich Dutch merchant but the general and moft probable opinion is, that it was invented by the countefs of Salmagondi, one of the ladies of Mary de Medicis, wife of king Henry IV. of France, and by her brought into France.

SALMON, or SALAMON. The beggars facrament or oath. SALT. Lecherous. A falt bitch; a bitch at heat, or proud bitch. Salt eel; a rope's end, used to correct boys, &c. at fea: you shall have a falt eel for fupper.

SANDWICH. Ham, dried tongue, or fome other falted meat,


cut thin, and put between two flices of bread and butter: faid to be a favourite morfel with the Earl of Sandwich.' SANDY PATE. A red-haired man or woman. SANGAREE. Rack punch was formerly fo called in bagnios. SANK, SANKY, or CENTIPEE's. A taylor employed by clothiers in making foldiers clothing.

SAPSCULL. A fimple fellow. Sappy; foolish.

SATYR. A libidinous fellow: thofe imaginary beings are by poets reported to be extremely falacious.

SAUCE BOX. A term of familiar raillery, fignifying a bold or forward perfon.

SAVE-ALL. A kind of candlestick ufed by our frugal forefathers, to burn fnuffs and ends of candles. Figuratively, boys running about gentlemen's houfes in Ireland, who are fed on broken meats that would otherwise be wasted; also a mifer.

SAUNTERER. An idle, lounging, fellow: by fome derived from fans terre; applied to perfons who, having no lands or home, lingered and loitered about. Some derive it from perfons devoted to the Holy Land, faint terre, who loitered about, as waiting for company.



SAW. An old faw; an ancient proverbial faying. SAWNY, OF SANDY. A general nick-name for a Scotchman, as Paddy is for an Irishman, or Taffy for a Welchman; Sawny or Sandy being the familiar abbreviation or diminutive of Alexander, a very favourite name among the Scottish nation.

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SCALD MISERABLES. A fet of mock mafons, who, A. D. 1744, made a ludicrous proceffion in ridicule of the Free Mafons.

SCALY FISH. An honeft, rough, blunt failor.

SCAMP. A highwayman. Royal fcamp; a highwayman who robs civilly. Royal foot scamp; a footpad who behaves in like manner.

To SCAMPER. To run away haftily.



SCANDAL PROOF. One who has eat shame and drank after it, or would blush at being ashamed.

SCANDALOUS. A perriwig. Cant.

SCAPEGALLOWS. One who deferves and has narrowly escaped the gallows, a flip-gibbet, one for whom the gallows is faid to groan.

SCAPEGRACE. A wild diffolute fellow.

SCARCE. To make one's felf fcarce; to fteal away.

SCARLET HORSE. A high-red, hired or hack horse: a pun on the word hired.

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SCAVEY. Senfe, knowledge. Maffa, me no fcavey;" ma

fter, I dont know (negroe language): perhaps from the French Scavoir.

SCHEME. A party of pleasure.

SCHISM MONGER. A diffenting teacher.

SCHISM SHOP. A diffenting meeting house.

SCHOOL OF VENUS. A bawdy houfe.

SCHOOL BUTTER. Cobbing, whipping.

SCONCE. The head, probably as being the fort and citadel of a man: from scence, an old name for a fort, derived from a Dutch word of the fame fignification. To build a fconce; a military term for bilking one's quarters. To sconce or fkonce; to impofe a fine. Academical phrafe.


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