Sixteen. Seventeen. Nineteen. Dix-neuf. Twenty-one. Vingt-deux, &c. Thirty. Trente. Thirty-one. Thirty-two. Trente deux. Forty. Quarante & un. Forty-two. Quarante-deux. Fifty. Cinquante. Fifty-one. Cinquante & un. Fifty-two. The pound of bread is sixteen ounces. vaisseaux. This work is in thirty volumes. His illness lasted forty days. I have got fifty at least. J'en ai au moins cinquante. He lost fifty-one per cent. Il a perda cinquante & un pour cent. This room is fifty-two feet wide. Cinquante-deux Cette chambre a cinquante-deux pieds de largeur. The parlour is sixty feet long. La salle a soixante pieds de longeur. Cette maison a soixante & un pieds de hauteur. They say that the river is sixty-two fa thoms deep. On dit que la rivière a soixante-deux bras ses de profondeur. 151 lars. liers. Seventy. He was seventy years old when he died. Soixante-dix. Il avait soixante-dix ans quand ils mou Seventy-one. Soixante-onze. Seventy-two. rut. There were seventy-one people killed. This schoolmaster has seventy-two scho Soixante-douze. Ce maître d'école a soixante-douze éco Soixante-treize. Il a eu soixante-treize voix. Seventy-three. Seventy-four. He has had seventy-three votes. It is a ship of seventy-four guns. Soixante-qua torze. Seventy-five. Seventy-six. C'est un vaisseau de soixante-quatorze canons. He has seventy-five barrels of flour. Soixante-quinze. Il a soixante-quinze barils de farine. Seventy-seven. Soixante-dix He has got seventy-six hogsheads of wine. sept. Seventy-eight. I have counted seventy-eight vessels in the Soixante-dix- J'ai compté soixante-dix-huit bâtimens Seventy-nine. Who would think he is seventy-nine years old? Qui croirait qu'il a soixante-dix-neuf ans? They have fired eighty guns. Quatre-vingt. Eighty-one. Ils ont tiré quatre-vingt coups de canon. bushels. Quatre-vingt-un. Ce tas de blé contient quatre-vingt-un boisseaux. Eighty-two. This pamphlet has not above eighty-two pages. Quatre-vingt- Cette brochure n'a pas plus de quatre Ninety-one. Quatre-vingt onze. Ninety-two. Quatre-vingtdouze. Ninety-three. Quatre-vingttreize. Ninety-four. Quatre-vingt quatorze. Ninety-five. Quatre-vingtquinze. Ninety-six. Quatre-vingt seize. Ninety-seven. Quatre-vingt dix-sept. Ninety-eight. Quatre-vingtdix-huit. Ninety-nine. Quatre-vingtdix-neuf. This hotel has ninety-one windows. He has written ninety-two plays. âtre. His garden is ninety-three feet in circumference. Son Jardin a quatre-vingt-treize pieds de tour. I killed the mad dog at ninety-four paces. J'ai tué le chien enragé à quatre-vingt quatorze pas. His poem has only ninety-five lines. Son poéme n'a que quatre-vingt-quinze vers. He asks ninety-six pounds sterling for it. Il en demande quatre-vingt-seize livres sterlings. Send me ninety-seven of them. I found only ninety-eight nails. clous. Count better, you will find ninety-nine. Comptez mieux, vous en tronverez quatre-vingt-dix-neuf. Ten times ten make a hundred. A hundred. One hundred and one. Cent un. Five hundred. Cinq cents. Mille. One thousand. Mil. L'an de notre SEIGNEUR mil huit cent trois. : A million. Une fois. Deux fois. Trois fois, &c. First. Premier. First. Première. Second. Second. Seconde. Third. Troisième. Tenth, &c. Dixième, &c. Twenty-first. m. The State is in debt more than a million. Je ne lui ai parlé que deux fois. semaine. It is the first thing we must do. f. C'est la première chose qu'il faut faire. We meet the second Monday of each month. m. Nous nous assemblons le second Lundi de chaque mois. I warned him of it a second time. c. Vingt & unième. Last. Dernier. Last. Dernière. Half. Moitié. Il est entré le vingt & unième. I shall pay you the last day of the month. m. Je vous payerai le dernier jour du mois. Peace was made in Europe last year. The third part. Le tiers. The fourth. Le quart. The fift fifth. f. La paix s'est faite en Europe l'année der f. nière. I ate the half of a chicken at dinner. this cloth. m. Il me faut encore deux aunes & un tiers de ce drap. The fourth part of this money belongs to me. m. Le quart de cet argent m'appartient. Igive her the fifth part of my income.. Le cinquième. m. Je lui donne le cinquième de mon reve Double. Double. nu. I offered him double what it cost him. m. Je lui ai offert le double de ce que cela lui Treble. Triple. Nine is the treble of three. m. Neuf est le triple de trois. Quadruple, or He paid the quadruple of that sum. four fold. Quadruple. m. Il a payé le quadruple de cette somme. Dozen. He sells them by the dozen. Douzaine. f. Il les vend à la douzaine. Score. I bought at market a score of eggs. Vingtaine. f. J'ai acheté une vingtaine d'œufs au marché. Thirty. Trentaine. We have walked thirty miles to-day. f. Nous avons fait une trentaine de milles à pied aujourd'hui. A hundred. Centaine. He treated us with a hundred of oysters. f. Il nous régala d'une centaine d'huîtres. ADJECTIVES ENDING IN E MUTE ARE COMMON TO BOTH GENDERS. Able. Capable. Able. Capable. Admirable. Admirable. Admirable. Admirable. Agreeable. Agreeable. Agréable. Aveugle. Aveugle. HE is not able to read this book. duite. He is a very agreeable man in company. C'est un homme fort agréable en compagnie. sister. She has a more agreeable voice than her On craint qu'elle ne devienne aveugle. |