Imatges de pàgina

It is thought that they will make them raise the siege. They have attacked them, but have been repulsed. The place defends itself very well.

The garrison is very strong. If they take the place by storm, they will put the garrison to the sword. They will give no quarter.

One cannot think on it without horror.

Such is the law of war. The conqueror is not bound to those cruelties. They will at least let the town be plundered. The garrison has capitulat


The enemy have made themselves masters of the town. That place has cost them abundance of men.

The garrison have been made prisoners of war. They have had honourable terms granted them. They marched out of the town, drums beating, matches lighted, and colours flying.

There has been also a seafight.

The newspapers mention that our fleet has taken three men of war from the Spaniards and sunk two.

Dont you know that some of the newspaper writers are paid to tell us lies?

On croit qu'ils leur feront lever le siége.

Ils les ont attaqués, mais ils ont été repoussés. La place se défend bien.

La garnison est considérable. S'ils prennent la ville d'assaut, ils feront main basse sur la garnison.

Ils ne feront quartier à per


On n'y saurait penser sans horreur.

Telle est la loi de la guerre. Le vainqueur n'est pas obligé à ces cruautés-.

Du moins ils livreront la ville au pillage.

La garnison a capitulé.

Les ennemis se sont rendus maîtres de la ville.

Cette place-là leur a coûté bien du monde.

La garnison a été faite prisonnière de guerre.

On leur a accordé des conditions honorables.

Ils sont sortis de la ville, tambour battant, mèche allumée & enseignes déployées.

Il y a eu aussi un combat naval.

Les gazettes font mention que notre flotte a pris aux Espagnols trois vaisseaux de guerre & en a coulé deux a fond.

Ne savez-vous pas qu'il y a des gazetiers qui sont payés pour débiter des mensonges?

[blocks in formation]

What did he die of?
Of a spotted fever.

He has not been long sick.

He has kept his bed but four days.

His wife is then a widow. She will not remain so long. She will soon marry again. She is young and pretty yet. How old may she be.

She is hardly turned of twenty.

Mrs. C. is with child pregnant.


I heard she had miscarried.

She is very near her time.
She is lying-in.
She was brought to bed last
night of a fine boy.
Now I think on't, how does
your uncle do?

He is very ill.
He is light-headed.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Madame C. est grosse ou en


J'avais ou dire qu'elle avait fait une fausse couche. Elle est bien près d'accoucher. Elle est en couche.

Elle accoucha hier au soir d'un

gros garçon. A propos, comment se porte Monsieur votre oncle? Il est bien mal.

N a le transport au cerveau.

He has been bled in his arm

Il a été saigné du bras & du

and foot.

He has been blistered all On lui a appliqué des vésica


over his body.

toires par-tout le corps.

He is dying.

Il est à l'extrémité.

'Tis thought that he cannot

On ne croit pas qu'il en revi

[blocks in formation]

Mr. C. has been like to die of his wound. How! of what wound? Dont you know he was run through the side ?

No, tell me that story then.

He and an officer in the guards fought a duel, They had words in a coffeehouse.

They drew their swords. And the officer was killed on the spot. He run him through the body.


du bien.

Il sera bientôt remis.

Il est entièrement relevé de sa


Je suis bien aise d'apprendre
qu'il soit en convalescence.
Il faut qu'il se ménage.
Les rechutes sont très-dange-


Monsieur C. a pensé mourir de sa blessure. Comment! de quelle blessure? Ne savez-vous pas qu'il a reçu un coup d'épée dans le côté? Non, contez-moi cette histoire


Il s'est battu en duel avec un officier aux gardes.

Ils ont eu dispute dans un café.

Ils ont mis l'épée à la main. Et l'officier a été étendu sur le carreau.


Il lui a passé son épée au travers du corps.

[blocks in formation]

Your friend pays his addresses to his cousin. He has courted her some time since.

She is a pretty girl. She is a brown beauty who has very regular features. She has fine large sparkling eyes, a little mouth, a fine set of teeth, and a charming shape.

Her complexion is like lilies and roses.

She is very witty. She's lively, sprightly and good-humoured.

She understands French and Italian, she sings charmingly, and plays extraordinary well upon the harpsichord.

She is good natured.
She is a good natured girl.
She is a good tempered girl.
She is a perfect beauty.

[blocks in formation]

C'est une aimable fille.

She is a lovely girl.
She is very agreeable and Elle est très-aimable & a bien


Has she got a fortune ?

She is to have six thousand

[blocks in formation]

Will you give me leave to take a pinch?

Sir, you are very welcome.

Now, I think on't, I wish you joy. Of what?

Of your good luck in the lottery.

I have heard that you had drawn the great prize. Had you put in the lottery ? I had ten tickets.

I had not one prize.

du mérite.

[blocks in formation]

C'est une nouvelle mode.
De quel tabac prenez-vous.
Du rapé.

En usez-vous Monsieur ou
Madame? ou

Monsieur en use-t-il? Madame en use-t-elle ? Voulez-vous me permettre d'en prendre une prise? Monsieur, il est à votre service.

A propos, je vous félicite.

De quoi donc ?

De votre bonheur à la loterie.

fai appris que vous aviez J'avais dix billets.

gagné le gros lot. Aviez-vous mis à la loterie ? Je n'ai point eu un seul lot.

All my tickets came out Tous mes billets ont été des


For my part, I always have

good luck at the lottery.

You are a lucky man, I wish you joy.

billets blancs.

Pour moi, j'ai toujours du bonheur à la loterie.

Vous êtes un heureux mortel, je vous en fais mon compli



What shall we do this after Que ferons-nous cette aprèsnoon?

« AnteriorContinua »