Nature Displayed in Her Mode of Teaching Language to Man, Or, A New and Infallible Method of Acquiring a Language in the Shortest Time Possible: Deduced from the Analysis of the Human Mind, and Consequently Suited to Every Capacity : Adapted to the French, Volum 1Thomas L. Plowman, 1804 |
Des de l'interior del llibre
Pàgina 20
... femme était couverte de bijous . Go and see if my cloak is done . m . Allez - voir si mon mantelet est fait . She has brought with her some very pretty bonnets . m . Elle a apporté avec elle de fort jolis bon- nets . Some fashionable ...
... femme était couverte de bijous . Go and see if my cloak is done . m . Allez - voir si mon mantelet est fait . She has brought with her some very pretty bonnets . m . Elle a apporté avec elle de fort jolis bon- nets . Some fashionable ...
Pàgina 33
... femme sait bien faire la cuisine . This meat is too much seasoned . Cette viande est trop assaisonnée . Boil this fowl for dinner . Faites bouillir cette volaille pour notre dîné . Why don't you go and draw water ? Pourquoi n'allez ...
... femme sait bien faire la cuisine . This meat is too much seasoned . Cette viande est trop assaisonnée . Boil this fowl for dinner . Faites bouillir cette volaille pour notre dîné . Why don't you go and draw water ? Pourquoi n'allez ...
Pàgina 39
... femme . This child is very well educated . m . Cet enfant est très - bien élevé . This boy is learning French and ... femme . f . Cette jeune femme doit se marier la se- Old man . Vieillard . maine prochaine . I never saw an old ...
... femme . This child is very well educated . m . Cet enfant est très - bien élevé . This boy is learning French and ... femme . f . Cette jeune femme doit se marier la se- Old man . Vieillard . maine prochaine . I never saw an old ...
Pàgina 40
... femme . f . Cette vieille femme aime les cartes à la fo- Childhood . Enfance . Youth . Jeunesse . Manhood . Virilité . Old age . Vieillesse . Father . Père . lie . Childhood is the happiest time of life . f . L'enfance est le tems le ...
... femme . f . Cette vieille femme aime les cartes à la fo- Childhood . Enfance . Youth . Jeunesse . Manhood . Virilité . Old age . Vieillesse . Father . Père . lie . Childhood is the happiest time of life . f . L'enfance est le tems le ...
Pàgina 41
... Femme . f . Sa femme est accouchée d'un garçon . Father - in - law . This is my father - in - law , he married my mother . Beau - père . m . C'est mon beau - père , il a épousé ma mère . Mother - in - law . Mothers - in - law very ...
... Femme . f . Sa femme est accouchée d'un garçon . Father - in - law . This is my father - in - law , he married my mother . Beau - père . m . C'est mon beau - père , il a épousé ma mère . Mother - in - law . Mothers - in - law very ...
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Nature Displayed In Her Mode Of Teaching Language To Man, Or A New And ... Nicolas Gouïn Dufief Previsualització no disponible - 2018 |
Nature Displayed In Her Mode Of Teaching Language To Man, Or A New And ... Nicolas Gouïn Dufief Previsualització no disponible - 2018 |
Frases i termes més freqüents
acheté assez autre avait avez Avez-vous avons beau bien bonne C'est chemin Chemise cher cheval chose cœur compte Condillac coup crois d'une deux donner drap droite Elle envoyé Est-ce été êtes être faire fait faut femme French French language froid grammar grand haut heure homme Il est Il y a J'ai j'en jamais Je ne Je vous jeune jour l'ai language levez-vous livre long-tems m'en maison maître matin médecin meilleur ment mettre mieux monde Monsieur mort n'ai n'en n'est négociant nuit parler passé peine perdu petite peut pièce pied plein poisson porte prendre prenez présent pris qu'elle qu'il qu'un que vous reçu rhume rien s'en s'est s'il saurais sont sous speak tems terre tête thing tion tout trois veux vient Voici Voilà voir votre voulez-vous wine words
Passatges populars
Pàgina ii - An act supplementary to an act, entitled, " An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts,' and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned," and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints.
Pàgina xxxii - And I would fain have any one name to me that tongue, that any one can learn or speak as he should do, by the rules of grammar. Languages were made not by rules or art, but by accident, and the common use of the people. And he that will speak them well, has no other rule but that; nor...
Pàgina ii - BBOWN, of the said district, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author, in the words following, to wit : " Sertorius : or, the Roman Patriot.
Pàgina xxxii - There is nothing more evident than that languages learned by rote serve well enough for the common affairs of life and ordinary commerce. Nay, persons of quality of the softer sex and such of them as have spent their time in well-bred company...
Pàgina 347 - The trees arc decked with leaves and blossoms. In short, the country is delightful at that season. In winter, on the contrary, every thing languishes, and the days are very tedious. It is true, if you are not fond of reading. But in the evening you may go to the play or the opera. We can scarcely go out in winter without getting dirty. I like winter best for riding in a (¿ué estación agrada mat a vmd. ? El invierno me ев та» agradable que lai otras tree, Л mi no.
Pàgina ii - NATURE DISPLAYED IN HER MODE OF TEACHING LANGUAGE TO MAN ; Being a new and infallible method of acquiring languages with unparalleled rapidity; deduced from the Analysis of the human Mind, and consequently suited to every capacity ; adapted to the French, BY NG DUFIEF.
Pàgina xxxii - ... and politeness in their language: and there are ladies who, without knowing what tenses and participles, adverbs and prepositions are, speak as properly, and as correctly, (they might take it for an ill compliment, if I said as any country schoolmaster,) as most gentlemen who have been bred up in the ordinary methods of grammar schools.
Pàgina 304 - Ils se ressemblent parfaitement, excepté que l'un est un peu plus grand que l'autre (Acad.).
Pàgina xxxi - This, when well considered, is not of any moment against, but plainly for, this way of learning a language; for languages are only to be learned by rote; and a man, who does not speak English or Latin perfectly by rote, so that having thought of the thing he would speak of, his tongue of course, without thought of rule or grammar, falls into the proper expression and idiom of that language, does not speak it well, nor is master of it.
Pàgina 326 - They say it is a sign of fair weather. Now we may go out without being wet. The rain has laid the dust. It is very dirty. The streets are very dirty. I am up to the ears in dirt. There is a great deal of mud every where, It is bad walking. The stones are very slippery. That coach has splashed me all over. I was near being run over yesterday by a carriage.