Imatges de pàgina

wering us to be Enemies they ufed the greateft Exertions to get off, and difplayed a Gallantry in commencing an Action with fuch a fuperior Force, as might be truly termed Temerity, for I evidently could have deftroyed them. You will find by their Return of Killed and Wounded they facrificed many Lives. It was near Half paft Five when they ftruck, and I directly made the Emerald's Signal to chafe the Third Sail, which appeard to be the other Frigate; but foon after discovering Seven more, and it being doubtful whether the Emerald (whofe Copper is very bad) would come up with the Frigate, I made her Signal to attack the Convoy, which Captain Waller in a very Officer-like-Manner executed, and before Night had Poffeffion of Four of the largeft. As foon as I had fecured the Frigates, and put them in a State to make Sail, which took near two Hours, I gave chafe to the other Frigate, but after four Hours the Wind dying away, and not appearing to gain on her fo as to expect Succefs, I hauled towards the Emerald, and in the Afternoon took a Brig; it then becoming quite calm, and continuing fo till after Dark, I law no more of the Enemy, and the next Day joining the Emerald, I made for this Port with the Prizes, and arrived fate with them all the 10th in the Morning, when I found the Incendiary had arrived the previous Day with Two of the Stragglers that he had fortunately picked up in looking for me. In this Tranfaction I trust their Lordships will believe, that nothing in my Power was left undone to fecure the whole of a Convoy fo important to the Spaniards. The two captured Frigates which were bound to Lima with Quickfilver, are completely ftored for fuch a Voyage, and recently coppered. On board of the Carmen the Archbishop of Buenos Ayres was a Paffenger. I herewith fend you a Lift of the Prizes, with their Force and Destination,


Return of Two Spanish Frigates captured by the Leviathan and Emerald on the 7th April 18.0. Carmen, Don Fraquin Porcel, Commander, (commanding the Expedition,) of Thirty-fix Guns, Three Hundred and Forty Men, and Nine Hundred and Fifty Tons, from Cadiz bound to Lima, laden with One Thousand Five Hundred Quintals of Quickfilver, Sundries of Cards, and Four Twenty-four Pound Guns; ftored for Foreign Service, and victualled for Four Months; newly coppered; Weight of Metal Twelve Pounders; Paffenger on board, El Senor Ylluftrifimo Don Pedro Ynfcencio Bejarano, Archbishop of Buenos Ayres.

Florentia, Don Manuel Norates, Commander, of Thirty-fix Guns, Three Hundred and Fourteen Men, and Nine Hundred and Fifty Tons, from Cadiz bond to Lima, laden with One Thoufand Five Hundred Quintals of Quickfilver, Sundries of Cards, with Five Twenty-four Pound Guns: newly coppered and Copper faftened; Paffenger Don Jofef Balcafino, Official Real.

Return of Killed and Wounded on Board the Two Spanish Frigates.


Officer and 10 Men, killed; 16 Men

wounded. Florentia, Officer and 11 Men, killed; 1ft and 2d Captain, with 10 Men, wounded.


Lift of Veffels captured by his Majelly's Ships Levia. than, Swiftfure, Emerald, and Incendiary, under the Orders of John Thomas Duckworth, Efq; RearAdmiral of the White, &c. &c. &c.

Spanish Ship Purifama Concepciona, from Cadiz bound to Teneriffe, Laden with Sundries; fent to Lisbon, March 20, 1800.


French Ship Le Puy de Dome, from Malaga bound
to Cayenne, laden with Sundries; fent to Gib-.
raltar, March 23, 1500.

Spanish Ship Confiance, of Ten Guns, Seventy
Men, and Two Hundred and Twenty Tons, from
Cadiz bound to Buenos Ayres, laden with Salt,
Wine, Snuff, Tobacco, and Oil; fent to Gib-
raltar, April 6, 1800.

Spanish Brig Los Anglefe, alias Barcelona, of Four-
teen Guns and Six Swivels, Forty fix Men, and
Two Hundred and Thirty-three Tons, from
Cadiz bound to Lima, laden with Bale Goods,
&c; fent to Gibraltar, April 6, 1800.

Spanish fhip La Baftanefa, of Four Guns, Thirtyfive Men, and Three Hundred Tons, from Cadiz bound to Buenos Ayres, laden with Sundries; fent to Gibraltar, April 6, 1800.

Spanish Sloop La Neuftra Senora de los Delares,
of Thirteen Men and Seventy Tons, from Cadiz
bound to Buenos Ayres, laden with Sundries;
fent to Gibraltar, April 6, 18co.

Spanish Brig El Veneato, of Eighteen Men and
Eighty-five Tons, from Cadiz bound to Clu
Salida, laden with Wine, Spirits, &c.; fent to
Gibraltar, April 7, 18:0.

Spanish Ship Providence, of Thirty-two Guns, One
Hundred and Eighty Men, and Five Hundred
Tons, from Cadiz bound to Lima, laden with
Bale Goods, &c.; fent to Gibraltar, April 7,

Spanish Ship Caraguena, of Fourteen Guns, Seventy
Men, and Two Hundred and Sixty Tons, from
Cadiz bound to Vera Cruz, laden with Bale
Goods, &c.; fent to Gibraltar, April 7, 18co.
Spanish Ship Madre de Deos, of Eight Guns, Se-
venty Men, and Two Hundred and Sixty Tons,



from Cadiz bound to Lima, laden with Bale Goods, Wine, &c.; fent to Gibraltar, April 7,


Spanish Schooner Jefus Nazareen, from Cadiz bound to Montevido, laden with Bale Goods, &c. ; fent Gibraltar, April 7, 1800.

(Signed) J. T. DUCKWORTH.




No. IV.

Downing Street, May 6, 1800.

THE following Intelligence, which had been

received at Vienna, has been tranfmitted from Lord Minto to Lord Grenville, His Majefty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in a Letter dated April 20.

ACCOUNTS have been received from General Melas dated the 10th Inftant.

It had been the General's Intention to move for.. ward against Varagio on the 9th, bu: having learnt that the Enemy having received a Reinforcement of Three Thoufand Men, intended to make a vigo rous Defence in this advantageous Pofition, Gc. neral Melas halted in confequence, and deferred the Attack until the following Day; the Battle was bloody, a great Number of Men being killed on both Sides; at length the Perfeverance of His Imperial Majefty's Troops was fuccefsful; feveral Officers and about Two Hundred Men were made Prifoners; among the former were fome belonging to the Suit of General Maffena, who had haftened in Perfon to the Scene of Action, in the Hope that his Prefence would infpire his Troops with addi



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